Chapter 3

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Scott stops Rose from moving forward. "Maybe this isn't a good idea after all, the plants say that he's not a guy who likes visitors," he says. Rose looks up at the cliff. "I have to go," she says. Summoning a whirlwind, she floats herself to the top of the cliff. Scott grows a large vine from the ground to lift Ben and himself up. Rose lands and takes in her surroundings. There's a large home in front of her, a mobile home. It looks run down but livable. There are rusted cars all over, shrubbery growing over them.

Ben and Scott climb up and walk up to Rose. "This guy likes cars," says Ben. Rose walks towards the door. Her chest pounds hard, and sweat starts to fall from her forehead. Rose has no idea what to expect, is she crazy for tracking the guy down? Is she just imagining things? She steps onto the porch quietly, standing inches from the door. Ben and Scott stand a ways back, watching Rose closely. She goes to knock on the door.

Suddenly the door blows open. The force it creates sends Rose flying backwards, before three strips of metal fly out and cuff her hands and wrap around her waist. She grunts as she slams into a tree, the metal straps digging into it. Ben and Scott turn in horror. "ROSE!," yells Scott. Ben turns as The Evo sprints out of the house with dangerous speed.

Ben pushes Scott out of the way, then shoots a bolt of electricity at The Evo. He dodges effortlessly, and sprints at Ben. Ben charges, and throws a punch. The Evo catches his fist, and begins to crush it. Ben cries out in pain, before punching The Evo in the face several times. This guy won't budge, and takes Ben's punches like they were nothing. "Shit," says Ben before The Evo headbutts him in the nose. He knees Ben in the stomach, then launches him at Scott. Before Scott can move or react, Ben slams into him.

Scott flies and rolls a few feet before stopping. A metal strip stabs him to the ground. Ben, who bounced off of Scott, slams onto a car then slides off onto the ground. He's not moving, almost lifeless. Rose struggles to break her restraints. "BEN WAKE UP," screams Scott.

"He's alive, but he won't be for long, start talking about who are you people?," The Evo demands. "Don't hurt them, please," Rose pleads. The Evo turns and looks at Rose. He stares for what seems like an eternity. Suddenly the restraints holding Rose suddenly release her. She lands on her feet, then looks at him. "Please, I just want to talk," she says. The Evo doesn't say anything, just starts walking towards her.

"We wanted to thank you for earlier, we would've been killed," says Rose. He stops only a few feet away. "I saw you use a move earlier, when you destroyed the pack... Where did you learn it?," she asks. "Learn?," he says quietly. "A friend of mine, he used that move many times, I only saw him use it," she says, "Did he teach you?" The Evo shakes his head. "You can't learn what's already yours... You only improve it," he says.

Rose stops before she can talk again. She stares at the Evo cautiously. "W-Where did you get that from?," she asks. Her voice is shaky. He walks up to her, and is only inches from Rose. "Same place you got it, your family had a way with words, Rose," he says. Scott stops struggling and looks up. Rose reaches up and slowly pulls off the hood and mask.

She stumbles back and falls to the ground, her hands covering her face. "Been a long time," he says. Rose speaks in a tone so quiet, only The Evo can hear her. "E-Eli," she says.

The person standing in front of her is Eli, her best friend. He had disappeared two years before the Wave had hit, Rose thought he was dead. But here he is, breathing, living. Rose can't breath, her chest is tight. Eli stands unmoved, he just watches Rose. She looks into his eyes, they're ice cold. He has a scar over his right eye, running from his hairline to the center of his cheek.

Scott watches closely, he can't believe how shaken Rose is at the moment. Eli takes a deep breath and closes his eyes before bending down to Rose's eye level. "T-This isn't possible... Y-You're," wimpers Rose. Eli speaks before Rose can finish. "Dead... I should be" he says.

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