23 | Holding Onto You

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"you cannot leave me to fray."

- e.k.


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Gabriel didn't talk much after that night. He didn't tell anyone what happened, or how he got the burn on his chest. Although he didn't speak to me directly, he always held me near him, and I let him because I knew he was holding on to a very thin string. It was like I was stopping him from completely spiralling. I was scared. He couldn't hold onto me this tight forever.

If we weren't together, he was texting me or calling to hear my voice. I comforted him where I could, I ranted about things I never told anyone just to reassure him I was still here with him, and every time I stopped he sent me a text telling me to speak again.

One time, I missed a call because I was in the shower. He showed up at my house five minutes later with a panicked look on his face and almost broke down when he rushed to hold me. I didn't cry even though I wanted to. I needed to stay strong for him.

Gabe told the authorities what was asked of him. Zion let me know the day after I called the police, informing them the missing person they were relentlessly looking for was sleeping for hours on my chest. The slight look of betrayal on his face when they came knocking on my front door broke my heart, but it had to be done. Arlo caught on that something was going on and made sure my mother was out of the house for it. I was eighteen, old enough to hold my own. I didn't need her for anything. I never did.

After that, the love of my life locked himself up in his head. He refused to show a hint of emotion to anyone, including his friends, who all silently panicked every time he was near them. They were worried he was going to explode, yet stood with him the entire time. Gabe's distance stares at them hurt. I could tell Nico was shattering, River was preparing, and Zion was-

"Fucking heartbroken," Nico whisper-yelled to me.

We sat in Ancient History, not really listening to the Ancient History teacher explaining the backstory of trade and economy in Ancient Rome. Nico had dashed to sit next to me. He was bursting to talk about something, and I couldn't say no to listening to him.

"Pearl broke up with him when Gabby was missing," Nico continued, fully facing me, not caring that the teacher was starting to notice his distracted state. "And the moment she broke up with - the day of it, actually - Gabby was back! Do you not see how suspicious that is? Please tell me I'm not the only one thinking like this."

I opened my mouth to tell him that we'd talk about it later, not when Mr Kane was glaring at him, but he continued his rant.

"That would explain the looks he gives Pearl. You notice them, too, right? I bet he's wishing death upon her, no joke. They were barely there at all before he went missing, but now, every time he gets the chance to, Gabby's just glaring at her!"

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