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Jungkook saw you as the guy approached with a letter in his hand, & handed it to you.

You opened the envelope but couldn't see the letters completely, the guy pointed his hand to the opposite direction and told you that he was ordered to give you the letter. & Also told you that a boy named Baekhyun is waiting for you on the first floor of the mansion.

Y/N pov:
I don't want to meet him now but maybe he wants to say something on this thought I decided to go but as I was about to step on the stairs but a hand stopped me I turned around, my vision is blur but can see a grip on my wrist with my half opened eyes, as i look up to see the face ahh my headache

"where are you going?" I pointed my fingers upward and said "upstairs" "why? You are not going anywhere, you are drunk so it's better for you to go back home" i nodded to him he's right i should go home. "Where is Cris-"

Jungkook pov:
She was saying something but before she could complete she blankout. I grab her by the waist to support her. "Hey y/n?!" I called her name & lightly tapped on her red cheeks. "Are you seriously gonna sleep here?".
Carrying the sleeping girl in my arm as i made her sit in the passenger seat and securely buckle the seatbelt around her.
Since her friend already left the venue with her boyfriend being all wasted and I can't leave y/n alone at this late hour so I decided to take her back home. I sat on the driver seat and started the engine with the key I had.

Isolated roads, dark clouds covering the stars. Moon shining in the haze blanket. I turned my head when I heard her mumble something in her sleep. "Cute" lightly chuckling at her baby sleeping face. Even tho I can't understand her mumbles, but she looks cute. Her chubby cheeks tinted in the dark shade of red, & the cherry red lipstick shade layered on her pouty lips.
I parked the car in front of her house and got out & walked to the main door on a plan of first to open the door and then take her into her room but my bad luck the door has a password & i don't know it but still tried by punching her b'day no. But no it's not correct.

I knocked on the door a few times but no-one answered. Does she live all alone in this fat ass house? That's scary for a girl. I walked back to my car and opened the passenger seat door "y/n wake up!" I called her & shook her body to wake her up but only got a snoring in reply. "Hey y/n at least tell me the password of your house"

Even after so much try I didn't get any reply. Sitting in the car again I started the car & drove off now the only option left is my house. Parking the car in the garage of my house as I step out.

Firstly opened the main door & then walked to her side opening the car door I picked her up in my arms.

"I...wuant...candy" sleepy mumbling directly in my ears. Smiling to her sleep talk as I locked the car before entering my house. Kicking the main door shut. I opened the door of my room and made her lay on the bed. "cw..candy". Tucking her in the blanket as I looked at her face.

Brushing off the long strands of hair before whispering in her ears softly "I'll give you candy when you'll wake up" and lastly place a peck on her forehead before saying good night.

I distanced myself from her sleeping figure & made my way to exit, I switched off the light but as I was going to step outside I heard a thug sound from behind. Switching on the light to verify the source of sound only to see y/n sleeping flat on the floor. "Wt- how you ended up on floor"

Hurriedly went back to her and picked her up, tucked back into the blanket and set the pillow by the side. I looked up to take one last glance at her but suddenly she opened her eyes making me startled "you scared me!" I stated over her sudden action, but she just giggled over my comment.

"Sleep now alright and if you need anything then I am in the next room beside yours" I straightened my posture and turned around to exit but a grip on my hand stopped me.

I turn to her now sitting figure "you want something?" she shook her head as I sat beside her folding my one leg on the bed so that I can face her

Author Pov:
He sat facing you as you looked at his face with your hooded eyes "I want to tell you something" you spoke,

You were not that drunk but just a little tipsy.
"Hmm go on" simply replying to you, you opened your mouth to say as your hands clenched the thick fabric covering you. "Today in breaktime, Baekhyun confessed to me" you gazed in his eyes to find your answer as you saw his expression change.

The concerned ones were now blank and cold gazes.

"But|-" you tried to continue but his words cut your sentence to ever start "you should sleep".....; Jealous: no that isn't the correct word to describe his current thought;

he was hurt, hurt to listen you can't be his now, but he stayed calm. Maybe he just shows you he is calm but in actuality he isn't. But on the top he respects your decision.

He was going to stand up but making him stop you grabbed his shirt and ended up making him stay at his place. "Y/n we ca|-" "you said you will listen to me" you spoke showing your puppy eyes "you're drun|-"

Making him shut you suddenly sat on his lap, straddling his thighs. Your already short reached high as the poor boy's eyes widened in shock. You cupped his cheeks, unconsciously squeezing it little making a small pout sprout showing his two bunny teeth.

"I was only saying that I rejected him because I love someone but don't you wanna know who that someone is" you questioned. He gulped down the lump formed in his throat.

He grabbed you by your waist to support you as he lifted your body off his lap to make you lay on bed but you tightly crossed your leg at his back as you slid close to his crotch.

"Don't do anything that you'll regret later" he warned but were you gonna listen to any of his words? You closer your face to his staring deep as felt his heartbeat increase. Your eyes shift between his eyes and lips. His sweet vanilla, you love his addicting cologne

You face just inch close; he can smell the misty scent of alcohol from you. "I..|- i... you... i lo|-..." You couldn't form words, bcz of the headache.

You head fell forward in the crook of his neck as his hands automatically went to your back, caressing it with his warm hands. You slept again....

But making his eyes go wider, he felt your lips on the flesh of his neck as you sucked a bit harder than usual, as he growled from the sensation. "Umm cwand..y" you mumbled midway still tugging in his skin. "The heck, I'm not your fucking candy".

He fliped you over as now his figure was hovering over your, he carefully unfolded your legs from his back. Again a moan escape his open lips when you swirl you tongue on the flesh between your teeth in your deep slumber.

He tried to slide his index finger to make you free skin that's surely gonna leave mark.. successful he free his skin as you lips found another candy! but seeing your scrunched up face while su*king on his finger made him disbelief "you think my neck as your candy but not my finger....well that sounds creepy" he talks to him self as he saw your sleeping figure.

"Won't she feel uncomfortable in those clothes" .
What do you think will happen next?...

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