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"You look into my eyes
I look into yours.
Fear; swirling in the depths of yours.
Fear; glistening on the surface of my own.
I've never heard silence so loud,
I've never been So Afraid before."


Previously at the party

Swallowing tightly, Sarah wiped her trembling hands on the side of her trousers, pulling the shirt down, straightening non-existent creases. She pushed her curls to the back clearing her shoulders, then pulled in a long breath lowering her head.

The plan to humiliate Esha, that seemed so fool-proof and perfect before, didn't seem worth it anymore. A bitter kind of unease gnawed at her conscience since the moment she left Taimoor at the stage. However, she was still not sure if what she was feeling was her own guilt or it was him trying to pressurize her into feeling guilty. That question was always there.

But Was it worth it?

The thought ate away at her peace. She knew he hated any kind of derogatory or discriminatory behavior with anyone, and here she was acting like what she did wasn't wrong.

Sarah lightly banged her fist on the bar counter.

No, she wasn't wrong. Esha deserved it.

Then again was it all worth it?

The bar area was reserved for Meerub's guests which meant this place was thankfully secluded and Sarah could have a peaceful minute to think.

"Where's your entourage?"

Or not.

Gnashing her teeth, she raised her head, hot gaze boring holes in the slab of the counter.

Even though she didn't turn towards her, the girl knew Sarah was all ears.

"Isn't it funny how they were all there for you when you entered with your boy-toy but seem to be invisible now .."

Esha's jab at Meerub and her friends didn't get lost on her. But it was an old tactic the girl had been using since university days. If you can't be a part of them, try turning them all against each other.

"Give up, Esha. Honestly, It's pathetic to see you like this." Sarah finally graced her with a reply. Her tone dry and condescending, never betraying her inner dilemma.

"I mean we all know you're a complete wannabe, but even they have some self respect." She said, bringing her drink up and tipping it back slowly, taking a dainty sip, the fizz bubbling near her lips.

Esha swallowed, visibly hurt, then let out a low scoff.

"You're one to talk about Wannabes.. How could you forget one very persistent girl, who wanted to be a part of a certain clique so badly she crossed all levels of low just to-"

"Would you f*ck off!" Sarah snarled swiveling around on the bar chair.

The girl glared back, "Oh, you don't like the reminder? You think I forgot the things you did? No one did, actually."

Sarah's jaw tightened, enraged, her patience hung by a thread.

"What didn't you do to become a part of Daniyal's gang.. what didn't you do to get closer to him, to get attention-"

"I never did anything like that!" She hissed in reply, cutting Esha.

"Oh Really??" Esha argued, "Where do I even start? Did you not make Sir. Jawaad remove Rania from the final play and took Juliet's place? Even though it was something decided on the basis of good acting not higher C.Gpa but you were just dying to be in her place, weren't you?! All the rumours your group spread about her and-"

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