Chapter 06

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Wait, it's Tuesday again?

Oh, come on!

"Hey, welcome back!" Mr. Kwon greeted me briskly and happily the moment I entered his counseling office. I took a seat in front of him and literally gave him this annoyed face expression.

"What if I don't come?" I asked.

"Well, dear, Mr. Jeon commanded me to counsel you every Tuesday, remember? And I have to do it, so you have too." He replied while smiling, his eyes became crescent like a moon.

Woah, can he see me with such eyes?

"Why?" I feebly questioned.

"Because you have a serious problem." His bright face suddenly turned to the serious one real quick.

What the.

"I don't get it, just why did he cared about my problems? So what if I don't study? My future is the one that'll be dark and not his!" I grumbled before dropping both my shoulders.

"Kid, listen, he cared about your problems because.. He is your homeroom teacher, so you guys are like his sons and daughters, get it? Second, he's just trying to help you guys. He wanted you guys to graduate with good grades and goes to a good University." He explained with a soft smile, I gave him this doubtful look with an eyebrow raised.

He's trying to help us? He must be kidding me.. He haven't even help me in any single thing so far.. But instead, he's just being a burden to me.

"If he's not the one who cared about your problems, then who?" He asked again.


Isn't it obvious?

"Listen Gyeol, just tell me. Tell me why you didn't want to study anymore. You used to be so good in studies before. What happened? Was it family problem?" He leaned closer and held both my hands as he stared straight and deep into my eyes.

Just what the freak is this.

"Erm.. Mr. Kwon, aren't you too much?" I let out an awkward chuckle, he let go and sat down properly then he rubbed his chin while thinking pensively.

"Family problems it is.."

"No. My family are fine. It's just Mr. Jeon being the one and only problem here." I avowed softly. Mr. Kwon gave me a perplexed look.

"You know, seeing how strict he is, I suddenly lost the motivation to study. And believe me or not, he said that I'm THE MAIN REASON WHY MY FRIENDS AREN'T STUDYING!!" I boomed angrily. Mr. Kwon was taken aback with my sudden yell.

"He told them to leave me alone during his class." I added and faked my cry while wiping my invisible tears.

Mr. Kwon took a deep breath before he heaved a sigh.

"Is he being strict the only reason why you don't want to study?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Maybe.. I seriously hate him. I hate him, I hate him, I hate him, I hate him! I don't want to see his face anymore.. Aaahhh~" I started to faking my cry again.

"You know what, Gyeol? Why don't you just study? Who cares if you hate him and that he's strict? Just focus on yourself and focus on your goals, which is to study, to graduate with good grades and to go to Seoul University! You know how hard it is to get accepted to Seoul University, right?" He gave me a convincing smile.

That's not what I expected to hear from him.

"Meh.. I'll try. Thanks, Mr. Kwon." I smiled, just a little smile and not the sincere one. I stood up and bowed before I went to the door.

"Try to focus during his class, imagine of him as someone else!" He shouted.

"Alright!" I replied and went out of the counseling office.

Ugh, seriously? Why does Mr. Jeon have to make me meet Mr. Kwon every Tuesday? And just to talk about problems and study stuffs? If he really cared about my problems, then he should change himself!

Like, at least don't be too strict and don't be a boring teacher, you know?


"Mr. Hong!! Sing us a song! Sing us a song! Sing us a song!" My classmates, including me chanted enthusiastically. Mr. Hong chuckled looking at us.

"Come on, music class is for all of you, not only for me. So, I'm gonna let Seokmin sing for us today!" Mr. Hong exclaimed in excitement as he pointed his hands to Seokmin.

"Aww~ I'm embarrassed." Seokmin murmured as he covered his face with both his hands.

"Dude, you told me that you've always wanted to sing so, here's your chance." Mingyu said as he patted Seokmin's back.

"Alright, I'll sing but! With Seungkwan." He smirked to Seungkwan.

And the two started singing together. We all enjoyed listening to them while waving our hands meanwhile Mr. Hong plays the guitar as the music. It was fun and nice.

Seeing how talented my friends are makes me think why am I not talented like them too? Mingyu and Hansol could rap, both Chan and Minghao are great dancers, Seohee can sing very well too like Seokmin and Seungkwan, Jihoon is a good singer too.

And me?

What's my talent?

Probably wasting my time spacing out.

"Do you guys know that your mock exam is coming?" Mr. Hong suddenly asked just after both Seokmin and Seungkwan done singing.

"Yea~ We know." They replied.

"I hope you guys had started doing your revisions. After mock exam, it's just three months away before your finals. Do your very best guys. If you're happy with your results, we're happy too." Mr. Hong said. Somehow that motivated me a bit to study.

If only Mr. Jeon are like Mr. Hong, always with the motivating aura giving me the positive vibes.

But urgh, that will never ever happen because the only aura Mr. Jeon got is dark aura.

"You okay?" Hansol suddenly asked me as he scooted next to me. We're all now on our way heading back to our class after music class ended.

"Huh? Of course I am, why?" I furrowed my eyebrows, baffled of him suddenly asking me that rare question.

"Nothing.. School's been hectic for you, huh? With accounting, Mr. Jeon and also with Mr. Kwon." He mumbled before giving me a teasing smile, I snickered as I rolled my eyes and nudged him softly.

"Yeah.. You're right. School's been killing me lately. I don't get why Mr. Jeon would want me to meet Mr. Kwon every Tuesday. We just talked nonsense." I muttered lowly.

"Ehem." We heard Seungkwan faking his cough with a sly smile plastered on his face. That's weird though. Hansol gave him his middle finger and the two started fighting like Tom & Jerry.

Geez.. What was that?


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