I Love You So

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The chapter song is in the second slide. I'll indicate when to play it ;)

1 week later

Today, I wore an elegant, long V-neck, black dress to work. The ratings for company reviews came out right after I had lunch with Moya.

I left home early to make sure everything was in place although Jannette had already confirmed everything was in order.

The company was having a short ceremony then a brief press conference. I watched as people started coming into the conference hall.

In no time, the room was packed. I spotted Hunter walking through the door with a group of people following him. They headed towards me.

Hunter turned to them with a small smile. "Guys, can I get some space please?"

I smiled. He was clearly annoyed with the group of people suffocating him yet he asked them to back off in the politest way possible.

He turned then sighed before sitting.

I watched my dad walk up to the stage then cleared his throat in the mic. "Good day everyone. Let's start now."

All the chatter quieted down.

"Today we are celebrating our company, Lodge and Bass Enterprise, becoming the number one company in the world," he said and everyone clapped. "First, I would like to acknowledge our two CEOs, Hunter and Sophia Lodge, board members, and former chairman...Mr. John Lodge. If it wasn't for their sacrifices we wouldn't have made it this far."

Sacrifices? You mean partially forcing Hunter and I into marriage.

Hunter and I quickly snapped our heads towards each other after hearing those three words.

Mr. John Lodge.

I looked around until my eyes landed on the old man sitting at the opposite side of the room, listening attentively to my blabbering father. I kept hitting Hunter until his gaze followed the direction mine was fixed on.

My eyes moved to his clenched jaw. I pulled his hand which turned his direction back in front of him.

Dad talked some more about why he decided to start his business and about the merger. Now Hunter and I sat on the stage in front of reporters with notebooks along with a good amount of photographers and cameramen.

"Can the first question go to Mrs. Sophia Lodge?" I nodded at the woman who was waiting for my approval. "How do you feel about having the perfect husband and now being blessed with a son? You guys have been together for less than what, a year and you already got pregnant. What are your thoughts on this?"

I sat shocked, totally unprepared for such a question.

"Only questions relating to the company's success will be answered." the MC chimed in.

The reporter laughed. "My apologies, I'll move to another question."

She looked through her notes looking for an appropriate question. It appears as though she only brought questions about my personal life.

The MC rolled his eyes. "Next person please."


The press conference was brief as intended since most of the reporters only wanted to hear about our personal life. It was understandable since Hunter and I barely showed affection towards each other in public and rather worse on social media.

I stood at a table sipping on champagne, watching my dad talk to old colleagues. We occasionally caught one and another staring at each other but didn't dare to talk to each other. I hadn't visited my mother's grave ever since I had Blaze and now that my dad has a new woman, I'm feeling extra guilty. Maybe it was time to let her go. He should be happy.

I turned to Hunter who was putting imaginary daggers into his father's back. "Stare any harder and those daggers might become real."

He snapped out of his trance to look at me. "How did you know I was..." he trailed off.

I tilted my head in the same direction as my dad. "I was doing the same thing."

He smiled while shaking his head. At that instinct, Hunter's friend from the board came. She held out two small boxes in front of us. "Two presents for my two bosses."

We both took a box and opened them. Inside my box, sat a gorgeous Rolex watch with diamonds all over it. My mouth dropped. Even I was fazed by such a gift.

"Taliyah, these are too expensive," Hunter said as he looked at the watch which was almost identical to mine. The only difference was that inside of his had black while mine had burgundy. He was right, these are too much.

"So you two are too good to accept gifts from me or do you think I can't afford such pricey items? Without you guys, I wouldn't be able to buy such a gift. You guys deserve it."

I couldn't even smile. I felt guilty but still grateful. "Well thank you."

She flashed me a smile. "Of course Mrs. Lodge. I'll see you guys at the next board meeting."

With that being said, she turned around and moved off. I took another mouthful of my champagne.

"Let's go," Hunter whispered into my ear. I nodded because the only thing I was wanted to do now is crawl into bed with Hunter and Blaze.


*start song here*

Blaze laid in my arms as I jiggled his toy above his head. Whenever I do this he seems amused. However, when I stop, he cries. I've been doing this for about ten minutes while Hunter just laid beside us on his phone. My arms were about to fall off soon.

"Why isn't daddy helping to put you to sleep," I grumbled to Blaze but it was intended for Hunter.

I heard him sigh then he took Blaze from me. He laid Blaze flat on his naked chest then rubbed his back. He then started rocking from side to side and humming a lullaby. Within minutes Blaze was fast asleep.

I'm done.

I saw Hunter turned to me with his smug smirk. I began to question my parenting skills. Hunter was a way better mother than I was. He always does everything better than me.

He got up slowly with Blaze and walked out of the room. He came back alone and carefully closed the door behind him.

"What? Do you want me to rock you to sleep too?" he asked while turning on the baby monitor.

I rolled my eyes before turning on my side to not face him. I felt the bed sink and his arms snaked around my waist. He then kissed me on the cheek.

"Don't be like that Sophia."

"Be like what?"

He used his arms to turn me over to face him. He gave me that look that he always does. The one that I always gave in to.

He pulled me into his chest then started rocking us both while his fingers ran through my hair. He then started humming the song I love you so by The Walters. His chest vibrated on my face as he hummed lustrously. I had to admit, the action felt soothing and before I knew it, I fell asleep.

Love & Business: Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now