Chapter Twelve: Night-Time Talks

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Sophia yawned padding into the kitchen, it was late at night and the blonde was glad that Mia had settled down well; she had been reading a book and had grown thirsty.

Sophia headed towards the fridge dressed only in her blue woven check night shirt; she brushed some hair from her face as she opened the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water.

Sophia closed the fridge and jumped a little surprised when she saw her uncle sat at the dining room table in the dark.

“Is everything okay Uncle Charlie?” Sophia asked softly walking over to her uncle, she kept a hold of her water wondering why he was up so late; he had work in the morning and she didn’t know what he was still doing up.

Charlie looked at his niece, it hadn’t crossed his mind until earlier that neither of Sophia’s parents had called her since she had arrived in Forks; his sister was often busy but Sophia had been staying with him for two weeks now and still nothing.

“Have you heard from your parents?” Charlie asked looking at Sophia, she was home most of the day and he couldn’t recall her ever mentioning that his sister had called or her father; he was often surprised that after nineteen years together Caroline and Jonathon were still not married.

Sophia shook her head chewing on her lip, she wasn’t surprised that her parents hadn’t been in contact with her since they had shipped her off without a second thought.

“Soph?” Charlie asked watching at his niece, he had to be missing something especially since his sister hadn’t even bothered to check in on her only daughter.

Sophia swallowed sitting down knowing that she was going to have to explain what had happened when she had left New York.

“Father has sort of disowned me,” Sophia whispered looking down at her hands, she knew that he had been furious when she had revealed that she was pregnant; he had reacted even worse when she had told him that she would be keeping Mia and not giving her away.

Charlie frowned at Sophia’s words, her father was a very rich and powerful lawyer who cared more about his appearance and social standing than anything else.

Caroline was in-charge of running his social gatherings and making him look even better, she had been charged with ensuring that Jonathon had an heir to his family fortune and that was the only reason that they’d had Sophia.

Sophia was the sole heir to her father’s family’s vast fortune and her parents had hoped to groom her into becoming the perfect lady; someone who would carry on the family line and marry someone of high stature.

“He refuses to talk to me since I decided to keep Mia, he’s disappointed with me,” Sophia whispered looking at her uncle, she didn’t have to tell him that her mother had gone along with what her father had said.

Charlie frowned knowing that while he was also disappointed that Sophia had become a teenage mother, he was also proud of her for accepting responsibility for her actions.

It had been a brave decision that Sophia had made to accept that she had made a mistake and decided that she was going to raise her daughter; she was making the best of what she had right now and it wasn’t a lot.


Sophia sighed walking upstairs with her bottle of water, she was glad that she had her Uncle Charlie and she had been able to talk to him.

Sophia had known that she was going to have to find some sort of balance in her life, she had wanted to ask after a job but with Mia being so young and needed her more than anything.

Sophia paused at the top of the stairs and frowned when she heard whispers from Bella’s bedroom, she frowned wondering what was going on.

It was the middle of the night and Sophia didn’t know who Bella could be calling at this hour but she knew that if Charlie caught her then she would be in trouble.

Sophia took a deep breath and poked her head into Bella’s room, she raised an eyebrow at the sight of a shirtless Jacob before she cleared her throat.

“Charlie’s coming up soon, you might want to hide your boy-toy before he checks on you,” Sophia teased with a wink before she closed the door behind her, the blonde headed into her room knowing that Jacob had probably come to apologise.

Sophia smiled to herself knowing that maybe Bella would now get some closure on the end of her friendship with Jacob; she knew her cousin deserved to have some sort of closure after what had happened with Edward.

Sophia set down her drink on the bedside table before she moved to check on Mia, she smiled softly as she looked at her daughter who was sound asleep glad that she was sleeping more and more each night.

Sophia knew that her life was forever changed now that she was a mother and she wasn’t always going to be able to rely on her parents money forever; she just needed to get her GED and then things would be a little easier for her.

Sophia carefully made sure that Mia was warm enough before moving to look out of her window, she still wasn’t sure what the silver thing had been but she wouldn’t be seeing it again.

Leaning against the window frame, Sophia blinked as her blue eyes locked on something moving in the trees across from her home; she swallowed as a large dark silver furred wolf standing in the forest were she could see it.

Sophia stared at the creature if her uncle saw it then he’d probably take his shotgun to the animal, the blonde chewed on her lip there was something more to the wolf.

Breathing onto the window, Sophia couldn’t help but think that the silver wolf was a beautiful creature if she ignored the fact that it was probably involved in the hiker incidents; there had been a lot of killings recently and that was the only answer.

Sophia glanced behind her as she heard her uncle coming up the stairs to bed, she was glad that his bedroom was at the back of the house so he wouldn’t see the wolf that was stood outside the front.

Sophia listened for a moment before she turned back to look at the wolf, she felt her breath catch in her throat as she realised that the wolf was now staring directly up at her; she stood still wondering if it could in fact see her.

“Good night Sophia,” Charlie called making Sophia jump then look back at the door, she rested a hand on her heart as she felt a sharp tug as she swallowed.

Sophia took a deep breath as she tried to calm herself down, she didn’t know what it was but it was strange that she was oddly attached to the wolf that was outside which was completely stupid.

“Night Uncle Charlie,” Sophia called softly before she looked back out of the window to see that the silver wolf had gone; she swallowed as she moved to rest a hand on her heart wondering what was going on.  

Unknown to Sophia, the wolf was still watching her from the forest as she moved away from the window and headed back to bed; it tilted its head as it moved to lay down on the forest floor watching the house.

The wolf ignored Jacob as he climbed out of Bella’s window and made for the forest knowing that he’d deal with that tomorrow; he had come to watch over his imprint for the night since he didn’t want any leeches getting close to her.

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