Out of control pt.2

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Ships included: wandalena wandanat? Carolnat

Wanda's pov

My mind was about to explode i have so many thoughts running through my mind its really hard to focus on what Yelena is currently saying to me

"Wanda? Wands!" Yelena said taping me on the shoulder

"Huh? Oh sorry what were you saying?" I said finally snapping back to reality

"I was saying if you wanted to go on a date with me considering my long talk with Kate and us coming to an agreement of just being friends, i really like you Wanda and i want to get to know you better but only if you like considering how you must feel about what happened earlier"

What? Is she being serious?  After today my head has been racing with confusing thoughts and then getting this opportunity from nowhere was making my heart ache but i still love her so very much

My lips turned into a big smile

"Yes, i would love to Yelena" i said giving her a hug which was returned tightly

We apart and look at each other, i wonder why out of any other time she asks me out now but im not gonna question her anymore im too in love to anyway

"See you later" i say giving her a small peck on the lips turning back to walk away

I smile all the way to my room where i will spend the next hours to sort my thoughts and feeling after today

Natasha's pov

I had watched the whole scenario with tears

Yelena knew i was going to tell carol about my feelings soon and she took that as a chance to hurt me by taking Wanda away from me

She's so fucking selfish she didn't even like Wanda she just couldn't handle me having something that is not hers

I knew She loved Kate more than anyone but she still wanted Wanda for herself when she knew goddamn well i loved her more than anyone or anything in the entire fucking world

Yelena was playing with Wanda's feelings and i swear if Wanda ends up hurt i will kill Yelena maybe not physically because i still love her but if she hurts Wanda for her selfish ego then well love is not a word i will have for her

I walk up to her and take by the arm dragging her to the nearest empty room

"What the hell let go of me"

"Leave Wanda out of your pity, you will end up hurting her and if theres any love you have for her you know you're doing wrong by leading her on" i say very fast but slow enough for her to understand

"I don't know what you're talking about Natalie, i do love her"

"As a friend, you love Kate as a lover and you know that"

"You're just mad that for once i have something you don't, gosh don't you see yourself going crazy for a girl who doesn't even love you back? You ruined your perfectly good relationship for a girl who i will end up with, YOU not me i did nothing but declare my feelings for her"

"ах ты сука don't act dumb! Y- " i got cut off by the door opening

"NATASHA,YELENA CAROL IS IN THE HOSPITAL!" wanda said with tears running down her face

"WHAT?!" We both said in unison

(Still nat's pov)

I was currently sitting in the hospital chair next to carol

Since she could heal fast the doc said she was able to leave the next day

We were informed that the found her on she side of the road intoxicated

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