The True Demon King Piccolo?!

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"Will he ever give up?!! I ran through the ocean!!!! And I see land a head!!! Eeekk!!" She ran faster, she was getting extremely exhausted, but kept going.

"This should be far enough- oof!!!" Li tripped and fell on her stomach.

"Bleh." The dragon ball fell out of her mouth. "..............."

"I will never look at a dragon ball the same way ever again."
"Lord Demon King Piccolo, we have arrived! We are directly above the dragon balls! And... The other one has been taken out." Mai cringed as she watched the dragon ball fall out of Li's mouth.

"Very good. Let's go get them."

"Who's that?" Tien pointed at Li in disgust.

"It's Li. What is she doing here?!" Roshi's eyes widen as he watched her stand, just a few feet above the dragon balls. Tien and Roshi looked at the aircraft Piccolo was on and tensed.

"Wait a minute."

"Why did they stop? I'm right here, but they won't get the dragon ball. What is going on?!"
"There doesn't seem to be anyone there besides the girl..."  Pilaf looked below.

Li just glared and watched them carefully from below.

"They're hiding, eh? They will of course, try for this dragon ball and the one the girl is holding. I think it should be wiser to hold onto them." King Piccolo held the dragon ball on his hand. He grabbed them and swallowed them.
"The Demon King! H-He swallowed them!"


"Blast it! He's a fool that one! Now we'll never get a hold of the balls! Unless we defeat him utterly!" Master Roshi clenched his fists.

"Which means we have no choice but to fight."

"You stay out of this. I'll find a way some how. And while I do, bring Li to safety. Don't worry, I won't die. For I've drunk the elixir of immortality."

"She swallowed the dragon ball again."

"I can't believe I swallowed it again! I had to! I can play this game, Demon Piccolo!!!" Li pointed at him.

Master Roshi had to put Tien out of commission, he wasn't gonna have Tien and Chiaotzu risk thier lives, he was in the impression that Goku was dead, he couldn't have the only fighter left for dead.


Li tensed and looked behind. It was Master Roshi.

"Master Roshi! What are you doing here-" Master Roshi hit a nerve and knocked her out.

"You're another valuable fighter, brute girl. I can't have you dying on me either." Roshi picked her up and hid her where Chiaotzu was.

"Make sure she doesn't do anything! Not yet at least."

Chiaotzu nods and grabs Li.

"Master Roshi..."

Master Roshi pat her head and turned towards Chiaotzu. "Say goodbye to everyone for me."

Chiaotzu nods and brings Li closer to him.

Master Roshi walks back to confront King Piccolo.

"Come on down, King Piccolo!! The dragon balls are here!!"

"Ho? So you knew it was me. I'm impressed. I'm far less impressed that you would be foolish enough to challenge me, even knowing who I am." King Piccolo crackled.

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