Chapter Thirty-Six: Midnight Visits

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"Paul?" Sophia whispered pulling open her window and looked down at her boyfriend a little surprised to see him outside her home.

Sophia knew that he wasn't allowed to come up to her home since it was on Cullen turf, so she was a little surprised to see him now standing outside of her home.

"Move back. I'm coming up," Paul said looking up at Sophia relieved to see that she was okay, he took a deep breath as he tried to ignore the stench of leech. Paul had known that there was every chance that Edward would be at the house to see Bella after their meeting.

Sophia stepped back curiously wondering what Paul was doing, she glanced at the door making sure that it was closed so that Charlie wouldn't find out that Paul had come to see her.

Sophia jumped slightly surprised as she heard a thump and turned to find Paul suddenly standing in her room closing the window slightly.

"How?" Sophia asked confused staring at her wolf, she blinked as he quickly checked on Mia to see that she was sleeping soundly before he turned to look at her.

Paul shook his head pulling her into a hug, his arms holding her to him as he closed his eyes relieved that she was okay.

"You okay?" Paul asked roughly holding Sophia to him, he tried to ignore the stench of leech that was coming from next door.

Sophia and Mia were all that mattered to him now and he would have to deal with Edward being around; the amended treaty meant that the leech couldn't mess with his imprint anymore.

"I'm fine," Sophia whispered pulling back and looked up at Paul, she didn't know what had happened before he had come to her but she had a feeling that it had changed things.

Paul nodded his head eyeing his imprint who was just wearing a pastel cat over-sized tee that she had been sleeping in; he swallowed and shook his head knowing that he was only here to make sure that Edward didn't try anything.

"We amended the treaty, the house is now neutral territory," Paul murmured knowing that she needed to know about the changes that had been made for her own safety and that of Mia's as well.

Sophia looked at Paul knowing that this did make things easier for them since the house had originally been Cullen territory and prevented the wolves coming to her when the vampires had returned.

"They have also been asked to keep a distance from you and Mia, you are both pack protected," Paul continued looking over at the sleeping two month old, he was extremely pleased that he could now come and check on his imprint now.

Sophia sighed in relief realising that she wouldn't have to put up with the Cullens harassing her anymore; there was a chance that Alice wasn't going to give up but she would deal with that later.

"I'm not taking the job with them... Sue's offered me one down on the reservation," Sophia said brushing some hair from her face, she wanted him to know that she had no intentions of ever having anything to do with the Cullens unless she really needed to.

Paul nodded his head relieved that his imprint wasn't going to be working with one of the leeches; he made a mental note to thank Sue when he next saw her.

The wolf wrinkled his nose again trying to ignore the stench of vampire that wafted into the room, he wondered if Sophia knew that the leech was next door.

"Paul?" Sophia whispered looking at her boyfriend, there was something bothering him and it worried her; she moved back from him slightly noticing that he was shaking a little bit.

Paul shook his head not wanting to worry her, he doubted that she would be happy to know that one of the Cullens were next door in Bella's bedroom.

It was bad enough that Paul knew about that, he would be staying around at the house as often as he could and had would ask his pack brothers to take turns when he couldn't be there to watch her.

"It's nothing," Paul said with a shake of his head, he didn't know how much Edward would tell Bella about the meeting but he hoped that the leech could keep the imprinting part quiet for now.

Paul didn't want Bella knowing about Sophia's connection to the pack since he knew that she would only create more problems for the pack by knowing.

"Do you expect me to believe that?" Sophia asked raising an eyebrow at Paul, she tilted her head as she sat down on her bed wondering what had happened.

Paul sighed as he looked at his imprint, he glanced over at Mia who was sound asleep knowing that she wasn't going to take no for an answer.

"Edward is here... he apparently spends the night with Bella," Paul muttered turning his attention back to Sophia who was staring at him horrified at the news that there could be a vampire in her home and she didn't know about it.

Sophia shivered realising that this had probably been happening since Bella had first dated the leech and Charlie had no idea about it.

"He won't come in here while I'm around Phia..." Paul said moving to sit beside his imprint, he had no intentions of leaving her alone while Edward was visiting Bella; he didn't want the leech getting any other ideas about his imprint and her daughter.

Paul could only image how long Edward would be doing this and he only hoped that he could keep Sophia and Mia safe; he didn't want to slip up and he would have to get used to the fact that he would be smelling the vampire so much.


"Charlie's a crappy chief of police," Sophia whispered laying in her bed, she felt a little guilty that Paul had insisted on sleeping on her floor; she had given him a pillow and a blanket but that didn't make her feel any better.

Paul snorted looking up at her from his spot on the floor, he knew what she meant and he had to agree.

Charlie had no idea that two teenage boys were currently in his house, he had no idea that Bella had been allowing Edward into the house for the first six months that they had been dating and now both Paul and Edward would be staying over.

"Human wise, he does do quite well it's just us supernatural beings that he misses," Paul said folding his arms behind his head, he was sure if Charlie knew about the pack and the Cullens that he would be a lot more aware of the two teenagers that shouldn't be in his house right now.

Sophia nodded her head, she stared up at her ceiling as she tried to get comfortable; her mind still a little worried about the leech next door that could suck her and Mia dry.

Sophia didn't trust the Cullens for a moment and that wouldn't change just because they claimed to be 'vegetarians'; they were still vampires in her eyes.

"Won't your dad notice you're not home?" Sophia asked realising that if Paul was staying with her, she didn't want him getting into trouble just for her.

Paul shook his head, he had lived with his father for as long as he could remember since his mother had disappeared after they had divorced.

"He's away on business," Paul said shortly closing his brown eyes, his father had never really been around before and he didn't care that he wasn't around now.

Sophia nodded her head watching Paul for a moment, she rolled her blue eyes before she climbed out of bed and settled on the floor beside Paul and wrapped her arms around him.

Paul opened his eyes and looked at his imprint, he smiled pulling the blanket over her knowing that he didn't need his father anymore.

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