"With a Burning Heart: Defeat the Red Ribbon Army"

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"Up a head."

"What's that?" Goku turned his head.

"It look like some kind of machine."

"What a weirdo." Goku stared at the mini flying machine.
"There they are! Goku and Li!" Bulma pointed at her screen monitor.

Master Roshi, Lunch, and Turtle looked at the screen.

"Is he heading this way, or...?" Bulma pressed a button to find where they were headed.

"Huh. They're heading to where those two dragon balls are."

"That location..." Lunch muttered as she stared at the digital map.

"You think they could've stopped by to say 'Hi'?" Roshi tapped his chin.

"Am I wrong... Or are they heading towards the Red Ribbon Army headquarters?"

Bulma's eyes bulgded out.

"I'll check it out." She instantly went to work to see if Lunch was right.
"Why does it keep following us?"

"It could be the Red Ribbon Army! Goku, we must destroy it!- Huh?"

"He's even faster than flying nimbus."

"Goku, remember when that psychic RR General guy took the dragon Radar? And we defeated their assassin, right?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"They don't know we defeated him. So, they'll assume we're Tao."


"They would never expect kids like us to do such a thing."


"We have the element of surprise on our sides."


"Mission Not impossible: Infiltrate Red Ribbon Army headquarters!"

"And get the dragon balls!"


They both fist pumped.

------Once the Red Ribbon Army Headquarters was in their view, they both salute each other

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Once the Red Ribbon Army Headquarters was in their view, they both salute each other.

"Let's have some fun!" Goku declared as they both bring their fists up, ready to fight.

"You go ahead, Goku. You strike from above while I fight down there."

"Are you sure?"


They both nod.

"It's mercenary Tao- Wait! It's not-" the helicopter pilot was cut off by Li, who leaped down the flying nimbus to strike.

"I will defeat you all and know exactly why you killed my dad!"

"He's been taken out! What's going on?!" Another RR pilot stammered on the radio communicator as he looked around.

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