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I yawned as I laid up against my chair in the shop. My next appointment wasn't for another hour, but I sat with Shig while he tattooed an eagle on a guys chest. I scrolled through my phone occasionally glancing to the man wincing in pain. 'What a pussy.' I chuckled. Shigaraki was too busy concentrating to speak all that much. My mind wandered back to the other night when I found Bones' website.

I scrolled through my phone looking through all of the still shots of men and women bound to chairs, tied to a bed, lying on benches, and other numerous positions and toys in different parts of the body. Every video ranged in different prices and different amounts of time, ranging from $500-$2,000 a video. Picture bundles were $100 whether that be of her, the other people, or both I wasn't sure of. All of the graphics and videos had one worded titles as if she had nicknamed the people she played with. Some of the videos had repeated nicknames for repeat clients. I played with the idea of BDSM sure I mean the women loved when I roughed them up but I never thought to do anything like this before. I seemed so vanilla compared to what she does and I haven't even seen it in action. I continued to scroll to the bottom of the page where I found links to her social media sites, FAQ's, and a contact link. My palms started to sweat as the idea of hitting the contact link crossed my mind. 'Maybe I should see what all of this is really about.'

I scrolled back up to the photo bundles and read through the nicknames, trying to decide on which to buy just as a preview. I landed on a picture bundle labeled 'Rockstar' the preview was a woman with chin length black and purple hair. She had a septum piercing and two nose piercings on ether side of her nose with chains that attached from her nose to her tragus piercings on each ear. Her lobes were stretched  and I could make out small music notes on the plugs she wore. She was on her knees with her hands tied behind her back. A black rope was tied into a pattern over her chest, stomach, and seemed to keep her hands tied behind her back. Around her neck was a stud choker that had a chain attached. The chain was held by another woman standing behind her. The woman behind her was none other than Bones. The only thing covering her were a set of black X pasties over her nipples and a skin tight cropped black jacket that covered her shoulders and her arms. The girl down on her knees covered the lower half of Bones. "Fuck me." I breathed out. I grabbed my wallet from the nightstand, and thumbed through to my credit card. I created an account and purchased the photo bundle. There were twenty different stills of this woman and Bones together. The look of pure bliss and pain were written all over her face as I scrolled through the photos. The photos the contained the two of them only made the ache in between my thighs worse. Bones held a look of power and dominance. The woman underneath her was under her control. The feelings in these photos from both women radiated through my phone. 'I can only imagine what it's like in reality.'

After jerking off three separate times to the photos I had made up my mind. 'If this is the only way to see her then I'll take it. I'll make her mine. I'll show her whatever it is that's she's missing and fill the void. Clearly doing things like this, she is missing something in her life.'

I was pulled from my thoughts with a smack to the head. "Ow man, what the fuck?" I glared at Tomura and rubbed the side of my head. "Dude you've been spaced out forever, you've got an appointment here." He was right. I was so lost in my own head I hadn't realized the he had finished with his client, and was already cleaning up the room. I sighed and stood up to walk to the front desk. By the time I arrived one of the artists apprentices' was already speaking to the woman at the front. "My next client is a dude. This isn't what I was expecting." I looked back and forth from the apprentice to the woman standing in front of the desk. My eyes stopped at the woman when I saw her. She had on a black tank top with a choker the had long spikes protruding from the leather. Her face covered by a black mask and her black hair going past her shoulders. 'The woman from the gym.' She looked at me with a familiar a glint in her eyes. The feeling in the back of my head made me think I knew her from somewhere, but the only place I could think of was seeing her in passing at the gym. "She's here to see Shigaraki for a consult." The apprentice turned towards me. "He just finished up I'll take her."

