Ep 6 

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I'm making it so like Lyra is 4 years younger than regulus leaving quite a big age gap between all the sisters. 10 years younger than narcissa because in this Cygnus and druella got married at 17 had bellatrix at eighteen, andromeda at 20 than narcissa at 22 then Lyra at 32 if that makes sense I hope

(Lyra is picking up food and condiments from the powerless fridge) "don't worry about the ketchup, just milk and meat so it won't spoil." Lyra nods and continues.

"Their electric got turned off" lily Evans realises

Fiona and Steve were talking about lip and payments "it's SAT season" Fiona tells him "he's always flush during SAT season" Debbie also tells him

"SAT?" Steve asks confused "college tests" Lyra states "he tutors?" Steve questions in surprise, lyra got up and walked out the door without talking.

(Scene cuts out to the railing outside of the school where Karen, lip, Lyra and a boy are talking)

"It's about a buck 50 upfront when  you get your SAT results back and see how great lip did it's another buck 50" Karen says "and we do this today?" Cheap looking boy asks "no todays session is booked. Three weeks" Karen disagrees

"so I sit next to you while you take the test?" The boys directs at lip confused "no he's pretending to be you. You can't be there" lyra glares at him because of his dumbness, he quickly shifts his attention to lip.

"Why would they think your me?" Hes getting really annoying "Hes gonna have an ID pretending to be you dumbass, it's a poor American school who don't care about kids, they won't notice" lyra snaps the boy nods a bit scared.

Sirius just chuckles that a tall boy is scared of a girl half his height, Marlene smirks.

"Yeah okay" he hands lip the Money "what time can I pick you up" he says smugly to Karen "seven" she says really innocently "done" he smirks really ugly "god that girl really does live up to her name" lyra whispered, lip heard her a gave her a playful glare.

(James potter burst into laughter but quickly started coughing at the glares his mum was sending him along with most of the hall but a lot of people hiding their smiles) "rude brat" molly weasley whispered,  Arthur gave her a warning glare.

(Lyra looked disgusted so she put her head on the railing tiredly)

"Mood" Marlene chuckles while Dorcas sends her crush a soft smile

(Mickey is seen smoking across the street from the kash and grab watching Linda leave, he stands up and heads over entering then making eye contact with kash, he goes over to an isle and picks up junk putting in one of the boxes at the front while kash just watches)

"Pussy" evan rosier whispered

(He picks it all up) "oh, heads up man. You're out of BBQ Pringles" Mickey says then walks out the door while kash still doesn't do anything.

Lyra walks up fast and asks kash "hey, did mickey pay for that?" Kash just looks up at her then puts a box behind the front cashier bit "you have to stand up to him" lyra tells him "what was I suppose to say?" Lyra narrows her eyes at him and says "don't take that or I'll call the cops literally anything but staying silent" kash looks down "tried that once with his father"


Terry milkovich punches kash repeatedly "what do I owe you now!"

Flashback over

Many people winced and adults still thought he should've called the aurors

"Mickeys fathers in prison now, all right?" Lyra tried to comfort him "I don't need any new enemies." Lyra raised her eye brows "you're just gonna let him keep coming in here and take what he wants?" He looks down at his paper "it's the cost of doing business" he defends

"It's not that hard to call muggle aurors" Lucius Malfoy scoffed many pureblood nodded in agreement.

(The door reopens and Mickey renters Lyra watching him as he steals dip) "I forgot the dip" he leaves again lyra sighs "Jesus fucking god kash" Lyra runs after mickey.

"Hey mickey, why don't you steal from a neighbourhood you don't live in? Have some civic pride, huh?" Kash comes out watches it mickey nods and takes out some dip and throws it at them "hey, hey. Jesus. Fuck." She says just missing it "you know where I live if you have a problem." He leaves.

Everyone looks at the screen in shock how unbothered he was but Sirius was muttering how gross and greasy his hair was while Remus rolled his eyes at him.

"Here. Go to the store, replace the stuff his stole" Kash hands lyra his money

"Wouldn't just be easier to just put the amount he stole in the cash register" ted tonks asks confused

"We're cowards" lyra says defeated

Walburga narrows her eyes at lyra for being a coward and excepting defeat.
bellatrix smirks knowing she's going to enjoy killing mickey and kash.

(Kash sighs) "hurry before Linda gets back" he goes back into the store.

(Lyra enters the store later in the day with stuff but sees Linda and kash talking) "where the hell were you?" she asks "uh..." Lyra looks at kash "why you looking at him? Where you going with all of that stuff?" "Nowhere." Linda takes the receipt and looks at it

"Who? Is it that milkovich kid again?" She says angry and looks at both of them she puts the box down and goes towards the door "that's it. we're closed." She locks the door and she heads to the back with a card board cut out "follow me" lyra and kash look at each other confused but follow her out.

"Oooh she's pissed" rabastan says laughing, his brother try's to hold in his laugh with his wife's family there.

Linda is in the alley with a gun in her hand, putting bullets in the cardboard and shoots the dicks, lyra and kash looking shocked.

Some boys flinched putting there hands over there areas

"where did you learn to shoot like that?" The husband asks in a shocked state "I lived a lot of years before I met you." She reloads the gun and calls out to kash "now hold it like you wanna do something with it"

"He looks so scared I wonder how she'll react when she finds out about the whole cheating thing" Peter pettrigew said and got hums of agreement, other people were looking at him in disgust for what he did to the potters.

(He holds it up scared and flinched at the sound then he missed both shots)
"Hand it here" lyra takes the gun and aims it "left shoulder- bullet in left shoulder- right shoulder- bullet there- left leg- bullet there- right leg- bullet there- stomach. Neck. Face. Heart" Linda smiles at her.

Bellatrix nods slightly impressed.

"ROTC" Lyra smirked proudly handing Linda the gun back and walks away.

Later on in the night a massive dark skinned kid starts throwing lip around and dangling him out the window, lyra and Debbie yelling at him before Carl runs up "let him go!" Carl raises the bat "get my brother back or the kid swings the bat" lyra threatens "okay, okay" he lifts lip back in Fiona and Steve run into the room "what the hell is going on" Fiona asks lyra "Carl's got it covered" lyra reassures her.

"Go CARL" James potter shouts

"I was just joking, okay? Okay?" Big guy tries to get himself out of the situation but Carl swung the bat towards his leg breaking it making everyone shout in shock then everyone started cheering on Carl proceeding to pick him up.

People were stunned but they smiles and laugh with there friends and the episode ended on another happy note 📝 .

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