Chapter 5

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Rose and Ben sit in silence as they drive. Four people are around them, weapons pointed. The Evo woman sits across from the two of them,  staring. Rose stares back. "You gonna stare at me all day Alice, or are you going to talk?," she says.

      "Wait, you know her?," asks Ben

       "Oh yeah, she definitely does," says Alice, venomous intent soaked in the response. Rose glares at her,  not bothering to hide her disgust. “I was really hoping you were rotting in a ditch somewhere,” says Alice. 

        "You never did know how to drop things," says Rose, "You're pissed off about a beef that happened 8 years ago." 

        "You know damn well why I haven't dropped this, we lost friends because of the shit you pulled," says Alice. Ben looks over at Rose who is unmoving, just staring coldly at Alice. "That was your fault bitch, and you know it," she says. Alice grits her teeth, before getting up and punching Rose. "HEY," says Ben. Rose smirks as she turns back to Alice. "Was that supposed to hurt," she says.

         Alice pulls out her gun, just as the vehicle stops. "Cool it Alice, let the Boss Lady deal with her," says one of her teammates. Rose looks out the window, towards the camp. "Please don't be who I think it is," she thinks to herself. Rose and Ben and pushed out of the cars, and herded towards the camp.

       People start to gather as the enter the center of the camp. It's not a huge group, but they are heavily armed. Ben and Rose notice a big man walking towards them. He has short blonde hair, with green eyes. He's looks to be 6'4, and is muscular. "Who are these guys?," he asks.

       "Guests, we have someone she would love to have a sit down with," says Alice. The man looks down at Rose and Ben, then focuses on Rose. Without breaking eye contact, he speaks again, in an echoing tone. "O, there's someone here for you," he calls. Rose instantly has a feeling of dread and anger wash through her body. It is who she thinks it is. The flap of the tent behind the man opens, and a woman steps out.

       The woman wears all black, holding a worn out leather trench coat. She's beautiful, and her midnight black hair is sleeked back as it falls to her back. She has knives going down the side of both thighs. Her eyes are also yellow, bright and radiant. Her dark skin is, still flawless, like this apocalyptic world had no effect on her.

        She scans Rose and Ben, then slowly walks over to Rose. She puts her coat on, then bends down to be at eye level with her. "Wow, you like shit Rose… more than usual," she says. "Fuck you," says Rose. She is suddenly punched in the face, Rose falling to the floor. "ROSE!!," says Ben! The big man is standing over Rose. "I'd watch that mouth of yours," he says. 

        "Grant relax, let her say what's on her mind," the woman says. She doesn't move from her position, only waits for Rose to sit back up. "To think you'd fall into my lap, after all these years," she says. Rose glares coldly, aching to lunge at her. "The names Olivia by the way," she says still looking at Rose. Olivia turns to Ben, "And you are?" 

       "None of your damn business," says Rose. Olivia looks at her again. "You haven't changed a bit, still so uptight, " says Olivia. "Let him go Olivia, he has nothing to do with this," says Rose. Olivia clicks her tongue then stands up. "He's rolling with you now obviously,  so he's automatically in it," Olivia says slyly. She slowly pulls one of her knives out, then grabs Rose. 

         She grabs Rose's hair and yanks her head back. Rose goes to  shoot a blast of air at Olivia, but nothing comes out. Olivia's eyes are now glowing a radiant yellow. Ben goes to move but is restrained. Rose grunts as Olivia puts the knife to her throat. "You didn't forget my little tricks did you?," Olivia asks sarcastically. 

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