Chapter Thirty-Five: Amending the Treaty

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"Paul enough," Sam ordered realising what his pack brother was going to do, he glanced at the dark silver furred wolf; he wanted this to be over as quickly as possible so that they could all head home. 

Paul snapped his jaws angrily that the alpha order stopped him from attacking, he looked at Sam knowing that his friend had done it for a reason even if he didn't like it. 

"Imprinting is where we find our soul-mates... it is in no way disgusting Cullen," Sam replied evenly turning his attention back to Edward, he glared at the vampire knowing that he claimed that Bella was his mate. 

Carlisle frowned looking at his son, he sometimes wondered if Edward was stuck with the mental capability of a seventeen year old instead of someone who had lived for over one hundred years like he had done. 

"What do you wish to amend about the treaty?" Carlisle asked attempting to bring the meeting back on track, his golden eyes watching Sam knowing that they had a lot to discuss and he was all too aware that things had certainly changed since they had left Forks. 

"I would like to thank you all first for protecting Bella," Edward murmured pulling the attention back away from what they had come to talk about again; Jacob huffed knowing that he didn't believe that Bella had so willingly gotten back together with the vampire. 

Sam just nodded his head as he focused on the head vampire, he had no interest in what Edward had said since they had only done what had needed doing. 

"The first point will be that the Swan house will become neutral territory to allow pack members and Cullens to go there," Sam said returning to the task at hand, there would be some upset for what he was proposing but they needed to build some boundaries. 

"Carlisle you cannot allow that," Edward said outraged at what was being suggested by the wolves as Alice also spoke up of her displeasure of having to share the territory where her best friend lived. 

Rosalie scoffed turning to look at her siblings, she glared at them wondering why they couldn't see that they couldn't always have their way when it came to everything. 

The wolves were actually being quite fair to them with what they wanted, it wasn't like they were saying that the Cullens couldn't go to the house only that it would allow all of them to go there. 

"The second point is that Sophia and Mia are under pack protection and we would like your family to keep its distance especially after what happened today," Sam continued knowing that the blonde didn't like the Cullens and never would. 

Alice huffed at the idea of losing out on a new friend, she only really had Bella and had been looking forward to bonding with Sophia; she'd had so much planned and her plans were linked with her pending friendship with the blonde. 

"Grow up Alice, she doesn't even like you anyway," Rosalie said looking to her sister, she was glad that at least one woman in the Swan family seemed to have some common sense when it came to avoiding vampires. 

Rosalie hated that Bella seemed so willing to give everything up without realising just what she would lose, she wondered if Bella would ever come to regret her relationship with Edward. 

Alice glared back at her sister knowing that she would love Sophia especially when she laid eyes on Mia; she was sure that they would all become the best of friends. 

"We would also like to remind you that it is against the rules for any of your coven to bite a human," Sam murmured knowing that Bella seemed desperate to become one of them. 

Carlisle nodded his head knowing that this wasn't as bad as he had thought, he took a shaky breath hoping that his family would stick to what was being said. 

Edward would only focus on Bella anyway but it was Alice that seemed determined to have more human friends and she wanted Sophia to be one of them. 

"What about the job that I offered Sophia?" Esme asked watching at the pack curiously, she really hadn't thought that the pack would have so much of a problem with them being around Sophia and her daughter.

Sam glanced at Paul knowing that Sophia had mentioned that she was talking to Charlie that night about the job offer and he knew that there was no way that they would tell her what to do. 

"That is entirely up to Sophia even if we do prefer that she not take the job," Sam said looking back at the mother vampire, he wasn't going to demand that Sophia did anything and it wouldn't end well if he did try to do that. 

Esme nodded her head lacing her fingers with Carlisle, she had hoped to spend time with the teenage mother since she adored children however that didn't seem like it would be happening now. 

"We would also like to include that any imprints that resides in Forks from this day forward will be pack protected and your interference with them in anyway will not be tolerated," Sam concluded what the pack had wanted changing within the treaty. 

Sam knew that there was no way that the Cullens would deny them this since they were actually being quite reasonable about what they wanted; they only wished to protect an imprint. 

"We'll agree to your terms if you leave Bella alone," Edward said speaking up for his family, he ignored the warning look that Carlisle offered him as he walked forward wanting to make sure that no one would get in the way. 

"Bella is none of our concern leech and she is your problem alone," Sam replied eyeing the mind reader, he wondered if they all knew how quickly Bella had handed over information on the entire coven without a second thought. 

Edward frowned a little picking up on Sam's thoughts, he was a little disappointed that Bella had passed on details that she had been trusted with about the vampires. 

"Very well then... we have an agreement," Carlisle stated relieved that this had ended without bloodshed, his coven were outnumbered and it wasn't going to end well if a war had come around over a misunderstanding. 

Paul felt his chest ease slightly as he realised that he was now free to go and check on his imprint; he needed to see her after what had happened today and the amendment of the treaty. 

Edward frowned watching at the dark silver wolf knowing that he would be seeing a lot of him and Bella's house would stink of wet dog from now on. 

"Thank you for your time... we'll have the new treaty drawn up as soon as possible so that it can be signed," Sam replied signalling for the pack to head back to La Push, he nodded at Paul knowing what his friend would want to do and he didn't mind. 

Carlisle watched the pack leave before he prepared to head home with his family, he glanced at Edward hoping that his eldest son would be able to control himself with one of the wolves being around Bella's home from now on. 

Jacob watched Edward and the other Cullens leaving as a bitter feeling filled him, he couldn't believe that Bella had taken them back; he hated that Sophia had been right about her cousin and he wished that he had been able to win Bella's heart. 

Jacob shook his head preparing to travel back to La Push, there would always be the chance that he would imprint but he wasn't sure if that was what he wanted. 

Bella had been everything for him and yet she had still chosen Edward instead of him; something that Jacob doubted he would ever be able to get over. 

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