Family Day

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I sat at the kitchen island waiting for Hunter to bring Blaze downstairs. He had a doctor's appointment to check to see where he's at.

Hunter walked in holding Blaze in one hand with the baby bag on his shoulder. Blaze was dressed in a striped onesie which was tucked into his brown pants with his cap turned backward.

His father wore a simple dress shirt with navy blue dress pants.

I approved of both of their looks. "Here's your coffee," I said as I handed it to him.

He looked like he could kiss me just about now. "You know me so well."

I smiled as I picked up my key. "We're using my car."

He frowned. "Why?"

I gave him a look. "Your new car isn't exactly baby appropriate."

He nodded then attempted to take away the keys before I pulled them away. "I'm driving too."

His frown grew even longer which earned a smile from me.

After everyone was buckled in properly, we hit the road.


"Watch out!" Hunter shouted as his grip on the door handle tightened.

I turned to him highly annoyed. This was the tenth time he said that.

"I get it now. You can stop saying that."

"I'm just making sure we reach our destination in one piece. You said my car wasn't baby-friendly but neither is your driving."

What was he talking about? I'm an excellent driver. It doesn't matter anyway. We reached our destination.

This wasn't a normal pediatric doctor's office. The fees were high and you had to have a certain status to get in. I wasn't too fond of their logic but Hunter's mind was set on this doctor.

"Okay, let's see how much Mini Lodge weighs," the pediatrician said as she put Blaze on her scale. She nodded with an impressed face. "12 pounds, not bad for a premature baby."

She did a regular check-up routine. Checked his ears, eyes, mouth, nose and other little things. Hunter and I just quietly sat and watched. Blaze being the good baby he was, just cooperated with her. After she finished, she handed back the baby to me and went to her desk to write her notes.

"I'm very impressed in the way he is maturing and keeping healthy. For first-time parents, you guys are doing great. Keep it up. All three of you get a sticker today."

She placed a red, smiley face sticker on each of our arms. I tried to contain my laugher but failed. After me, Hunter succumbed too. We paid then left.

While Hunter buckled in Blaze, I stood next to him. When he finished, I stretched out the key to him. "You drive."

He shook his head but I kept holding the key out. I didn't want to hear his nagging on the way back. Eventually, he smiled and took the key from me.

"Where to now?" he asked.

My stomach bumbled. "Lunch."


At this point, I think Hunter and I should just buy out La Rosa. I made a mental note to ask the owner if he was interested in selling.

The waitress came with her notepad. "What can I get you guys?"

Hunter, who was feeding Blaze his bottle, looked at me. I gave him that smile and he shook his head.

"No, not this again," he whined but I kept on smiling. He sighed. "two cheeseburgers please."

I nodded my head in approval. He knew me too well.

For first-time parents, you guys are doing great. Keep it up.

The doctor's words replayed in my mind over and over. I wished all the people on the internet who said I was going to be a bad mom could hear. Hunter was exceptional too. He took responsibility and became a great dad. A dad that his dad could never be. I'm proud of him.

"Blaze I think your mommy still has that staring problem. She just can't keep her eyes off me." I heard Hunter whisper which brought me out of thought.

I cleared my throat and tried to change the subject. "How about we spend the rest of the day at the park, yeah?"

He thought for a second then nodded. "Sounds good."

I smiled before the waitress came back with our burgers. This is why I loved La Rosa. They didn't take an hour to make one burger.

I devoured that burger in less than 2 minutes. Hunter looked at me shocked for a minute but continued to eat his.


We drove to a nearby park on the outskirts of the city. It was perfect. It had lots of trees, not many people were there and the sun was shining brightly.

We sat on a bench positioned right under an oak tree to get some shade. I angled Blaze in an almost sitting position in my arms since he couldn't sit up by himself unlike the other day. I wanted him to take in the beautiful view his parents were seeing as well. Kids ran around playing tag with each other as their parents watched them carefully from the sidelines.

Hunter leaned to my ear. "That will be us in a few years."

I groaned. "Don't remind me."

He laughed. I didn't like the idea of kids playing with each other in the park but then again I didn't have a normal childhood. My parents raised me not to make friends so I think I should raise Blaze the opposite way of how I was raised. Maybe just maybe, he'll come out better.

I felt something warm wrap around my hand. When I looked, it was Hunter holding my hand. He gave me a soft smile. It threw me off a bit because he seldom acts affectionately to me in public. He must have seen what I was thinking in my facial expressions. I quickly hid them with a warm smile.

I looked forward only to see a woman blatantly taking pictures of us like we were some kind of display. I shifted in my seat because it made me somewhat uncomfortable. Our security detail only cared if someone were to attack us. Anything other than that, we were on our own.

Hunter followed my line of vision then stood up. "Let's walk around the park then head back to the car."

I nodded then stood up. He took Blaze from me and buckled him into the stroller. Blaze was cutely sucking his pacifier while staring at us.

"I secretly sing in the shower at nights," Hunter, I blurted out randomly as we walked.

I turned to him, caught off-guard. "What?"

"After a long day at work, I sing in the shower to relieve my stress," he repeated.

I erupted with laughter.

He looked at me confused. "Why are you laughing?"

"Oh trust me, I knew that already. The whole neighborhood could hear you."

He gave me a playful punch. "Shut up. You're lying!"

I laughed again and again. "I just didn't want to embarrass you. I'm glad you came out clean Hunt."

He pursed his lips and put on that face. His expressionless face.

I wrapped one arm around him as I try to contain my laughter. Maybe I shouldn't have told him I had known at this.

I saw his lips starting to twitch and then he erupted with laughter as well. After that, we smiled in a comfortable silence all the way back to the car.

Love & Business: Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now