life after the scholarship

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3 years later...

Y/ns pov

Me and lizzie had been together for over 3 years now. I had graduated from nyu and I was looking into working as an actor. Lizzie was still a teacher but she was working in some movies on the side.

Over the last year me and lizzie decided it was time to add another person to the household. We had more than enough money to support a family of 3 and we weren't too busy with work.

Over the last 7 months we had been trying to get pregnant. We decided I would carry since I wouldn't be under much stress at work. However we tried 5 times and each time I either didn't get pregnant or miscarried in the first few weeks. This led to many arguments between me and liz.

This was our 6th time trying, and I was sat in a bathroom whilst lizzie was out with work friends. She had been filming avengers age of ultron for the last month and I even got to meet a few of the cast members. Me and scarlett (yes THE scarlett johansson) had formed a sister-like friendship.

Back to me and the bathroom. I was sat on the floor waiting for my 3 minute timer to ping. I decided it was best to wait 3 months till i would test again. It was in the last 10 seconds of waiting that I got a message off an unknown number. A picture of my girlfriend...and Chris Evans making out.

Then I saw it. The positive sign and 10+ weeks next to it....

Lizzies pov

I was on a night out with the AoU cast and I had gotten slightly drunk. Not that much that I didn't know what I was doing.

I was stood with scarlett when I was pulled to the side of the bar.

" eva-.." that was when I felt his lips smash into mine. It took longer than it should of for me to realize what was happening.

I pushed him off quicker than the kiss happened and left as I felt guilty that my soon to be fiancee was at home alone.

When I got back to mine and y/ns apartment it was quiet. Too quiet. I started searching around the rooms for y/n.

There was a letter on the bed with a printed out picture of me and Evans. And the kiss.

Dear Elizabeth,

She never used my full name.

I'm glad to see you had fun with Chris tonight. I saw the photo....maybe thats why we have been arguing lots recently. I guess I'll never find out. I packed my things and im moving to London for a while. Dont try calling me liz. I really loved you and what you did broke me...

Yours y/n


I stayed up all night trying to call y/n. No luck. It only ever went to voicemail.

I wish she would answer so I could explain. I went around the house and all her things were gone except for a hoodie....the one I used to steal all the time.

3 months later...

No ones pov

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