Chapter 11 Runaways

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October 17, 2005 7:28 AM

Hiding always seemed the best method when the world was ending. But the world wasn't ending. In fact, no one really cared about my personal apocalypse. The world carried on like normal. I could hide from the world and it's never ending supply of problems, but I couldn't run from the people I lived with, or the plaguing thoughts in my head. No amount of hiding would bring Pete back, or crying somehow uncover a cure. Laying on my bed, wrapped in a duvet, didn't write an essay or help study for an exam either. But that's where I was. Wrapped in warm blankets, staring hopelessly at the ceiling.

The general feeling of worthlessness and being a waste of space was something was always something I have had to deal with, but now it was consuming me. I wanted more than anything to pull out my laptop and begin typing an amazing essay that will pass me for this semester, or go down and help the others  in any way.The desire was there, ebbing away at my brain, but the motivation wasn't.

A knock at the door. My cell phone buzzing away erratically, desperate for attention. More knocks and calls for me to come down stairs. But I wanted to be alone. And in solidarity I would stay. I was fighting an internal war. Half of me wanting to be a productive human and not let anyone worry about me, the person I normally was. The other half of me was selfish, and full of hatred toward the world. The carnage was me, drifting off somewhere in the middle.

Then something sparked me into reality; AJ's ringtone. I picked up phone without hesitation, relieved to hear from her. "Hello?" I listened for a response, but only heard wind rustling,  heavy breathing and snot filled sniffles"E-E-J." she stuttered, coughing violently. "AJ, what's wrong?" I waited for her to formulate a response, but she only harshly cried on the other end of the line. "It- it's Dad." She let out a tragic sob, my heart shattering into millions of pierced before I even knew what was wrong. Anything that made her like this had to be horrible. She collected herself. My mind went into a state of panic. "A, what is going on?"

"He's dead." Everything stopped. Breath. Heart. Brain. I felt about ready to collapse. "How? When?" I choked out. "Heart attack. This morning around 4 o'clock." There was a moment of solemn, yet mildly awkward, silence. "E, I'm packing now and I'm hopping on the next bus to Chicago. I just cannot be here right now. Don't  be upset, please. Will you please pick me up when I get there?" I nodded, but then realized I was on the phone. "Of course." My maternal instincts reeled  into action; I was all she had left.  "Make sure you pack at least seventy dollars,  clothes.. "

AJ took a deep breath and cleared her throat. "I will. I'm home alone now. Everyone else is still at the hospital." She began sobbing again, her breathing irregular and ragged. "Inhaler." I commanded, softly. I heard the familiar puff. "AJ, you have to keep calm, or you're going to have a panic attack. Keep breathing, okay? I know that's the last thing you are focusing on, but you have to." I waited for her to calm down enough she began talking again. "I'm leaving a note for Grandma. And I'll be on my way."  I snatched my laptop from under my bed, listening to her speech, mixed with tears, and coaxed her to keep calm.

"I'm looking up the bus schedule now. I'll email it to you when I've got the most efficient one put together." We exchanged some more basic planning conversation, she calmed down enough to speak clearly without crying, and soon she was packed up. "I love you." The words were still very foreign to me, but were comforting, filling the gap of distance away from each other. "Love you too. See you soon." I coughed and rubbed my eyes sleepily. "Be safe." I ended the call.

"Okay." I coached myself out loud. "Okay. Can't be sad. Don't break down." I began pacing nervously. "He's dead." He was just... gone and the earth still turned. If the earth carried on then so must I.  Something changed within me and all thoughts and emotions numbed to sweet nothing, before I single tear could escape. I quickly changed into a clean t-shirt, pair of jeans, and hoodie, while brushing out my hair,  and finishing it off with a quick ponytail. My hand rested on the  cool door handle, reluctant to exit the safe haven of my room. My room wasn't even that safe anymore. The world's sadness could infiltrate anywhere. I turned the round piece of metal and marched downstairs, keeping my head up.

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