movie night

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Ships included: a bit of wandanat,  a lot of Stony, and some katelena

Natasha's pov

Tony was doing another pointless movie night gathering tonight, well not totally point less since I was going to take my little witch to movie night as my cuddle partner infact  this was the first time she came because she always said she was too nervous and of course I tried to convince her that it was fine but she's a bit hardheaded like me and stuck with her choice

"Babe I'm not sure I should go" wanda said behind my back making me jump a little

"Oops sorry didn't mean to startle you"

I turned around to see her fiddling with her fingers meaning she was nervous

"Wands there is no reason why you shouldn't go, everyone loves you baby and remember we were going to set up my sister and her "friend" tonight" I said rubbing my hands over her shoulder so she would calm down a bit

She then dropped her shoulders and sighed

"Ok I guess you're right, well are you ready then?"

"Yup let's go" I said kissing her cheek while reaching for my motorcycle keys


Kate's pov

I was in the kitchen hiding from the others because yelena went to the bathroom and left me alone! and since I don't know anyone I left the living room deciding to avoid awkward conversations  

While I was on my phone I heard the door open

I lifted my head to see who had just entered

To my surprise it was wanda, I've met wanda multiple times since yelena likes to drag me everywhere with her and I could say wanda and I got pretty close, I also really like yelena's sister she is pretty cool but very intimidating like wanda 

"Hey sweetie, what are doing all alone here?"

She said getting closer to give me a hug and kiss

"Oh yeah I'm just getting a cup of water since yelena went to the bathroom" I said responding to the hug and kiss

"You sure you're not hiding?"

"What? Me no that's crazy!"

As soon as I saw her head tilt thing i looked down

Gosh she's scary

"Yes yup I am it's just because im a bit nervous to be around all of the avengers I'm like the only non superhero"

" Oh hun we would differ, no you're not come on let's go the movie is starting"

"Ok sure"

"I'm also a bit nervous if I'm being honest" she whispered into my ear

Wanda can be very confident in most things
It still shocks me that she can me scared and nervous sometimes too
Tony's pov

Honestly i plan all these stupid movie nights just to see Steve since he is always busy being a good guy to the world so I organize movie nights as excuse to cuddle with him

He is not very smart to see the obvious feelings I have for him

I would really like to ask him out but I'm afraid he would reject me but today I gathered the  courage to finally ask him on a date

I'm really hoping it goes well

I've set a little romantic setting for after the movies so I could ask him out there

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