I turned towards the woman and nodded "follow me." She said nothing, but the heavy sound of her boots made me well aware that she was following me. "Hey Shigaraki, this one here wants  a consult. You got time?" We walked into the station as he washed his hands in the sink. "Sure thing whatcha got for me?" He turned towards us, wiping his hands on a paper towel. "I want a black and gray realism portrait." The woman stated nonchalantly. "Alright of who, and where?" "My ass, and of Jeffery Dahmer. I want his mugshot to be exact." Tomura whistled at her idea. "Gotta say that's bold. I'm sure I can do it let's see the blank canvas then. Dabi close the curtain and step out." I began to turn to leave, but she stopped me. "It's fine, he can stay." She turned towards me with the same mischievous glint in her eyes as she looked me up and down.

The way she spoke, and the way she looked at me made the feeling of familiarity at the back of my head grow. My head couldn't remember her, but the twitch of my dick definitely started to remember her. I closed the curtain and stood in the corner of the room, eyeing her to see what I could remember from her. Tomura rubbed the back of his neck "Alright then, let's see what we're working with." She turned around and began to unbutton her jeans, pulling them to her thighs. Her legs were covered in tattoos from as far as I could see. Tomura walked over to get a better look "And how big are you wanting to go?" "As big as you can get it my dude. I want it to cover up as much skin as possible. Go big or go home right?" She laughed. 'My dude. My dude? Wait a minute. Wait a fucking minute. I only know of one person I've heard say that. No way. That's not possible. This one has long hair, but the eyes are so familiar, and her voice. I can hear it clear as day in my head now.' I looked her side profile when my dick twitched again. I could feel the tent forming in my pants as she stood there. I could see a small dagger on her face under the loop of her mask next to her ear. Realization hit my like a ton of bricks when I heard Tomura speak. "You're right about that. Email me the reference picture, and get with front desk to set up a time here." She turned around to face him while pulling up her jeans.

"Actually I'm gonna need this done at my place. I'll pay double your rate." He scoffed at her answer and I involuntarily winced. He glanced at me for second. "No can do sweetheart. The shop or no tattoo. All of my equipment is here and I could lose my license for doing that." She rolled her eyes and sighed reaching her in back pocket to pull out her wallet. He handed him the familiar black card and my eyes widened when he took it. 'No way. No fucking way. That's her. Out of all of the shops in the district and she comes here. Shig don't fuck this up.' I continued to lean against the wall, looking back and forth between them to find any sort of reaction. He read the front and back of the card eyeing her in the process. She took off her mask, smiling at him while revealing two diamond crusted canines. The piercings in her cheeks made her dimples deeper.  "Y-you're Bo-"

"Ah, ah, ah. Don't go spoiling the surprise now. Don't want everyone to know I go out in the daytime." She held a finger to his lips, and taking the black card with her other hand. His eyes were wide as he looked from her to me seeming to be at a loss for words. "Careful now, you're drooling." She smirked, placing two finger under his chin to close his mouth. She held out her hand "Gotta pen?" 'Fuck even the most simple things rolled off her tongue like satin. So smooth and soft, but what she does contradicts it.' I had accidentally let out a groan which made them both look at me.

I cleared my throat and nodded to her hand as Tomura looked at me. That seemed to snap him back into reality as we walked over to his hardware chest to look for a pen. Her eyes lingered on me though. I looked her in the eyes and felt like I was choking from the dominating and controlling look she had in those eyes. 'Fuck she knows. She knows about my application.' Tomura came back just in time as I felt my knees grow weak with her gaze. He handed her a pen and she grabbed his hand causing him to visibly tense. She clicked the pen and wrote on the palm of his hand. "If you consider my tattoo give my guy a call, and he'll set things up." She bent down and blew on his hand while looking towards me. She pulled her mask back over her mouth and ripped the curtain open. "I look forward to working with you." She nodded to Tomura before walking away.

She stopped halfway down the hall before turning her head back "I'll be seeing you around as well Dabi." All I could hear were the heavy steps of her boots, and the rapid beat of my heart in my ears. I turned to look at Tomura, his face red from the interaction. "Dabi, what did she mean by that?" I rubbed the back of my neck while trying to think of a way out of this "Well you see I might-" "Dabi your client is here!" The apprentice at the front desk yelled. I quickly looked between Tomura and the hall, and took this as a way to avoid the conversation. I hightailed my ass right out of his studio and to the front before he could ask me again.

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