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"𝚂𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚋𝚊𝚍 𝚒𝚜 𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚗 𝚝𝚘 𝚖𝚎. 𝙼𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚋𝚎 𝚜𝚘 𝚜𝚊𝚍 𝚖𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚖𝚢 𝚗𝚘𝚜𝚎 𝚛𝚞𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐."

Chapter 2
Meraki Rylia Taraka


She rolled her eyes feeling irritated, that she really just fought them bitches. She huffed walking down the road.

"Maaaa these bitches just tried to jump me, like how you my supposed friend but gone try and fight me? I beat on her sooo bad, and then that hoe Tommy ran up and I gave her the do cause I been wanting to beat her face in." Raki said fast and heated. Walking towards nowhere really her house was far so she was just walking around.

Her momma heard this and hopped out of her bed and slid her slides on, grabbing her keys and rushing out the door. She had been told her that girl wasn't her friend, mothers know.

"Stop cursin'" her momma mumbled.

She sped down the road tryna get to her daughter. "I been told to ass bout that fast ass girl and yo ain't wanna listen now look at you, fighting." She said irritating that her daughter was fighting and now stranded " send me your location Rak"

Raki heard her momma irritated voice and frowned. She felt like she disappointed her mom by fighting them girls. Raki never liked to make her momma any emotion but happiness, after all her momma did for her it's the least she could do.

She sat on the curb and sent her mom her location. She had to beg her mom to let her come now she was stranded, she couldn't believe it.

" Momma and then Munchie big self was sitting down eating watching the whole fight." She laughed like it was the funniest shit ever.

"I know that's right baby cause they had you messed up, thinking you can bully my baby and get away with it NOPE. And I will be calling Ms. Lauren in the morning cause her daughter fast assfuck. And she should be embarrassed cause how you let somebody beat you in yo own house??" Her momma said them laughing after.

"Rightttttt" Raki dragged then looked around.

Now she was getting scared she was out here really in the middle of nowhere. "Momma when you gone be here" she said nervously.

"I'm 5 minute ms away baby okay, I'll be there." She was doing 70 inna 60 she couldn't go any faster or she would be at the county. She frowned though, she hated the way her daughters voice cracked.

"Damn she got you good across your eye Rakkkzz, how you let her get you like that?" She yelled laughing. She was trying to distract her.

Raki side eyed her through the phone and went to her camera and examined the scratch.

"She really did though" she mumbled hissing when she seen blood dripping down her nose. She grabbed a small pack of tissues the was in her purse and whipped the blood from her face. The scratch started at her fore head and ended at the curve of her nose. " But you should see her face."

"I already know chile" she said shaking her head speeding up a little because she was now down the street. "Cmon I'm here"

Raki got up and walk fast as hell to the car, she didn't need to be here any longer. She got in threw her bag in the back and her momma pinched her thigh. "What I tell you bout fighting Meraki?"

" Mommaaaa really" Raki hissed. Her momma shrugged.

"Imma mother, and I don't condone violence. You could've walked out and called me." Raki knew that but she wanted her licks in. She wasn't gone let them punk her, they were bullies and those chose the wrong one to pick on.

"They had it coming" Raki said staring out the window.

"Lemme see" Tee grabbed her face frowning at the scratch. "Ion like that, get the ointment" she said pointing to the passenger compartment. She opened the compartment grabbing the ointment and passed it to her momma.

"You are way to pretty to be fight Rakz, you know that. They did have it coming though I didn't like how that girl carried herself, knew she was trouble." Tee mumbled applying the ointment to the scratch.

"I'm sorry." Raki said feeling bad she didn't listen to her momma. "It's okay baby, I love you. I'm glad you handled that and stood up for yourself. She kissed her forehead, capping the ointment and started driving.

"I love you too" Raki mumbled back feeling lightheaded.

They rode in silence, Raki was tired and laid her head back relaxing.

They stopped at a red light and Raki opened her eyes feeling something wrong. She looked around as the light turned green.

A truck ran the light and was heading straight towards them. "Ma look!" Raki screamed, Tee look over frantically and swerved the car but the car followed them and smashed right into them making them flip and flip.

Tee pushed her daughter back into her seat as they flipped. Her mother instincts telling her to hold her daughter in place.

They hit a poll on her mothers side and the car stopped and silence ringed out around them.

Raki lifted her head feeling herself about to black out. But she had to check on her momma, she had to look and see if she was okay.

Tee's arm feel from Raki's chest to her lap, limp.

Her neck hurt and her ears were ringing as she turned her head seeing her momma with a big piece of glass in her neck. Her momma was looking straight at her...dead.

Raki felt her life freeze. Her eyes burned and her throat tightened so much it hurt. She couldn't believe this was happening. It had to be a dream right?

"M-ma?" She couldn't even talk, her words were chopped and hoarse. She felt so lightheaded and droopy as she silently cried for her momma.

And she blacked out.

Tee was a young mom, got pregnant at 17 with a baby by a hood nigga. Not no regular ass good nigga though, Raki daddy was a real killer. Which lead him to being in jail. Raki was born when Tee was just 18. Andros or Sosa (Raki daddy) claimed to be there for his child and he was, up untill Raki was two years old and swat came and got his ass for 2 murder charges. Sosa always had people looking for his ass so when he got locked up people started looking for Tee knowing he had a baby by her.

They found her getting out the car at a Walmart and shot her car up. Tee couldn't handle that, she had a baby now and she wouldn't let Raki grow up without a mother and father so she left. Moved to Las Vegas, Nevada. She got a job as a intern at a big company. Tee would do anything for her daughter, Raki was everything to her, her whole heart.

Every decision she had made since she had Meraki she had always put Raki first. She never thought of herself first she thought of her daughter, in everything she chose to do in life. And she did just that....up until her last breath.


Damn.... tragic right?

I'm not gone lie I cried writing this.

Thoughts on momma Tee?

Y'all think Raki gone recover from this?

Thoughts on Yb dissing Von?

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