Chapter 14

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"M-Mr. Jeon!" I called him out the moment I saw him walking to where he parked his car. School just ended and I decided to find Mr. Jeon to talk to him and confess about my fault and wrongdoings.

He stopped and turned around. I ran to him and the moment I reached him, I put my palms on my knees, bending my body while panting heavily. I stood up properly and took three deep breaths, Mr. Jeon are just staring at me with his usual cold stare.

"There's something I would like to say to you.. If you don't mind?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Make it quick." His stern voice said.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Jeon. I know it must've been hard for you to deal with a student like me ever since last year. I never listened to you, I disrespected you and disobeyed you. I even treated you as if you're not a teacher. And! Sorry about what I said to you the other day.. Sorry for being rebellious as well.." I murmured the last part as I lowered my head, intertwining my pinkies together.

I was actually waiting for quite a while to hear his reply but there aren't any so I decided to look up and- our eyes met. He's still with the same expression. I felt something wrong inside me, it's something unexplainable again..

"Mr. Jeon, why aren't you saying anything?" I asked him.

"I know saying sorry wasn't enough. And actually.. I realised that you're not a bad teacher.. You're the opposite.." I cooed, almost sounded as if I'm whispering.

"What Mr. Kwon told me was right. Thanks for actually setting up a meeting for me and Mr. Kwon. Mr. Kwon eventually had helped me a lot without me noticing through all the sessions we had." I smiled sincerely.

"You're strict for a reason and that is so we could focus during your lessons and not slacking off as well as not joking around with our friends. I'm sorry for asking you to compare yourself with Ms. Kim. Every teacher have their own unique way of delivering their knowledge to their students." I bluntly and penitently told him.

"You didn't failed to be a teacher. It's just me who failed to be a good student." I in a downhearted way confessed to him.

"Please teach our class back. All of them need you.. And I want to attend extra classes with you everyday, please, Mr. Jeon. Please help me ace this subject. You're the only person who could help me." I tenuously smiled to him, my eyes showed him how high my hopes to him really are.


"Yes!" I shout-whispered to myself as I made my hand into a fist. Mr. Jeon's reaction changed a bit seeing me doing that gesture.

"As a repayment, you need to get credit for your accounting or else." He stopped.

"Or else?"

"You need to pay those extra classes I provided for you." His stern voice said which actually made me chuckled.

"Don't worry, I'll get credit for my accounting. As well as the other subjects. I'm going to be back on the top 50 highest." I convincingly assured him. He made his lips into thin line and nodded his head in an uninterested and unbothered way

Pfft, he's always so serious, stern and strict.

When will he ever smile.


"Good morning class." All the students gasped the moment Mr. Jeon entered the class but nevertheless, all of them stood up and greeted him back. Seohee smiled brightly, I'm sure she's happy about Mr. Jeon finally coming back to our class.

"Since we've covered all the topics, I'm gonna give a trial test today, I want to see what your weaknesses in this subject are so that I could help you in getting better." Mr. Jeon notified, all of them nodded their heads understandingly.

My Strict Teacher | Jeon WonwooWhere stories live. Discover now