Have Fun

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Kennedy, Sabrina and I all laid on Lynda's living room floor, staring at the ceiling.

Lynda gave each one of us a kick. "Get off my floors, I just cleaned them."

None of us made any attempt to move. We were all going through something. I don't know what Sabrina and Kennedy were going through but I knew what I was. Hunter hadn't said anything at all regarding the divorce papers. Every time I managed to talk to him, he would change the topic to something else before I even reached the point.

"What is wrong with you three?" Lynda asked as she feed Malynda.

"Don't want to talk about it," Kennedy said.

"Don't want to talk about it." I mimicked.

"Jack." Sabrina blurted out.

All of our heads turned to her.

"He's been so distant. I think he's about to propose!" she said smiling to herself because of the last sentence.

I watched as Kennedy stiffened a little in my peripheral vision. She's been acting so weird lately, she knew something we didn't. Nevertheless, I respected her privacy.

They respected mine too which I was grateful for because I couldn't tell them the real reason behind my sudden sadness. They still weren't aware Hunter and I were in an arranged marriage and now possibly getting divorce.

Lynda groaned. "I'm tired of this! Let's get you three drunk tonight."

We all snapped our heads to her because of her sudden outburst.

"I can't I have a kid," I said making sure I excluded myself from this early.

"I'm in," Kennedy says.

"Me too!" Sabrina added.

They all turned to me with puppy dog eyes. I shook my head. "No, don't do that."

Lynda picked up her phone and called someone. "Hi Hunter, Sophia wants to go out with us. Can she?"

My eyes widened. "What are you doing?" I whispered.

She held up her index finger to me. "Yes...Uh-huh...will do. Okay bye."

She turned to me. "He said have fun."

"I won't because I'm not coming. Plus I don't need Hunter's permission to go anywhere. I'm an independent woman."


I sat in the passenger's seat next to Lynda. I was highly pissed off. They forced me into one of Lynda's dresses and pushed me into the car. This was one hundred percent kidnapping!

We parked in front of a club with a sign that had neon lights which kept cutting in and out. I couldn't help but wonder how my baby Blaze was doing so I picked up my phone.

"Nah ah!" Lynda said grabbing my phone. "No phones tonight. This goes for all of you," she said grabbing the other's phones.

Please forgive me, Blaze.

We walked into the club that was filled to the brim. The music was so loud that it vibrated unto my chest. I tried pulling down my dress that kept raising and revealing parts of my rare. I promised myself that I will never let anyone of them dress me again.

Sabrina led us to the bar. She seems to know her way around this place.

"Four shots!" she shouted to the bartender.

Lynda shook her head. "Just three. I'll be babysitting you guys."

We all took our shots and asked for another round and another and another. I began to think of everything. My dad, work, the side of Hunter that drives me crazy, literally everything.

Love & Business: Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now