TWO. fake marriages are the way to go

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CHARLOTTE ALWAYS imagined having a fairytale like wedding

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CHARLOTTE ALWAYS imagined having a fairytale like wedding. She may have been young but she had dreams and imaginations just like other people.

But she was only a teenager in high school and dreams had to stay dreams for her right now.

She currently sat in her life skills class with Austin and Dez as the teacher went on about what the main purpose of the class.

"For this week's assignment, everyone will pair up and put together a budget and visual presentation for one of these major life events."

Charlotte read the five bullet points. Retirement, baby shower, Bar Mitzvah, Buying a house, and wedding.

All interesting choices and she honestly didn't have time to process the though as she turned to her boyfriend and saw him down on one knee by her desk.

"Charlotte..." He smiled, taking her hand, "Will you make me the happiest man in life skills class and fake-marry me? And promise to honor and cherish me until the bell do us part?"

"If you get up, yes."

"You two make such a great couple." Their teacher smiled, "Just like Philip and I used to be. He stole my heart. Then he stole my waffle maker."

Dez stood from his seat, "Congratulations on your fake engagement buddy." He smiled and faced Charlotte, "If you break his heart, I swear I will destroy you. Toodles!"

CHARLOTTE AND Austin sat by a round table at the school and began looking over their very fake wedding.

"We have to figure how much pretend money we can spend on stuff like flowers, food, and a bounce house."



"No bounce house."

"It's not a real wedding."

Charlotte held a smile and grabbed the paper from his hand, "I don't care. But you know what we do?"

"Have a petting zoo."

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