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Julianna stormed to Windolyn's chambers. If her mother was going to insist on sending her to destroy the dragons and their magic she better learn what she could to keep her men alive.

Windolyn was in his study, a room attached right to his living chambers. He was leaning over an object and muttering to himself. Surrounding him were piles and piles of books and scrolls of all sizes. On his desk were three glass jars, a map, research journal and a quill with ink. Each jar holding small forms moving about. One filled with water held a miniature mermaid, while another held two little fairies. The third held a mini red dragon. The room was modest in size but housed more than should humanly fit. A hand full of white candles were scattered around the room, causing the room to be as bright as day.

"Wind, I need your guidance." Julianna said impatiently as she entered the room. Windolyn let out a little yelp, startled by the sudden entrance of the princess. The item windolyn had been peering at for hours flew into the air and landed with a soft click on the stone floor by julianna's feet.

Julianna knelt down to pick up the small object. The object shimmered and glittered in the light as she tilted it back and forth. She was mesmerized by the shining object in her hands. The world around her fell away till she heard windolyn's deep, raspy voice.

"My apologies, my lady. I was so focused on that dragon scale that I never noticed your entrance. And for the ten thousandth time it is windolyn. Not wind, not windy, not Lyn. Just windolyn." Windolyn said with a huff. Julianna giggled slightly, she looked down at the scale in her hand again and thought "this is a dragon's scale. It's absolutely beautiful and so hard." Windolyn let out a slight cough, again disrupting her thoughts.

"I am sorry windolyn; I'm just so frustrated at my mother. She's absolutely convinced that the dragon's magic killed father. She has decreed that I and five soldiers exterminate their race." Julianna paused for a moment watching the mermaid on his desk splash around in her jar. She looked for windolyn's expression, but his face kept a simple look of interest.

"I mean there hasn't even been any evidence, and you haven't declared the type of caster." Julianna said in frustration.

"What is it you need of me, princess?" Windolyn stared at the princess. "So the elf queen was right. The moon's daughter will meet her soul. The evil is surfacing in the queen." Windolyn's mind was racing as he waited for the princess to respond.

"I don't want to kill the dragons, windolyn I can feel it in my heart that it's not the dragons magic. The wild ox feels right. I need you to help me save the dragons. Either tell my mother the magic trail or give me the knowledge I need to help the dragons as I come to them." Julianna pleaded.

"Princess, why such the concern for these creatures?" Windolyn asked. He had to be sure the princess's intentions were pure before he sent her to the great dragon, whose scale she still had a firm grip on.

"My father was friends with the dragons, windolyn. He always said he pitied the curse they were under. I may not know what the curse is, but if my father felt pity I know he was right. I will not condemn their race when it feels completely wrong." Julianna spoke, at her side her fist was trembling.

"I know of a dragon you should go to. You can tell your mother you're going to slay her, I want you to take five knights that will follow your command completely and not stop you from not following your mother's order." Windolyn said carefully. "Go prepare your team and your supplies to off to flat peak mountain. I will have all the knowledge you need prepared for you before you depart." Windolyn spoke in a clear voice. His eyes locked on Julianna. Julianna nodded and turned on her heels. Before leaving she looked over her shoulder and said.

"In two months I will be 18 and I will be crowned queen. I only need that long, I only need to be able to still my hand till the coronation." With that Julianna was gone. Windolyn watched the door.

Julianna walked to her room, thinking of what she needed for this journey. She needed to choose her men. Of course she'd bring Fredrick, but whom else? Daniels was a good soldier she wouldn't mind having him by her side. The twins Brady and Ferra were very specialized knife fighters and loyal to her. They would be an asset to her. Who would be the last, who could she trust enough with this delicate situation. Harold was an older gentleman he had been around for even before fathers rule. He knew that her father had been a great kind. Harold was even still amazing with a bow and arrow. Julianna thought she could trust him.

Julianna reached her room soon than she thought she would. Fredrick was leaning against the wall next to her door, His eyes down and his arms across his chest.

"Where did you go? I'm supposed to guard you, and I can't do that if you disappear from my sight." Fredrick said his frustration leaking into his voice. Didn't she know how much he worried about her, how much he loved her? She seemed to never notice his feelings for her and he could never truly tell her. When he wasn't with Julianna he couldn't concentrate. She calmed his mind and made him feel at home. She had been the one to be there when his mother had passed away from her illness and she had been there when his father had given up from the sorrow and killed himself. How could he not love her? How could he not love her kind ways, her beautiful eyes? How could she not notice?

"I'm sorry Fredrick. I was discussing with Fredrick my plans for the dragons" Julianna said with a wave of her hand.

"You're not actually going to kill the dragons are you?" Fredrick asked cautiously.

"Of course not. They were my father's greatest allies and they will be mine as well." Julianna said releasing too much anger into her voice. She looked at Fredrick with an apologetic look. He smiled at her with his beautiful grin. Fredrick had turned into such a handsome man, how could she not notice how he had changed the last few years?

"I knew you would never harm them, you are too sweet and kind. What do you have planned instead?" Fredrick said, His eyes watching julianna with a newly filled joy.

"windolyn is sending me to flat peak mountain. There is a dragon there he thinks I should meet and it'll be cleverly disguised by my mother's demand as to what I'm really doing. I just need to stall for two months." Julianna said boldly.

"so who will you take with you?" Fredrick asked cautiously.

"daniels, brady, ferra, and Harold. I had to really think about the last." Julianna said teasingly. Fredricks eyes flashed with an emotion that julianna barely caught. It seemed like a dark desperation.

"and who did you choose?" Fredrick said quickly. Julianna debated teasing him further, but decided against it.

"of course it's you Fredrick. How could I go face a dragon without you?" julianna said calming fredericks nerves.

"you were teasing me?" Fredrick said with shock and annoyance.

" of course I was , how could you ever doubt I wouldn't bring you? I mean come on, I shouldn't have been able to tease you. You know me better than anyone." Julianna said her voice slightly raised. She didn't know why she was suddenly angry at Fredrick for really thinking she wouldn't bring him. Maybe it was because he knew her better than that? Maybe because she hoped she would see how much she needed him right now? She didn't really know, she just knew she was angry at him.

"I do know you, and I know how important this is to you. You wouldn't want to risk it to anything, not even for me." Fredrick shouted back at her. Julianna was taken back. Fredrick never yelled at her.

"and you are the only one I can truly trust with everything. I need someone I can trust wholeheartedly." Julianna yelled back before storming off, running away from Fredrick with tears stinging the back of her eyes.

Why did she let him affect her so? She was the princess and needed to be strong and not let a simple argument turn her to mush. She needed to handle arguments better but Fredrick was different she couldn't control how she reacted. julianna walked and thought about her reaction till she was in the palace gardens.

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