Chapter 1

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The air is moist and stale, the ground is damp. In the forest, a young woman is making her way. She's breathing heavily, and she's bleeding all over. The cuts and bruises, are sending wave after wave of pain throughout her body. Her clothes are nothing but ribbons now, and she's fading. The strength to even breath takes its toll on her. She wants to rest, she needs to, but her mind won't let her. The woman feels her body about to give, when she hears a sound, a welcoming sound. 

A car engine, she can hear a car coming in the distance. With the last of her remaining strength, she makes her way through the forest until she breaks the tree line. As she does, a big red truck turns the corner. Suddenly, her legs give out, her body is done fighting. She topples down the hill onto the street. The sound of a loud screech is heard. The woman feels her body shut down, section by section. Then, she is pulled into blackness, as reality fades into nothing. 

               The woman gains consciousness once more. She becomes aware of herself again, she's alive. Then she feels the sensation, that she is moving, fast, she's in a vehicle of some kind. What feels like a warm embrace covers her body, a blanket. Then the hearing returns. She tries to move, tries to open her eyes, but nothing will budge. She hears the rumbling of the engine, and humming. The voice that is humming sounds sweet, and innocent. It warms her heart, and it's like tasting honey for the first time, heavenly. 

         The voice spoke, "Hello there!! How are you?!," it says. It sounds like a young boy, pure and innocent. She tries to open her eyes once more, nothing. She tries to make a sound, a weak, barely audible sound crawls out. When the boy doesn't react, she tries again. This time, it's heard, and movement could be heard as well. She can sense that the boy is kneeling over her. "Was that you?," he asks. The woman tries to open her eyes, and manages to slightly open them. She can't see anything,  just blurriness. "She's waking up!," the boy says, as he pounds on what sounds like a window. "Bro!! She's waking up!!," he said. The vehicle screeches to a halt, and the sound of an open and closing door is heard.

            "Give her some room," says a second voice. This one was much older than the young boy's voice. It is also pure, yet mature in tone. She senses another presence kneeling above her. "If you can hear me, try to relax," says the older voice. The woman feels a pair of hands touch her leg and stomach. Then suddenly a rush of soothing feeling flows through her. The numbing soreness and pain that was bothering her, is now starting to go away. Her wounds are healing. She finally has the strength to open her eyes.

           Two faces come into view. The one to the left, is the older one. He has bright green eyes, and short spiky brown hair. He looks about two or three years older than her, 26 maybe. He has a strong yet slim build to him. The boy to the right looks just like the older one. He has the same green eyes, and brown hair, though his is long, down to his eyebrows. He looks to be about 10 or 11. They are most definitely related, brothers most likely. "Can you hear me?," asks the older one. She opens her mouth to speak. 

            "Y-You're like me," she says. The two brothers look at each other, then look back down at her. "Yo-You're both…. E-Evos," she says. The boy's eyes widen and the older brother stares intently. "You've been in an accident, I'm healing you," says the older one. He continues to heal her, until he's out of breath. The girl gets up slowly. The pain is no longer as intense as it was, be she is still sore. "Easy," says the boy. The man helps her sit against the bed of the truck. "My name is Ben, this is my brother Scott", he says, "What's your name?"

       "Rose," she says before she can stop herself. She can't figure it out, but she feels safe with these two. It's a feeling that feels foreign to her. Ben jumps out of the bed of the truck,  and offers his hand. "The front is much more comfortable," he says. Scott grabs two cans, and a bottle of water. They make their way to the front, and Rose gets in the passenger seat. Ben takes off his jacket, and covers Rose in it. Scott hands her the cans and water, then runs back to the back. Ben gets in the driver's seat. Rose opens the cans to reveal food, bits of meat and beans. 

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