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I groaned as my phone continuously rang somewhere in the bed. The sunlight leaking through the window above the bed did not make waking up any better. I threw a pillow over my head as the phone continued to ring. After the third call I sat up to search for it. "What's a guy gotta do to get some sleep around here?" I asked rubbing my eyes to concentrate. "Sleep? Dabi do you know what time it is?" "Does it really matter? I was having a really fucking good dream? Shig." "It's 12:30. You were supposed to be here 45 minutes ago. Your first appointment is in 30 minutes." I groaned internally. "Fuck okay okay I'm awake. I'll be there as soon as I can." I sighed as I threw my legs off of the bed. I lifted my arms above my head to stretch and get ready for the day. 'I'm already gonna be late might as well make the best of it.' I flipped the light on in the bathroom to fix the damage that is my bed head. Multitasking isn't one of my specialties as I tried to brush my teeth and fix my hair. I rubbed my eyes one more time knowing that this was as good as it was gonna get with the little time that I had. I threw on some clothes, and made sure to grab my keys and my phone. I reached for my phone from the night stand and noticed the black card sitting next to it. Events that transpired last night flashed through my mind. A tingle ran through my body as I grabbed the phone and the card sticking both in my pocket. I made my way to the door and grabbed the longboard next to it. Locking the door behind me I pulled my hood over my head and began to head to the shop.

I skated down the street, passing by people on my way to work. My head went back to the woman from last night. 'I needed to see her again.' Her face was a little fuzzy in my mind, but what I couldn't forget were the words she spoke and her lips. Both could bring any man to his knees and start wars over her. 'But how would I see her again? There wasn't a phone number on the card.' It was as if she wanted to be seen and heard, but not spoken to. 'I'll just have to use what she gave me to find her. What she doesn't know is that I'm a stubborn man, and I will get what I want no matter what.' I smiled to myself as I rode to the door to the shop. I lifted the board from the ground and walked inside.

"Dabi you're late again. Another long night?" Shigaraki asked as I walked into the back. "Yeah something along the lines of that." I put my board against the wall of my station. He tossed me an energy drink while I pulled up the appointments for today on a tablet. I was booked for ten clients today. I was in for a long day by the looks of it. "You're lucky Johnny isn't here today or else you'd never hear the end of it." Shigaraki said as he prepped a stencil for his first client. "Yeah yeah yeah I know but he's not here so let's just move on from it. Is my first client here yet?" As soon as I asked the bell to the shop door rang as it opened. "Just In time." He chuckled at you.

Shigaraki and I worked one of the local tattoo and piercing shops in the district. He had a knack for the art while I handled the piercings. We worked along side three other artists and one other piercer. I couldn't draw to save my life, but needles on the other hand I had plenty of experience in that department. I led a girl to my station and went over the paperwork with her. She had come to me wanting her ear decked out in multiple piercings. "You can have free reign of the design all I ask is that the jewelry is gold. My lobes are double pierced but that's about it." She spoke to me. I nodded and took a look at the anatomy. I took some measurements of her ear and began to piece together a design for her.

"Got any plans after work tonight?" Shigaraki asked while lying on the massage table, drawing a new tattoo commission for a client he had coming in a few days. "Same old, same old. Gym time and video games. You down?" I peered over at him as I washed my hands in the sink and started the autoclave. He contemplated for a moment. "Mm sure someone's gotta whip your sorry ass into shape." I raised my eyebrows "my sorry ass? You're one to talk I can bench press your weight you don't have shit on me." "You had better put those words into action then." He laughed at me.

After leaving the shop I skated home to change from jeans to athletic sweats and a hat to hold the hair back from my face, and made my way to the gym. "You know you have a car you should use it." "Shig skating is just the warm up. Why waste time doing cardio here when I could just get it out of the way beforehand?" "Whatever helps you sleep at night man." He shook His head and we walked inside.

