17 | Bruises and Bandages

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"just so you can mend me all over again."

- e.k.


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I walked into River's house, following behind his mother, who I towered over. She was excited, and it made me suspicious. She was always scheming, but it made me love being in River's house more. Her hips swayed a little more than usual, adding to her enthusiasm.

Nico's voice boomed from the living room, "River has an announcement, and I'm sure it's an entertaining one."

"Wait!" River's Ma walked faster to the room everyone appeared to be seated in. "Gabby's here, too."

We stood in the middle of the large arch separating the foyer from the main room, and everyone turned their heads to face us. I didn't get to process anything when someone threw a baby blanket into my hands, and I had to make sure my hand didn't let go of my keys as recognition reigned me in.

"River, why did your mother shove a child's blanket in my hand?" I whispered with widened eyes as I looked at anyone for an answer.

Nico stood like he was ready for a boxing match, saying, "Come on, give us the news. What did your sister name her child?"

Oh. I didn't know Rosali was pregnant.

River's Ma began to laugh, walking toward Nico with a baby in her arms. When did she get a hold of a baby? "Oh, darling. This is Nia Lewis. River's child."

I felt the blanket almost slip from my hands along with my keys, and I had to stumble over my own two feet to regain my hold on them. "What?"

The baby was held toward Nico. He paused before taking a step back, eyes darting to River as he asked, "Wait. Did you say River's child!? How?"

"Nico, when a woman and man, you know, have s-" Edvany began, and Teagan's laughter seemed to have made River appear less tense than he was a moment ago.

A small debate over Nico holding the child was like a quick passing through my ear as I watched baby Nia blink up at him, finally in his arms. I never saw him stand so still in my entire life; it was fascinating.

After a few of his mumblings uttered from his mouth, I opened mine to start questioning my entire existence because- what the actual fuck was going on?

"I'm- sorry, I'm a little slow," I stumbled over my words and walked closer to everyone. I didn't even get the chance to say hi yet, so I did. "Uh, hi, everyone, but what the fuc-fudge?"

River was avoiding everyone's eyes, keeping them focused on his daughter. Daughter. How did we go so long without finding out? He didn't say anything about having a kid before, he didn't even utter a single complaint or panic when the word 'kid' was thrown around in random conversations. My best friend, who I thought I'd known so well, remained quiet.

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