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I started to hear the voice in the back of my head as I stared up into the flashing lights on the ceiling. The ecstasy high was wearing off, but I wasn't quite ready to leave. I felt a nudge on my shoulder as a man with a bald head covered in tattoos handed me a tightly rolled bill. I gave him as smile as if he could read my thoughts and took the bill from his fingers, leaning forward towards the glass tables, and snorted two lines of coke he had brought. I shot back up as the burning sensation ran through my nose rubbing the excess white powder off with my finger tip and running it onto my gums. I was surrounded by people I didn't know, but they were my kind of people. I sat there for a few more minutes before getting jittery and moving to the center of the club. I threw my head back, and giggled as the high of another substance replaced my sobriety. I closed my eyes and tuned into the vibrations dancing in my chest and the touch of numerous bodies pressing against me. I wasn't much of a dancer, but being pushed around by other people made me feel like I was already dancing. This is one of the things I loved most about my life. This feeling of being free and happy. Drugs made me happy. The bass of the music in my chest made me happy.

"Not much of a dancer are ya?" A voice said from behind me. I was still in a trance with music and the lights to answer him. I felt him grab my hips and press my back to his chest as he swayed us to the music. He felt hot, and I could feel his damp shirt against my back. I went along with his movements, laying my head against his shoulder I ran my hands up to his neck and into the hairs at the back of his head. I felt the chains of his necklaces on his neck, the metal warm to the touch. I continued to close my eyes and focus on the way my body was feeling.

"What do you say we get out of here and head back to mine?" He turned his head to say in my ear. I felt the metal in his face as he caressed my cheek with his. Just like that he ruined my high. I didn't bother to look at him as I stopped moving in time with him. I sighed and pushed myself off of him, rolling my neck to work a pinched nerve I had gotten from the position I was in. "Only in your dreams my dude." I yelled out as I walked away from him. I squeezed my way through the sea of people, stumbling slightly due to the bodies and platform shoes On my feet. I exited through the alley side door, the warm summer breeze hitting my skin was a slight relief due to the warmer temperature inside. I pulled the metallic cigarette case from my jean pocket and slipped a cigarette between my lips. I flicked open my zippo lighter and began to walk towards the street when the club door opened and closed. I paid no attention it until I heard that voice call out to me again.

"A girl like you shouldn't be walking alone at night." I was already walking away rolling my eyes and chuckled at the comment. "You shouldn't get caught with a girl like me alone at night." I blew out the smoke as I spoke with one hand on the back of my head and the other in my pocket. Before I could take another step I was slammed against the brick wall. I had dropped my cigarette in the process. Now I was pissed. 'Who the fuck does this guy think he is.' I opened my eyes to see blue ones staring back at me. I was seething with rage. "Let. Me. Go." He was slightly hunched over so we could see eye to eye. The man before me was one I had never seen before. Being involved in my type Of crowd I thought I had seen it all, but he was unlike any other. I trailed my eyes down his features from the messy black hair, to the eyebrow ring on his left side, the three studs in one nostril, a hoop in another, there was a ring in the middle of bottom lip which was pulled into a smirk, but what caught me was the scarring. So many scars. Under his eyes and taking up the bottom half of his face. I could feel his breath fan out over my face as he spoke "But we were having so much fun."

There was fire in my eyes and the blood boiled in my veins. I breathed out and smiled at him, batting my eyelashes slightly. "Oh that's right, you're the dancer." I moved my hand to cup his cheek. I watched his he leaned into the touch. I had him right where I wanted him. Before he had a chance to touch my hand I kneed him in the stomach, flipping us and pinning him to the wall. I took my hand out of my pocket and held my switchblade to his throat. "What do you say, still wanna have some fun?" I growled at him as he groaned from the sudden contact to the wall. The sudden reversed roles cracked the confident demeanor he held, but only for a second. He regained his composure and smiled at me. "Knife play. Kinky." My facial expression remained cold as he looked down at me "Here's how this gonna go down, you're gonna stand there like a good little boy and watch me walk away. If you so much as blink before I'm gone I'll spill your blood all over the pavement. Got it?" "Come on, ease up. I was only playing." I pushed the knife down a little harder. "You wanna play? You gotta pay." I glared at him. He laughed In my face. He wasn't taking me serious and it was seriously pissing my off. My peripheral vision was starting to blur from
The intensity of my anger. "Oh so you're a prostitute I get it now." He continued to smile down at me as if this were a game. I was quick to bring my knee up to his stomach again, but he was quicker grabbing my leg and shoving it down. "I'm not a prostitute you dumb fuck. There's more than just prostitutes and strippers in the sex industry. You know what? I should just kill you here and now to save me the trouble." "Oh please do tell what your career is" he leaned forward with a glint in his eyes.

I scanned over his features once more as the voice in my head rang out. 'Another client means more money.' 'You already have a record, but let's not add murder to it.' 'If this is the easiest way to get him out of your hair just do it.' I lowered the knife from his neck and held it at my side. The adrenaline from the anger in my chest turned into excitement. He was still leaned forward so I took the opportunity to lean up in whisper in his ear "I'll make you come with just the sound of my voice." I heard the hitch In his throat but the confidence in his voice came back "I'm all ears baby." I could feel the heat radiating from his body as I blew air from his ear down to his neck sending a visible shiver through his body. "I know what boys like you want. You want a pretty little slut to bend over the bed. More specifically you want a pretty little slut like me bent over the bed. I'll beg and beg please daddy fuck me." He groaned as he tried to rest his forehead against my shoulder. I brought the blade back up to his chin "ah, ah, ah no touching." He looked at me with those bright blue eyes and I could see the fire In them. "You want me down on my knees while you watch me sucking your cock. You want me to take it all but I can't I need a little guidance. I wanna feel you force your way down my throat. You wanna feel the power you hold over me while tears drip down my face and the feeling of my throat grip your cock while I gag. I promise I'll be a good little girl. I'll swallow it all just for you daddy." At this point his breathing his heavy and a lot quicker than before. I looked him in the eyes the whole time I spoke. "Daddy please I'm begging you to fuck me. I want to feel every inch of you. Make me scream your name. Please, please fuck me." He cussed as he threw his head back. I leaned into his ear and spilled soft quiet moans into him. He tried to grab my hip, but I slapped his hand away. I brought the knife up to his neck and smiled. "You want me to stop?" "No, no please don't stop." He breathed out. I trailed the knife down his neck and over his chest, stopping at the zipper of his jeans. He sucked In a breath as I traced patterns in the denim where his dick was. 'I got him right where I want him. I always love it when they beg.' I continued tracing patterns on his jeans while I continued to whisper In his ear. He was like putty in my hands. Fucking pathetic. He let out an annoyed grunt when I stopped the traces with the blade I ran it back up towards his collarbone. He furrowed his brows and looked down at me. He was getting angry. Time to finish him off. I quickly swiped the knife just below his collarbone. He hissed at the pain and tried to look down at the cut. His head shot up, anger filling up those blue eyes of his. We both looked at the blood on the knife, his eyes flickering between mine and the knife. The devilish grin on my face would have made Satan himself proud. "You wanna know what my career is? Fine I'll tell you. It's seduce and destroy." I looked this man in the eyes and ran my Tongue over the blade and licked it clean. That was enough to send him over the edge. I watched as he threw his head back and grunted. I watched his chest go up and down while he caught his breath. I slipped the knife back in my pocket, slipped out a card, and shoved it in his pocket. I turned on my heels and pulled out another cigarette to light. He was fumbling with his words just before I rounded the corner. "I never got your name!" He shouted. I stopped at the entry to the street and gave him one last look "look at the card dumbass."

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