Ep 4

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(Lip and Lyra mainly lip were ripping out wires from a water heater while Fiona enters the room) "oh, my god. That's, uh... it's dead" lip says "you sure" Fiona double checks "the elements rusted out" lip answers

"Anyone wanna make cookies with me?" Debbie asks, Fiona ignores her and asks "how much to replace it?" "Two bills used, four new." Lip replies

"I still don't think I heiress should live in a place like this" walburga sneered at the screen.

"shit" Fiona swore "how about pie? I can get started on the crust." Debbie asks again "go take a shower" Fiona says "I wanna make a pie" Debbie semi yells "you know what? Hand me the obits. Maybe, uh, we can scavenge a dead persons water heater. Thank you." Lip suggests and thanks

Some peoples eyes go wide most of them would never steal especially from a dead person and people similar to molly weasley think how unsympathetic he is.

(Lip picks up a news paper) "oh. Mrs. Dombrowski." Lip reads "oh, the, shaky-neck lady? I thought she drowned a couple years ago." Lyra states while eating cereal "no, mrs Goga had the shaky-neck and drowned in her vomit last Easter." Debbie corrects while setting up pie Ingredients "no pie, get in the shower I'm not saying it again" Fiona scolds "Carl, no I went to school with kenny Dombrowski I think he had a crush on me"

"What's a crush" Bellatrix says "oh Um it's where you like someone romantically and they don't know so your crushing" lily evens explains bellatrix nodding not being bothered by the fact a gryffindor a muggleborns no less talked to her gaining many weird looks from her cousins and sisters.

(Lip and Lyra leave after saying goodbye the scene cuts out to see Fiona, Steve and Liam crouching down near Debbie) "I stole something"

(Many people looked surprised a harmless kid stole something but shook it off thinking it was just a balloon or pencil)

"Oh." Steve looks relieved "so nobody touched you" Fiona asks "what?" Debbie says confused "you nearly gave me a heart attack" Fiona hugs Debbie then a random child starts muttering nonsense.

"I'm pretty sure that wasn't Liam" Barty says to his friends some people eyes widen in realisation of what Debbie stole while the others thought it was Liam.

"Debbie?" Fiona walks forward and opens the door to see a toddler dressed in pink with pink lipstick all over his face

"Holy shi"



"Evil the lot of them!" Molly weasley said everyone glaring at her not everyone is old enough to understand.... Even if it is a kid toddlernaping.

"Who the hell is that?" Fiona says police sirens are heard then we see the party house in distress police taking to them.

"Oh god" people whisper

"So were just gonna wait out here?" lyra asks lip "he's a chain smoking pothead in a stress inducing situation he'll be out soon" lip answer "what are we suppose to say?" Lyra questions "I don't know. Just play it cool." Lip answers once again "play what cool?" Lyra says kinda dumbly "things people play cool. Jesus Lyra" Lyra shrugs then lips phone rings "you got your own cell" damn this girl ask a lot of questions "No kid left it in the cafeteria" Lyra nods

"Again stealing isn't good" mrs Weasley scolds "that's probably why your so poor" bellatrix spits back and andromeda does a unladylike snort while everyone looked at her once again while nymphadora just laughs at her mother.

(Police are seen looking for the young boy in squad cars and people arguing with them, fiona and Steve pull up on the road to see Lyra and lip with a water heater)

"Debbie stole a baby we have to return it." Lip try's to confirm what Fiona just said and Lyra looks at them like there all dumb idiots "find Carl and get home now"

Everyone was surrounding Debbie at the Gallagher household "why did you take the boy?" Fiona questions "he was crying for his mom and his mom wasn't around." Debbie answers correctly kinda

"did you try to find his mom?" "No he was crying and nobody cared. So I took him." Debbie says bluntly everyone looks at her like Shes dumb Lyra snickers everyone looks over at her semi mad "sorry"

"You can't say that! What's with you?" Fiona says angrily "debs, was he inside or outside of the yard when you grabbed him?" Lips asks gently "inside" lip thinks "okay, so how did you get him out?"

"I waved a snickers bar at him" lyra covers goer mouth trying to hide her amusement and everyone looks at her again "okay okay I'm leaving" she gets up and heads in the lounge

then everyone including kev and v follows her and she narrows her eyes at them for following her.

"Help!" "What kind of help?" Came from lip and Lyra "she stole a baby" steve deadpans "she's not crazy" Fiona defends "she's needs therapy" steve says "gallaghers do not do therapy" lyra semi shouts and Fiona and lip nod at her in agreement when you here tony talking about the missing kid again

The blacks nod at her on screen for defending her family even though there in the wrong.

"We need a plan to return him" Fiona says "I don't feel like having a family trip to social services" lyra says out loud

(Screen shows lip and others starting and panning the plan looking at blueprints and whatnot)

People look nervous while some look exited for the result

(Carl is seen talking to the police then Veronica talking to the police both on different phones in and out of shops then lip breaking the phone on one street then kev going work telling his coworker he saw Casey on a grand avenue her calling it him then lip and Lyra see someone sold the water heater before they leave)

(Fiona and Steve switching Liam and then Fiona running towards were everyone was swarming Debbie and Casey then handing the red cape discreetly to her and her giving it to them)

"Ooo nearly got busted" rabastan sang

"My Debbie found him, a Gallagher saved the day you bunch of loosers " frank shouts running up and picking up the money. lip and Lyra walk up glaring at him "that's debs" lip tells him

"no, I'm just helping her." Lyra steps on his hand hardly and glares at him "your on my hand. Your" lip steps on his other "all right, I am your father" frank looks up at them while they stare down at him.

A few people in the hall smile he got what he deserved

Later on Carl, Debbie, and Lyra are watching tv when Fiona and Steve enters the room with a gift

"Hey debs, look what Steve bought" Fiona calls Debbie, Steve rolls In with a doll and a push chair "oh, my god. For me?" Debbie screams "Absolutely for doing such a great job" "Thankyou"

"Awww" mainly the moms and girls

(People start cheering and celebrating kev and v plus her mother entered with champagne)

"I'm getting married" v tells Fiona "oh, my God!" Fiona hugs Veronica then people start dancing to music

7th years start whistling at the screen

(Lyra and v are dancing together while the rest where with there relation ships and friends)

(A truck pulls up a man talking to Debbie while everyone piles outside) "it's our new water heater I got it on sale" Debbie tells them happily "all right debs" lip congrats they start to unload the water heater to the kitchen.

"Sweet girl" mrs potter says

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