One Year Anniversary

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I turned on my side as I tried to flicker my eyes open. Today was the day.

Today was our first wedding anniversary together.

The room was dark and the only thing that could be heard was the sound of the AC. Hunter was nowhere to be found.

I turned over again to his side of the bed only to notice a plate loaded with pancakes. It was decorated all around with raspberries and what I presume was raspberry syrup. I could see steam coming out of a full of what smelt like lemon-ginger tea. A smile instantly grew on my face.

I quickly picked up the fork and dug right into the pancakes. The texture inside was fluffy while it was harder around the edges-just the way I like them.

Don't even get me started on the taste. You could savour the flavor of the banana which indicated that the batter was made from scratch. The pancakes weren't too sweet although they had syrup on them. I closed my eyes and just allowed myself to take in such magnificently done pancakes.

I love my husband.

After chugging down the hot tea, I quickly got up and searched for him. I checked the nursery and neither he nor Blaze was present. I checked his office, living room, and kitchen. Still no sign of my two boys.

When I finally checked the backyard, Hunter stood talking on his phone while balancing Blaze on his hip. They were both shirtless with made me shake my head with a smile.

I tiptoed to them before hugging Hunter from the back. He looked back at me but didn't seem fazed at all. I smiled at him and he smiled back before returning his full attention back to the person on the other end.

I didn't mind. I played peek-a-boo with Blaze in the meantime and got to hug Hunter's warm skin although it was quite windy outside.

"Uh-huh...we'll keep in touch sir," he said, ending the call.

He turned around then looked down on me with a big smile.

"Happy anniversary Hunt," I said smiling up at him.

"Happy anniversary," he replied before giving me a quick peck on the lips.

He pulled me to his side while still having Blaze on his other side as we walked in the direction of our house.

"Who made those pancakes?"

He raised an eyebrow while looking down at me. "What do you mean? It was yours truly...and YouTube of course ."

I laughed as I opened the kitchen door so we could enter. "There's no way you made those."

"Have I not proven my cooking skills already?"

He had. "Fine but you have to make those for me every day for the rest of your life."

He laughed throatily. "Deal."

I sighed before taking out a small, black box from the hiding spot in the cupboard. He tilted his head looking a bit confused.

I blew out my cheeks one more time. "Don't make me regret this."

"Sophia, are you trying to propose to me again?"

I narrowed my eyes and gently placed the box in his hands. "Open it."

He nodded then handed Blaze to me. When he opened the box, he watched it, trying to register the small, black car remote.


Oh no here it comes.

"This is too much. You spent 18 million dollars on a car?"

I had bought him a La Voiture Noire by Bugatti. One of the world's most expensive cars. Yes, it had left a small dent in my wallet but I have been seeing Hunter eyeing it online for months now. He wasn't a materialistic person but when it came to Bugatti, he was a different person. It was worth buying him something after putting him through all that trouble. The money I spent would be quickly earned back anyway.

"A thank you would be nice," I said while I pretended to be upset.

He smiled and pulled I, along with Blaze into a bear hug. "Thank you so much," he mumbled into my neck.


I lay on the bed watching nursery rhymes with Blaze. It started to get annoying but every time I tried to turn it off, he started crying.

Hunter walked in. "Get dressed. I'm taking you out in 10," he said picking up Blaze.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm taking him to his sitter."

I got up and walk towards the door. "Oh, Moya is here? I should say hello."

He practically jumped in front of me. "No! Another sitter."

I stopped and raised my brows. "What do you mean another sitter?"

He sighed before looking down. "Your dad offered to take care of him so I agreed. Hear me out-"

"No!" I said then attempted to take away Blaze from him but he moved.

"It's only for tonight," he said rushing out the room.

"You can't make decisions like that on your own. He's my baby too and I said no!" I shouted chasing after him.

He ignored me and continued downstairs before I halted. In front of me was my dad standing with his hands in his pocket. He watched me before taking Blaze from Hunter with a warm smile. "There's my little two-time Olympic gold champion golfer."

I pursed my lips after hearing the nickname he gave my child. Hunter seemed like he was starting to regret giving Blaze to my dad.

"Maybe we should just make Blaze's usual sitter come," he said.

"What? Is grandpa not good enough to care of his grandson? Does his mommy not approve?"

I saw Hunter's jaw clench and his fingers rolled up into fists. "Mr. Bass, I respect you so please don't give me a reason to stop."

Dad looked guilty for his childish behavior. He then turned to me. "I'm sorry pumpkin. Go have fun with your husband tonight. I will bring him back safely tomorrow, I promise."

I walked over to Blaze then kissed him on the forehead. I didn't like this one bit. "Behave yourself for grandpa. Okay?"

With that being said, I walked out of the room to get dressed.


I wore a long, black dress while Hunter wore an all-black suit. We were now on our way to whatever surprise he had planned. He used the new Bugatti I bought and I could tell he was very impressed by the way he kept smiling uncontrollably.

I was a little upset that he talked to my dad and actually agreed for him to take care of Blaze for a whole night. If my baby dies, I'm suing them both. Hunter was fully aware that I was upset because he kept kissing my hand and giving me sad looks. He even attempted puppy dog eyes but quickly cringed at himself.

I know he didn't really care. If he did, he would've used his authoritative stare that I was always submissive to.


I hadn't even realized that we stopped until he opened my door for me. When I stepped out, the place was dark and excluded. We were way out of the city.

"Have you ever shot a gun before?"

Love & Business: Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now