It was humid inside from both the air conditioner and body heat. I could already feel the stares of people as we walked by. You would think after years of looking the way I do I would get used to the feeling, but some things just never change. Some days going out in public are harder than others, but it's just something I have to live with in order to have a somewhat normal life. I watched Shigaraki pull his hair up in a bun as he sat down on the weight bench. "Spot me." "Yeah I know the drill. I come here more than you do remember?"

I chewed the inside of my cheek, watching Shigaraki and glancing around at the other people in the gym. "I met a woman last night." I heard Shigaraki let out a breathy laugh as he pushed the bar above his head. "So that explains why you were late. How was she?" I peered down at him "I wouldn't know I didn't sleep with her last night. Hell I didn't even get to first base last night." He set the bar back on the hook before sitting up to switch me places. "I don't believe that. Infamous playboy Dabi didn't sleep with a woman? Incredible." I chuckled as I sat down "Yeah yeah, but this one, this one was different from the others. I tried I pulled some moves, but she pulled better ones." I laid down on the bench and watched Shigaraki give me a look. "What does that mean? I've seen you make even the most stubborn girls melt in your hands. Was she a man?" I grunted as I lifted the weights off of the hook "No asshole she wasn't a man." "Was she gay?" I tried to laugh as I pushed the bar from my chest "No. At least I don't think. I mean she looked like she would swing both ways." 'Shit I didn't think about that. There's no way though after what she did.' "Maybe she's not into assholes man, and believe me you're a big one. Did you at least get her name?" he laughed down at me. "I mean kind of. She gave me a card with a website and some social handles. Apparently goes by Bones or some shit like that." I breathed out as I set the bar back on the hook. I sat up and looked at him, his face red and wide eyed. "No way, Bones? As in The Bones?" I furrowed my brows at him. "What you know her?" His face got even more red. "N-no well not like personally no, b-but I've seen some of her stuff online. She literally has men paying to take her on dates, and that's not even the half of it. I first heard about her through a friend. You dodged a bullet man." His nervous tick kicked in and he started scratching at his neck. "Dodged a bullet? What the hell is that supposed to mean Shig?" I asked as we moved machines. "Ah, I think I'm gonna let you figure that out on your own. If you're really that interested then maybe you should check out her socials, but I warned you." I shook my head and chuckled "Can't be that bad man. I've seen it all." I looked him and he rolled his eyes "it's your funeral." Just as he said that a woman with long black hair, and a black mask walked in with a blonde haired man, both with very disinterested looks on their faces. I couldn't shake the familiar feeling In the back of my head, but I ignored it and continued my gym session with Shigaraki.

I fell onto my bed and sighed. After a shower and dinner it felt nice to lay in bed. I knew I was gonna be sore tomorrow so I'll bask in relaxation while I could. I thought back to what Shig had said at the gym. 'What did he know that I didn't? She seemed normal enough. Well as normal as people like me were gonna get. Sure she was very head strong, but where was the harm in that?' 'If you're really that interested then maybe you should check out her socials, but I warned you.' His voice rang in my head. I rolled my eyes at the thought. 'He's so dramatic sometimes.' I sat up and looked at the jeans I was wearing earlier laying on the floor. Curiosity really did get the better of me as I walked to the pants, and pulled the card from the pocket. 'What's the worst that could happen? I said I needed to see her again, and damnit I will see her again.' I pulled out my phone and searched the handles on the social media written on the card. The socials were private, but she seemed to have thousands of followers. I knew it was her from the profile pictures. They were the same on all of the social media she was on. Her eyes done in black makeup smeared down her face, a wicked grin as her tongue poked out of the corner of her lips. I could make out what looked like diamond canines in her mouth. Her eyes held the same mischievous, dirty look she gave me last night. 'Well there goes that plan.' I opened the search bar to the internet and typed in the website. I was taken to a website that seemed to be all about her. I continued to read through the page. The farther I read the wider my eyes got, and the bigger my dick got. I inhaled as I continued to read what she did for a living and how much she charged.

'She was a goddamn dominatrix.'

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