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~To all those out there who stopped doing what they loved,
or were forced to stop.

To all those out there too scared to give it a chance.

To all those out there stuck in a toxic cycle but do nothing to break free.



All rights to this book are reserved by the author herself. Any sort of plagiarism of the story will be reported.

The book is majorly but not entirely in English so any non-natives (non-Urdu/Hindi) speakers would have difficulty in understanding dialogues I apologize before hand. I am terrible at translations I can't bring myself to butcher the already butchered(romanized) Urdu language that I use in conversation/dialogues. I'm sorry! I'm trying real hard!

This book is posted on Wattpad only, hence if you find this on any other site (Yes NovelHd I'm looking at you!) your device might get subjected to malware.

The credits for the book cover belong to @shivanip641
Thank you so much precious!

This book is dedicated to all my beautiful readers who make time to read my horribly un-edited chapters, I'd have long disappeared if it wasn't for all your motivation!

Thanchuuuu! 😙

Enjoy the story

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