Chapter 9 Irresistible

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Devin's POV

"Bullshit." I called bluff on Joe. He flipped the card and smirked. "Goddamnit." I mumbled taking up the whole stack. "You always look like you're lying." Joe smiled happily and poked Andy to take his turn. Andy placed down the next card. Then EJ. I wasn't willing to call them and no on dares call me out for a bluff because I am always unforgiving when it comes to card games, but espesially now when it looked as if I'm going to lose the whole game... and twenty bucks. I placed down a queen of hearts carefully laid on top of a 4 of spades, once again testing my slight of hand. "Bull-" EJ began but stopped abruptly.

Patrick ran up the steps to the deck. "I found Pete." he gasped, out of breath. "Hurry." I dropped the cards in hand, seeing something was wrong , and hurriedly followed Patrick into the woods. "What's going on?" Joe asked, showing the concern that was growing among all of us. "I was looking for him in the woods. When I found him he ran away. I tried to help him, but he yelled for me to go away and then collapsed. Something is wrong, but I don't know what. I think," he paused deciding against whatever he was about to say, "I don't know."

"Can you give some more details, please?" Andy asked catching up to Patrick. "What were you going to say?" he persisted. Patrick shook his head. "It was just a trick of the light." Tired of him being vague I picked up my pace and took my place at his side. "Patrick!"I snapped, "What did you see?" Guilt for yelling at him already began to sink in. Why do I always hurt him? He fidgeted with his hands and hesitated in answering. "His eyes. They looked red." I closed my eyes, stopped, and took a few deep breaths. "I thought vampire's eyes only change color when..." Joe trailed off and stopped too.

"What are we going to do?" EJ asked. The seriousness of the situation sunk in and I naturally began formulating a plan, always ready to take the lead. "Two people need to find him and bring him back down. The rest pack up and we need to get back because there's nothing we can do to help here. We don't have any of our gear." I stiffened my shoulders and raised my head to look assertive. "Patrick knows where he is; I'll go with him." The other three turned and ran for the house, not bothering to question my plan.

"What's going to happen when we get back?" Patrick mumbled. "They'll be waiting." I didn't know if I should hurt him with the truth, or comfort him with lies. He already looked so sad and worried, I didn't want to hurt him more. I don't think I would be able to forgive myself. I grabbed his hand firmly. I swallowed the lump in my throat and faked a smile, "We are going to be fine." I avoided his pleading eyes, searching for reassurance I couldn't provide.

"Let's go." I followed him quietly, stepping over logs, snapping twigs, and it felt like a crunched every possible leaf there was. In the week we had been here the leaves had gone from on fire, to fallen on the ground; soon to be dirt. ashes, ashes, we all fall down. That's all we are, right? Leaves. We grow, mature, look pretty for awhile, reproduce, and then, ashes to ashes, dust to dust, we fall and become one with the Earth. Or dust. One or the other. I had never taken time to consider what I would want done with my body after I died. It seemed like a relevant thing I should be thinking about. There were no warnings or possible precautions with this job.

Seeing the dark figure of Pete unconscious on the ground broke me out of my morbid train of thought. Without asking Patrick, I picked him up, cradling him like a toddler. He was surprisingly light. Without a word we walked back to find the house a rush of people. I placed Pete down on the couch, figuring that was a decent resting spot for now. It never occurred to me what would happen if he woke up. Would he have enough restraint to not kill us all? As the pessimist I am, that seemed like the most logical answer.

"EJ," I grabbed her shoulder and she turned around sharply, ready to attack. She relaxed when she saw it was just me. "Is there anything we can use to keep him asleep?" Her eyes formed a question but whatever she was thinking she didn't say. "Bathroom. Shelf above the sink. Will you please pack for Pete..he did for you." The way she said it made me pause. It was almost disdainful. Was she mad at me? Probably. I didn't have time to worry about it, but the thought refused to leave my head. Did she think I owed him something?

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