Chapter 22 Invitation

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July 14, 2013 

*Third Person*

"C'mon Eej, you gotta invite them." The person in question looked up from her pile of invitations with a concerned glare. "Bear, why must you do this?" Charlie sat next to EJ and grabbed her black calligraphy pen, twirling it in between her fingers mindlessly. "I know you want them there, and there's no better time to welcome them back." Charlie reasoned. She knew very well EJ was going to invite them, but sometimes she needed an extra little push.

"But how? The only one I still have contact information for is Devin." Charlie laughed and put the pen back into EJ's hand, closing her fingers around the metal and then leaving her hands around them protectively. "Oh come on. I've seen your stalking skills." EJ smiled, but made no comment. "So, they're on tour with Panic, and Twenty One Pilots. Why don't we get some tickets?" Charlie secretly just wanted to go to a concert.  She could rap Ode To Sleep in her sleep. "You and AJ can go. Get some VIP tickets."

Charlie grinned foolishly and hugged the older woman around the shoulders tightly. It was weird calling her a woman, because to Charlie she was still an adorable little child, but here they were. Both with jobs, and taxes, and about to get married. "You call her, and I'll order the tickets." Charlie let her go, and ran away excitedly. EJ could hear the ecstatic squeaks of joy as she called AJ.

With a sigh EJ began writing out 6 invitations.

Charlotte Monroe and Emilee Smith would be delighted to invite you to their wedding on October 25, 2013 at the Immanuel Presbyterian Church, Wilshire Boulevard, LA California at 5 PM. Dinner and Dining following Ceremony. Casual Affair. Please RSVP by September 30. Hope to see you there.

It was EJ's idea to have the wedding in the chapel the video for "Helena" was filmed. Originally she wanted it outside, but Charlie was allergic to literally everything. EJ made sure there weren't any smears on the ivory paper, before she added the designated names. "God, I miss you guys."


The concert closed off with "Saturday". The air around them buzzed with excitement and the electricity still coursed through everyone's veins.  "That was fucking amazing!" AJ yelled, jumping up and down. "I know!" Charlie yelled back. "Come on, wee one." Charlie grabbed AJ's arm and pulled her out of the crowd toward the back stage. "Do you have the invitations?" Charlie asked. "In my bag."

A security guard led them through the equipment, frantic people trying to clean up, and of course eventually to a spot where Fall Out Boy stood talking to each other casually. AJ's stomach clenched tightly, and she felt the urge to run away. "You got this." She told herself, rubbing the pocket of her jean shorts.  Charlie waved with a friendly smile.

Pete was the first to recognize the girls. The one on the left he had no clue, but without a doubt he knew the taller girl in a black tank top, and short jeans, was AJ. 8 years had changed her; taller, tattoos, bright red hair, and she even had ditched her glasses, but she still had that silver lip ring attached to a playful smirk.

If AJ had not been a complete stalker over the years she would've been surprised as well, but well, she had been. Pete ran toward her and hugged her tightly without warning. She tensed in surprise, but hugged back, unable to breathe after a certain period of time. "You grew up, kid. Holy shit."

"Wait, is that? Pete let her go, she probably can't breathe." Patrick pulled him away, and the same smile of confusion and happiness played on his face. AJ was laughing uncontrollably, her face burning red. "There's no fucking way." Joe greeted pulling her into a hug as well. "You're telling me I grew up," AJ defended, "look at you."

 "Who is this?" Andy asked. Instead of happy, he seemed slightly off. Charlie held out her hand and shook with everyone. "I'm Charlie." AJ slung her back pack down to the ground and rummaged around her the invitations while Charlie conversed with everyone happily. AJ handed them out quickly, watching their reactions carefully.

The silence was killing AJ. Charlie was bouncing uncontrollably. It took AJ's hands on her shoulder to get her to stand still. "Why didn't she invite us herself?" Andy asked, the hurt in his voice obvious. Charlie was well prepared for this question.

"One, she's EJ, and that means she was nervous as fuck. And two, she's teaching a class tonight that she couldn't reschedule. College kids and their tests. So, please don't be offended." Pete folded his invitation and put it in his pocket. "There's one for Brendon and Keegan too." AJ handed it to Patrick.

"I haven't the slightest idea where Keegan is now." Pete replied. AJ shrugged her shoulders. "Okay then. I don't know. Do you guys think you can make it?"

"Duh." Pete said. "We'll be there for sure." AJ and Charlie high fived, relieved to finally get an answer. Pete smacked his forehead and said, "OHHH" as if he realized something. "That day in the hospital." He looked to everyone else for confirmation, but they just stared at him. "Remember? EJ was late, and we pestered her about who she was with and it was Charlie. She called you cute." Pete disclosed.

"Oh, yeeeaah." Joe said. Charlie made the weirdest face ever, a mix of a blush, disgust, and laugh. The result was a scrunched up nose, curled lip, and a wide smile, all while red in the face. "Don't worry, she does that." AJ reassured. "We have a lot of catching up to do." She continued, "But, we've got to go soon." Andy was the only one who hadn't hugged her yet, and now he did. "May I ask one question?" AJ nodded.

Even though he didn't give the tightest hug, it was the strongest. "Did she still talk about us?" AJ sniffled and choked back a tear with a smile.

"All the time."

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