Chapter Eighty-Nine: Peace and Quiet

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"So how is Charlie doing with his therapy?" Fiona asked sipping on her drink, she had been surprised how cheerful Charlie had been in the past couple of weeks; she couldn't help but feel happy for him after everything that had happened. 

Sophia smiled looking at Fiona, she was also surprised how well Charlie had taken to the counselling and she was glad that he had continued to go to the meetings; it was a good sign that it was truly helping him with what had happened. 

"He's doing better," Sophia replied glad that her uncle was slowing himself down, he had made a few friends out of the group and she was glad that he had someone who he could talk to now. 

Sophia was glad that he had people that he could turn to that weren't in the know, she was sure that I was more helpful to him than having people try to understand how he felt when they all knew what Bella had chosen to do. 

Fiona smiled, she knew that Charlie had struggled in the beginning and it didn't help that the Cullens had left Forks just a couple of days after the funeral; they hadn't really told anyone where they were going. 

"He's going out tonight," Sophia said smiling, she had been surprised when she had spoken to her uncle to find that he was going to dinner with a couple of friends from counselling. 

Charlie was still avoiding spending much time home alone, he was still struggling with the idea that he had buried his daughter two weeks earlier but it was slowly starting to repair the damage that had been done. 

Sophia got up from her seat and walked to check on Mia and Austin who were playing in the play-pen, she watched her daughter for a moment and smiled glad she was safe. 

Sophia prayed that she never had to go through what her uncle was going through, she wanted Mia to feel like she would be able to always talk to her about anything.

"I still can't believe the Cullens are really gone," Fiona murmured making Sophia nod her head in agreement, she still expected to see them around town sometimes or have something happen because they were around. 

It was going to take them some time to relax after everything that had happened, the Cullens had brought so much trouble to the local area and everyone hoped that they wouldn't have any more trouble to deal with. 

Sophia sighed moving to get started on dinner, she knew that Paul would be starving when he got home from school and she didn't blame him. 

Sophia got some mince from the freezer while Fiona talked behind her about work, the two were glad to have a bit of a break for the day and they were using it to their advantage. 

Sophia moved to boil some pasta, she was keeping dinner simple since she wasn't in the mood to go over the top; she already knew that Paul would eat it all anyway. 

As she was filling the pan with water, Sophia looked up and out of the kitchen window; she blinked spotting something flickering through the trees across the back garden. 

Sophia stared for a moment, her blue eyes trying to catch what she had seen moving again; she was so sure that it had been a person and yet now there was nothing there. 

"Soph?" Fiona asked staring at her friend concerned, she watched the pan overfill with water and she wondered if Sophia was okay. 

Sophia blinked as she snapped back to what she was doing, she turned off the tap and shook her head; she couldn't quite figure out what she had just seen. 

"Sorry I thought I saw something... probably a deer," Sophia replied offering Fiona a small smile, she didn't believe that what she had seen was a deer.


Sophia frowned hearing the front door slam closed, she blew some hair from her face as she smiled at Mia who was quite happy in the bathtub; she adored bath time and she was pouting at the idea that it was over. 

"Sophia?" Paul called making his imprint look towards the door, he did not sound happy and she wondered what had happened; dinner had been fine and the call from Sam had been the only thing to ruin things. 

Sophia sighed fussing over Mia as she lifted her daughter from the tub, she wrapped Mia in a towel before she walked out of the bathroom to find Paul. 

"Is everything okay?" Sophia asked looking at Paul, she could see that something wasn't right and she was worried about what could have happened while he was at Sam's place. 

Paul shook his head, he took a deep breath trying to calm himself and he knew that there was nothing he could do about it now; he was just going to have to keep an extra eye on things. 

"There's been a vampire," Paul muttered shaking his head, he had been far from pleased to find out that it had been out around his home; he knew that Sophia had been home today and he dreaded to think what could have happened. 

Sophia stared at her boyfriend, she felt sick at the thought that they were already having vampire trouble so soon after the Cullens had left; it had been about a month and she feared what would happen now. 

"It came up to the house before Sam scared it off," Paul revealed shaking, he didn't know what he would have done if Sam hadn't been there; he couldn't imagine a leech getting so close to Sophia and Mia while he wasn't here to protect them. 

Sophia looked at Mia, she didn't know what to say and she couldn't forget what she had seen that afternoon; she had seen something in the back garden and she had dismissed it. 

"Oh my God," Sophia whispered horrified, Paul carefully took Mia from Sophia and stared at her; he could see the fear on her face and she wanted to know what had happened.


Irina gritted her teeth frustratedly as she paced the living room of her new home, she had moved into the Cullens place since they no longer lived there; she couldn't believe that she had missed out on her first chance. 

It had taken a lot of planning to decide on what was going to happen next, Irina wasn't speaking to any of her family; she didn't want them to know about the revenge that she had planned. 

The Cullens had left the area to busy focusing on their newest member to even care that Irina was plotting revenge on the wolves that had destroyed her own mate. 

Irina pursed her lips, she had been just feet away from two of the wolves mates; she couldn't believe that she had managed to get that close on her first real try. 

Irina's only disappointment lay with the fact that a wolf had picked up her scent and come to investigate; she had been forced to flee since she wanted to get her revenge before she joined her dear Laurant in the afterlife. 

It was something that had been on her mind a lot since she had run into Bella's cousin at the wedding; she was surprised that such cruel monsters could have mates and Irina couldn't wait to make them suffer like she had. 

Irina had learnt a lot from her time with Laurant and having watched Victoria crash and burn when it came to her revenge Irina was going to be extra careful with what she did. 

Irina was well aware that it was a suicide mission but she knew what she was going to do, she had found the perfect target in Bella's cousin since it wasn't just the pack that would be hurt but also the Cullens for refusing to help her when she needed them.

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