FIVE. the lost and probably never found

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CHARLOTTE TAYLOR had been through it since getting rejected than accepted into John Hopkins

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CHARLOTTE TAYLOR had been through it since getting rejected than accepted into John Hopkins.

She had broken her nail after getting her nails done.

She had ripped the new dress Austin bought her.

She couldn't pick up her cap and gown.


Because she had an overdue library book from freshman year. She had no idea where it was and if she couldn't find it she wouldn't be able to attend the graduation ceremony.

She was supposed to give the speech at graduation and if she couldn't attended they were going to pass that down to the next person.

"Hey, Char. Is that the library book you were looking for?" Austin asked.

"No, but I know what happened to it." She held a false smile as she handed Austin a book, "Take a look."

"Hey, it's my name! Aww, and it has a little start next to it."

"That's an asterisk." She smiled, "You borrowed my missing book."

"Why would I borrow some book on medieval history?" He asked, "Wait, why would I borrow a book?"

"That's not the point. The point is, you have my book. I need that book or I won't be able to go to graduation."

"You know, Charlotte, this just proves once again nothing good ever comes from reading."

Charlotte smiled, "Find my book or you won't be going to graduation either. In fact, you won't the sun again."

Though she had threatened him the book still hadn't been found and it had been days.

"Please tell me you found the book."

"Uhh... As a matter of fact, I did find your book. It was in this old backpack." He smiled.

"That's great! I was so worried that you wouldn't be able to find it. You can just give me that book and I can go return it."

"You can't do that because... I already returned it for you."

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