Ep. 1

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Music was playing, people are surrounding a Bonfire.

Frank: nobody's saying our neighbourhoods the garden of Eden.

Hell some people say god avoids this place altogether. But it's been a good home to us, to me and my kids, who I'm proud of...( the Gallagher are shown laughing together)

because every single one of them reminds me a little bit of me. (Camera shows Fiona) Fiona, my rock, huge help, has all the best qualities of her mother...except she's not a raging psycho bitch"

(Camera turns to lip) "lip, smart as a whip. Straight As and the honour roll. Boys definitely going somewhere.(shows lip running from police)

Camera turns towards Lyra laughing) Lyra, industrious, conscientious, ambitious, incredible work ethic.don't have a clue where she got that from. She is obsessed with constellations. Knows how to name all the stars without thinking she also wants to be in the army.

The black family look at her in awe Cygnus feels slight pride wash over him as he hears that she can name all the stars without thinking.

Orion and walburga are satisfied even though she wasn't raised a black she knew the constellations.

Bellatrix and her sisters and cousins were in a trance especially how andromeda and her looked very much alike.

(Camera turns towards Carl) "Carl.... Um, I don't really know that much about Carl. Oh, loves animals. Always dragging home some poor stray he found, taking them up to his room.(camera shows Carl about to light a cat on fire)

Concerned looks are sent towards the screen by the majority of the school.

(Camera goes towards Debbie) "ah, Debbie, sent by god, total angel. Raises money for UNICEF year-round, some of which she actually turns in.(camera turns towards a baby called Liam) Liam gonna be a star. I'm no biologist but he looks a little like my first sponsor. He and the ex were close.

"Kev and Veronica, fantastic neighbours. There's nothing they won't do for each other...(camera shows then having  fun?) I never realised how little sex I was having until v and kev moved next door.

eyes widen and some people go red, while most of the blacks where in distraught how there heiress lived in such a place.

"And me, frank Gallagher, father, teacher, mentor. Captain of this little ship we may not have much, but all of us, to a man knows the most important thing in this life we know how to fucking party, weha!" (police sirens can be heard, pulling up fast with a fire truck behind pushing people to get back)

"Who the hell did I leave my child with" Cygnus mutters but a lot of people hear him and silently agree with him.

Lyra goes into the kitchen "coming through" as she passes Fiona, lip passes the box to Lyra "electric." she puts money in, then hands it to Carl who immediately hands it to debbie.

The black family looked at her house in disgust.

"No you got happy meal on the front of that shirt." Fiona says, Lyra pulls out an envelope "field trip, needs dads signature." Debbie replied "okay" fiona takes of carls shirt off and turns it inside out and puts it back on Debbie then forges franks signature "wow debs that's getting really good" lip compliments.

"This is Not a good home to live in so far" mutters Amelia bones while writing on a note pad and the blacks agreed straight away.

"That house is filfthy" bellatrix spoke out, narcissa grimaced at the house 'but not everyone has a perfect life' she thought.

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