Finally, some good food.

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Ira and Oak were walking around town trying to find a good place to grab lunch. "What are you in the mood for? A new café opened up so we could go there if you want." Ira nodded and they made their way to a small café, they walked in and Oak ordered some drinks for the both of them, there wasn't any food on the menu that Ira wanted so they got there drinks and left to find somewhere else to eat. Oak got an iced tea and Ira got a hot chocolate, Ira held the drink in her hands a bit hesitant to drink it but she eventually took a sip.

"So how is it?" Oak ask and Ira gave them a thumbs up with a huge smile on her face, Oak chuckled and took a sip of her tea. "I still cant believe you have never tried chocolate before, it's one of my favorite desserts." Ira was sipping her drink and Oak pulled out their phone so they could find a place to eat.

"Oh we could go to starfish café! they have the best cakes there and it's one of my favorite places in Inkopolis!" Oak said and Ira nodded, they made there way to the café and waited in line to order. Oak grabbed a small menu for Ira to look at, after a minute or so she decided on a simple squid burger and it was finally time to order. Oak placed the order and they both sat down in a booth.

"Oh Ira, have you ever had cake before?" Ira shook her head at Oak's question, Oak got up and grabbed a cake menu for Ira and handed it to her. "Here, look through that and tell me what you want, we can order it after we eat our actual food." Oak said and Ira nodded as she read through the menu, she saw a double chocolate cake and instantly knew what she wanted. She wrote it down in her book and handed the menu and her book to Oak. "I knew you would pick that, the chocolate cake is the best here oh my cod it's so good!" Oak said and Ira smiled, she started writing in her book again and gave it Oak again. "Hey do you think you can teach me how to speak inkling? I wanna be able to actually talk to you instead of having to write everything down." Oak looked up at Ira and smiled, "Of course! I wanna hear your voice too, I bet it's as pretty as you." Ira looked at Oak, her face got hot and she pointed to herself. "P-Pretty...?!" Ira asked in surprise and Oak nodded. "Ira you're the prettiest person I have ever met, I'm so glad we became friends so quickly!" Oak said and Ira started quickly writing, she slid the book over to Oak. "I'm not that pretty! Just look at you, you're so much prettier than me I could never compare to you!!" Ira hid her face a little and Oak smiled softly, "Aww Ira you're such a sweetheart!" Ira took her notebook back and lightly hit Oak's arm. "What I'm just being honest!" Soon after that their food came and they began to eat.

"Finally some good fucking food." Oak said and Ira giggled, they finished up their food and they got up. Oak ordered two double chocolate cakes to go and they left. Ira wrapped and arm around Oak's and they started to head back to Pearls mansion, as they walked past the news studio Ira noticed Pearl and Marina so she waved to them. Marina looked at the girl and they both waved back with a smile on there faces, Oak looked over to see who Ira was waving at and saw the two idols and shyly waved to them as well. They made there way home and Oak set the cakes on the table, they wen into the kitchen and grabbed two forks and handed one to Ira. The sat down on the couch and opened the take out boxes.

"Oh uh when do you want me to teach you inkling? I'm not busy so anytime works for me." Oak asked and Ira grabbed he pen from her back pocket. "We can start today if that's okay with you." Oak nodded and took out her phone to text Marie. "Yeah that's fine, plus it means I get to spend more time with you!" Oak said with a smile and Ira got excited, she was able to spend more time with her favorite person! Ira finished up her cake and set the box aside, Oak ate half of theirs and set theirs aside as well. "Marie said I could stay the night again as long as its okay with Pearl and Marina, but until they get off work I'll teach you the basics how does that sound?" Ira gave them a thumbs up and Oak started teaching the octoling the basics of inkling. After a few hours of the teaching Oak heard a car pull into the drive way, Pearl and Marina walking into the house and set their stuff down.

"Yo Oak, Marie texted me earlier and I just wanted to let you two know that you both ca take the guest room." Pearl said and Marina nodded. "We're planning on making it Ira's room anyways." Ira threw her hands up in celebration and hugged Oak. Oak smiled and turned to the idols, before they could even say anything Ira looked at Pearl and spoke. "Thank you!"

"I was gonna say that!" Oak giggled and Marina looked at the kids with wide eyes. "A-Are you teaching her inkling?" Marina asked and Oak nodded, "She asked me too when we went to lunch." Marina smiled, "Well thank you for that, I was planning of helping her but I was worried I didn't have the time." Oak smiled softly and rubbed the back of their neck. "Also Oak how was your little date?" Pearl asked and Oak blushed a bit. "I-It wasn't a date! I was just showing Ira around!!" Marina giggled and smiled at the kids as she walked to the kitchen. "Well you two love birds should head to bed, it's almost 11."

"Jesus it's already that late?" Oak asked and stood up, Ira got up too and the both of them made their way to the guest bedroom. "Good night!" Ira said to the idols and they smiled and said it back to her. "Good night hun!" Marina smiled. "Sleep well lovebirds!" Pearl chuckled and Oak quickly shut the door.

"They are never gonna stop with the whole lovey-dovey junk will they..." Oak sighed.

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