Chapter One: Moving to Forks

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"Do you have everything?" Caroline Swan asked turning to look at her sixteen-year-old daughter as the blonde stood before her; she pursed her red painted lips knowing that this was the only choice that she had now. 

There was nothing more to be said about the situation, it was bad enough that people thought that she could not control her own daughter let alone what they were saying about the current situation at hand.

Sophia Hayward-Swan nodded her head trying not to think about what her mother was doing, she was hurt that her mother was basically disowning her for what had happened especially since she was taking responsibility for it. 

"Good, now I want you to listen to your uncle Charlie," Caroline said checking her Cartier watch, her manicured nails reminding her that she had to hurry this up. 

There was an appointment that she simply could not miss and Jonathon expected her to smooth things over at least until he arrived. 

Sophia nodded her head making sure that she had everything, all her important documents were sealed into a zip-lock bag that she held tightly in her hand. 

Her mother had been kind enough to drop her off at the airport despite their current disagreement with the decisions that Sophia had made in the past few months. 

"God knows that he doesn't need you causing him any problems especially with that cousin of yours," Caroline mused wrinkling her nose, she had begged her older brother to put his daughter in a mental hospital when he had called her for advice on what to do with her. 

Charlie had outright refused and said that his daughter, Isabella, needed someone to talk to her not to be locked away as if she was a crazy person or something.

It had left Caroline at a loss on what he expected her to say, surely if the girl was having nightmares and acting like someone had died then she needed professional help. 

"Now your father has shipped out your car and mummy will still pay for your bank card, so you can buy things," Caroline said finally looking at the reason why she was shipping her daughter off to Forks. 

This was not anything that Caroline had been prepared for, she was so sure that she had hammered it into her daughter's head the necessity of protection.

Mia Hayward-Swan was barely even a month old, conceived the night that Sophia had turned sixteen with her then boyfriend who had been quickly shipped off to military school when the pregnancy had been revealed to both sets of parents over Friday night dinner. 

Sophia swallowed back a biting comment knowing that fighting with her mother now would do her no good, it would not make this situation any easier. 

She wondered if her uncle Charlie even knew why she was being sent to live with him, her parents had been rather vague on the whole thing since it was announced that she would be moving across country. 

There had been no debate on the situation, her father had put his foot down when it became clear that Sophia would not let him give away her daughter to some random couple that had been selected by the private adoption agency. 

Taking a moment to look over her daughter, Caroline opened her mouth to say something before she stopped herself; actions had consequences and she'd sworn to herself not to make this situation harder. 

The rumours were not abating and Jonathon was at his wits end trying to smooth over all the trouble that Sophia's pregnancy had caused; they had done their best to keep her in the dark about most of it. 

"Thank you," Sophia replied shifting her hold on the baby carrier and looking down at Mia, the baby sleeping soundly through the hustle and bustle of the airport around them. 

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