Red Ribbon Army III

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Bora held his son close to him, he and Goku dodged that pillar that the mysterious man rose on planted on the ground with him on it.


"Wh-Who in the world are you?!"

Li rode off of her bike, turning it back into the capsule, and stood a fair distance away from the man.

"I'm the world's greatest assassin. Taopaipai!" He cockily answered Bora.

"Assassin? What business does a killer have in this holy place?"

"I have no business for this place- I have only business with those two lads here."


Tao looked back at Li, who flinched.

"So glad you came along, too. Ha ha ha ha!!"

"Business with us? I don't even know you, Mister." Goku raised a brow.

"Perhaps you will understand if I tell you I was hired by the Red Ribbon Army-" Tao pushed his finger out and blocked Li's kick. "I didn't finish, girly."

"I already know why you're here! You're here to kill us and take the dragon balls with you to those Red Ribbon scum!"

"Good. That saves the talking. There is no need in talking to the dead anyway. OHo ho ho ho ho!!"

"The Red Ribbon Army! They're so stubborn!" Goku glared at him.

"Father, you can't let them die!" Upa pleaded.

"This youth save my son's life. If you will not leave quietly, I will stand against you."

Tao remains quiet and grabbed Li by her hair.

"Ah!!" She cringed at the feeling.


"Leave the others alone as well!"

"He's my enemy." Goku looked back at Boar as he glared at Tao.

"To defend the sacred land of Korin is my sworn duty. Stay back, Upa."

"Ha ha ha! What a fool. To deliberately choose death." He crackled as he pulled harder.

"You're pretty heavier than the average 12 year old. You're also lucky I can't kill your pretty little head. They want you alive." Li could only wail in pain, she tried fighting back, she made as many punches and kicks as she can, but they were nothing on him, hell even biting him didn't work!

"Grr! Now come on!"

"Good luck, Father!"

"Heh heh heh. You think you're fairly good, do you? This little brat is doing more than what you could do!" Bora just brings his spear tighter around his hands to show he wasn't backing down.

"Well then. I'll make the first move without any qualms." Tao smirked as he poked Li by her head, she was stunned and put into an unconscious state. "Ok do it with one arm carrying this little lady, and with the other to kill you."

Bora brings his spear forward, but he missed. Tao was too fast for him, Tao caught the spear with ease.

"H-He's fast!"

Bora tried pulling his weapon away from Tao, but he was too strong.

"Mm? Something the matter? You're not moving at all. Well then, allow me to move you " Tao held his weapon up and flung Bora into the air. Tao smirked, grabbing the spear, throwing it in the air, killing Bora, a spear through his chest.

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