Red Ribbon Army IV

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"What are you talking about?" Goku asked as he turned his head.

"Climbing this very tall tower has been good for your lungs conditioning I suspect,...."

"Huh? You think so?" Goku patted his chest.

"Now that you say that!" She perked up, she was ready to rant about that, but Korin just wacked her head with his staff.

"You mutter too much, girl."

Goku laughed at her misery. She glared back at him, grabbing Korin's staff and wacking him with it.

"Ouch!" She smirked and pat his head.

"Li! You- Gah! The pouch with my dragon ball! When did you take that!" Goku looked at Korin.

"Soft paws..." She said under her breath.

"What are you gonna do?!?! Give it back!!"

"Here." Korin just tossed it out of the tower.

"No!!" Both Goku and Li yelled.

Goku was the one to go quick after it. Once he grabbed back from the bottom he climbed right back up, very quickly too.

"What's the big idea?!!" Goku panted.

"Ho ho ho! Don't you appreciate the extra training?"

They looked at Korin as if he were crazy.

"It took you two almost a full day to climb this tower. Now you made it here in a matter of a much shorter time. And you Li, you're now even more quicker with you hands as you are you legs. You snatched my staff without any of us realizing it."

They both looked at themselves in wonder.

"If you didn't know that I took your staff without being prepared for me to take it. Then I do not accept this praise." Li bowed to him. "I apologize."

"You still want to test yourself?"

She nodded and brought her fists together. Goku smirked and nodded with her.

"Then let's get back to business!"

It was late at night. Goku shuffled around from his resting spot. He went to grab the hydro flask that Korin held on his cane, but Goku being the humble person he is, decided to get it fair.

Korin smiled proudly.

'They're both very kind hearted lads. How refreshing.' Korin's thoughts were caught off when he saw Li walk up to him.

"Master Korin."


"I have to use the bathroom." She whispered.

" *Sigh*... Follow me."

Goku looked determined, today was the day he would finally get that hydro flask. Li stood taller, a smirk present, ready to begin.

Korin kept his guard up.

Goku went in first, he approached Korin with immense speed, Korin was able to get around Goku, but wasn't able to get away from Goku's tickle attack.

Korin laughed at the sensation, his movements made his cane along with the flask launch almost out of reach.

"IT'S NOT WORTH IT! YOU'LL FALL!!!" Korin called out to Goku, who went after it.

Korin sighed in relief when he found Goku hanging on with his tail.

"I got it! Wait! Where's the flask?"

(Dragonball)||Book1||Dragon Force||+Oc insert||Completed||Where stories live. Discover now