Chapter 8

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The ride is a quiet one for the first few hours, Rose and Poseidon say nothing at all. Rose looks over every once in a while, to see his expression. Just like with Eli, Rose has always been able to read Poseidon and his moods. But unlike Eli, Poseidon isn't too good at hiding his emotions.

He wears the face he always wears when he is in focus, a serious expression etched on his face. She can see something else, anger. She knows exactly what he's angry about. Rose finally summons the words to speak and break the silence.

"You shouldn't do that you know," she says.

Poseidon glances at Rose from the corner of his eye, then turns his attention back to the road. "Do what?," he asks quietly.

"You're blaming yourself, for what happened to Eli," she claims. He tightens his grip on the wheel. "You couldn't have possibly known this would happen," Rose says.

"Of course I should've known Rose... Abel is my brother, I have been keeping tabs on him for years, or at least been trying to," Poseidon protests, "I knew there was something off about Eli's disappearance, I should've checked on it."

"How could you have known, Abel has been in hiding ever since you busted him out with your parents," Rose says.

"I knew he was interested in powerful Evo families, and Eli's family was very powerful," Poseidon shoots back.

This is true, Rose thinks to herself. Eli's family was made up of some powerful Evos. His parents were both Level 3's, his Grandmother also a Level 3. His Grandfather, a Level 2, both his abilities were said to be devastating in nature. Even his sister, who had disappeared  when he was a baby, was said to be a Level 3.

Rose remembers watching Eli train with his parents. She remembers hearing the stories that he used to tell her about his parents' old adventures . Even Eli had a monstrous potential, even when they were kids. Though he wasn't as good with his abilities as Rose and Poseidon were back then, his raw talent was incredible.

"Abel is my brother, he's my responsibility to handle," says Poseidon, "My best friend was tortured and experimented on because I dropped the ball... I won't fail Eli again." Rose doesn't say anything after this, she gets the message.

They ride for a few more miles before coming to a stop once again.  "Hey Eli, there's some gas cans around here, mind giving me a hand?," asks Poseidon. Eli nods as he jumps out of the bed of the truck. As he walks by, Eli catches Rose looking at him.

Time seems to slow as they lock eyes, the world fading away. Yet again, she sees nothing, can read nothing. Rose feels her throat clam up, her chest  starts to hurt. He turns away, ending their staring contest just as  quickly as it started.

Rose takes a deep breath and hangs her head. A knock at the door makes her jump. "Easy killer," says Ben. She chuckles as she runs her fingers through her hair. "Sorry... didn't hear you come up," says Rose weakly.  Ben watches her for a second.

"You okay?," he asks.

"What?  Yeah of course I'm okay," she says almost defensively. Rose notices that Ben is smirking at her. "You're not a very good liar are you?," he chuckles. Rose frowns at him, "Who's lying?," she barks. Ben turns slightly and glances toward the gas station.

"You sure you aren't freaked out because of Eli hearing you and Poseidon's little...session?," Ben asks slyly. Rose immediately turns red and sinks into her seat. "He heard," she says sheepishly .

"Rose, everybody heard you two," says Ben. Rose glares at him, then looks back to the gas station.

Behind the station, Poseidon hands Eli two cans. "How'd you know these were back here?," asks Eli.

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