Chapter Seventy-Nine: Dinner with the Parents

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"We could still turn around and leave," Paul murmured staring up at the house as he turned off the engine of his truck, he was glad that Jason had taken Mia for the evening especially considering who they were here to see.

Sophia had done everything to get out of this dinner and Charlie had been insistent that if he had to have dinner with her parents then it was only right that she be there as well.

"Charlie would hunt us down if we tried," Sophia replied smiling nervously at Paul, she didn't know what her parents wanted and she doubted that it was going to be pleasant; they had a habit of finding fault in everything that she did.

Paul chuckled and nodded his head, he knew that she was right but it wouldn't hurt to try; he could only imagine how awkward this was going to be and he was dreading meeting her parents.

"Come on," Sophia murmured moving to climb out of the truck making sure to grab the dessert that she had made, there was no point dragging this out and she hoped that her parents weren't going to make this difficult for them.

Paul climbed out of the truck after her and took a deep breath, he had no idea what to expect but he was already mentally preparing himself for what was going to happen.

Sophia and Paul slowly walked up to the door and wondered just what to expect from the dinner, they knew that Bella was going to be attending with Edward and that was going to be hard enough.

Sophia could already imagine how much her parents had taken a liking to Edward, she was dreading this especially since she hated the leech and he was the sort of man that her parents had always wanted her to marry.

Paul laced his fingers with Sophia, whatever happened while they were in the house what mattered was that they would be leaving together no matter what and no one would change that.


Charlie took a deep breath as he peeked at his sister, she looked far from pleased with her daughter's choice of boyfriend and he could only imagine what was going to happen during this dinner.

Jonathon had yet to actually say a word to Sophia instead favouring conversation with Bella and Edward, he barely even looked towards his daughter and it was clear that tonight had been a mistake.

"How have you been?" Caroline asked curiously staring at Sophia, she hadn't been expecting any of this when she had heard that Sophia had gotten a new boyfriend; she was almost disappointed in Sophia's choice in dating Paul, who in her eyes was a step down from her last boyfriend.

"I've been fine," Sophia replied carefully messing with her dinner, she had no idea what to say to her parents right now; she wanted nothing more than to head home and spend the evening curled up with Paul in front of the television.

Caroline nodded her head shortly, she peeked at Paul for a moment as she tried to figure out what to say to the new boyfriend; she had never thought that she'd have to deal with this again.

"So Paul... what do you do?" Caroline asked trying to sound friendly, she was a little concerned about what she had been hearing from Charlie; especially the news that Paul was living with Sophia right now.

Jonathon sipped on his wine and he looked at Caroline, he knew that she was a little worried about things and he didn't blame her; Sophia had spent nearly eight months here and she was a complete stranger to them now.

"I'm about to enter my junior year of high school," Paul replied politely, he was still a little tense and he had no idea what to make of Sophia's parents; they were distant and it made him wondered how they had raised his girlfriend.

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