A New Family

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I stood in front of the bathroom mirror fixing my bikini. I hadn't worn one of these in over a year. We were at some mansion Mason and Lynda rented for the friend group.

I didn't want to come but Hunter insisted that I did. He claimed that it'll "cheer" me up. I took a deep breath before walking out.

When I did, Lynda and Kennedy were standing in the kitchen laughing about something.

Lynda's eyes quickly snapped open when she saw me. "Sophia, you look so good! Are you sure you had a baby a couple of months ago?"

I smiled a bit. My stomach had flattened but you could still identify I used to be pregnant from the scar I had on my stomach due to the C-section.

Kennedy looked at me up and down. "You look great. You better lend me that."

"Buy your own," I said in a playful tone but fully meant it.

Both Kennedy and Lynda laughed.

"If you see the boys anywhere, tell them to come for dinner," she said and I nodded before rushing out.

I needed to find Hunter.

I walked until I found a door. When I opened it, no one was in there so I tried the next door. To my dismay, Sabrina and Jack were having a full-on make-out session. My mouth dropped. They hadn't realized I saw them so I quietly shut the door. Hunter had predicted this.

I walked into the living room where I saw Hunter playing video games on the television with Lynda's twins. Their backs were turned to me. Blaze and Malynda were fast asleep in the playpen next to them. I was about to interrupt them when one of the children started talking.

"Uncle Hunter?"

"Yes, Jason?"

"Do you like aunty Sophie?"

Hunter turned to the young boy. "Yes, I like her a lot. Why?"

"My daddy said you use to hate her and I don't want you to hate her. She buys me V-bucks."

Hunter erupted with laughter. "Don't worry about that. She's not going anywhere. The only thing you have to worry about is me killing you two seconds from now."

The boy paused. "Wait, what?"

Seconds after, a gunshot was heard on the television and the boy screamed. Both Jason's sister, Amaya, and Hunter laughed.

I took that as an opportunity to walk in. When the kids saw me, they jumped up.

"Aunty Sophie!" they both shouted simultaneously before hugging me.

"Hi, guys," I said hugging them back. "Your mom has your dinner in the kitchen."

They pulled back before running off. It was now just Hunter, the two sleeping babies and I left back in the room. He looked at me, seeming a little upset.

"Why are you walking around naked? Jeez, there are other men here."

I looked at him confused before realizing he was talking about my bikini. I smiled before sitting down on him. I wrapped my arms around him and he did the same. He can be so melodramatic sometimes.

"Are you feeling better?" he asked as he gently brushed my hair with his hand.

I shook my head. "I still want to go home."

He smirked. "Do you want me to do something that will make you feel better?"

I quickly lifted my face to see if he was serious or not. He was. I smiled and opened my mouth to answer before we were interrupted by Zach for the hundredth time.

Love & Business: Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now