Chapter 15

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"Fuh, right on time." I tapped my chest twice as I sighed in relief. I arrived to the library earlier than Mr. Jeon. I took a seat and took my accounting book out. I circled everything that I can't seems to understand so that I could ask Mr. Jeon to explain it to me later.

"Check your trial test papers." That's when Mr. Jeon handed me my trial test papers, the trial test that we had earlier in the morning during his class.

"W-why.. Mr. Jeon?" I stammered. Is he going to get mad at me and nag at me again..?

"I was quite surprised to see your papers. You answered more than what I expected you to answer." His statement made my smile appeared in an instant.

"Really? How many questions did you expected me to answer then?" I asked grinning while blinking my eyes.

"No more than five." His blunt answer peeves me in all honesty. Lucky him, I'm not going to disrespect him anymore. I won't raise my voice to him ever again. I'm going to be a good student from now on.

"Don't be too proud. You answered only six." Mr. Jeon retorted. I gave him my disgusted face before rolling my eyes in an impudent manner. Is he trying to be funny or sarcastic or salty?

"Let's get started-"

"Here, the ones that I've circled. Please explain it to me." I cut him off before he could even finish his words which then I gained a death glare from him. But in spite of that, Mr. Jeon remained calm and examined my book.

"This is.." And Mr. Jeon starts to explain me slowly and clearly. I focused myself only to him, nodding my head gesturing him that I understood his explanation and sometimes hummed as a respond.

"Clear?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, and I still have problems dealing with bad debts and depreciation and income statement, financial position and reconciliation account and cash book and-"

"Don't worry about it. I'll make sure you could understand everything and be able to answer all the questions without difficulty." When he said that, I feel like the time stopped for a moment as I feel the pumping of my heart getting faster.

I stared at him. I was kinda speechless but I don't know why.

"O-of course! That's your job afterall." I said before turning my head away from him, hiding my embarrassment.

Wait, why would I even feel embarrassed?

"We only have a month left now. Which means you roughly have around 24 hours to study with me. Apparently, you don't have much time since the amount of the topics you should study are equivalent to a year's syllabus." Upon hearing his statement, my normal face expression turned to the doomed one as my lips curved downwards, showing him how mope I am to hear that.

"But if you're really determine to get credit for your accounting, then it's not impossible." He added which then my lips curved upwards forming a smile.

"Of course! I am strongly determined to study all these and get credit for my accounting!" I made both my hands into fists but then Mr. Jeon slapped my hand which resulted me to frown in bewilderment.

"We're in the library."


"Alright class, I'll see you on my next lesson with you guys." Mr. Yoon went out of the class after that. I went out and scooted next to Mr. Yoon.

"Mr. Yoon! Let me help you carry the papers." I flashed him my smile as I offered, I received a soft chuckle from Mr. Yoon soon after. He gave me half of the papers, even though it's only half but it's actually pretty heavy since it's a lot of papers.

"Aish, you're so kind, Hangyeol. I'm sure that once you graduate, I'm gonna miss you and your attitude. You always helps me carry my stuffs, no students had ever done that to me." Mr. Yoon laughed after ending his remark, I blushed as my lips formed a smile.

"Yeah, no one's gonna help you carry your stuffs again once I graduate." I teased.

"And oh, I can see your marks for history getting higher and higher.. Thanks for not disappointing me." He tapped my head twice, my cheeks went blushing as I giggled softly.

The moment we arrived to the teacher's office, that's when I made an eye contact with Mr. Jeon. I smiled to him but of course, he never do the same in return but instead he rolled his eyes. Once we've reached Mr. Yoon's table, I put the papers properly.

"Thanks, Hangyeol."

"No problem, Mr. Yoon. I'm always willing and glad to help you." I bowed.

"Oh my god, you're such a good student." Mr. Yoon said while chuckling.

I excused myself from Mr. Yoon and walked to Mr. Jeon's table with both my hands locked at my back, wearing a warm smile. Once I reached him, I bowed to him.

"Hi, Mr. Jeon!" I raised one of my hand.

He's busy using the microsoft excel, probably typing our marks or attendance or something. He didn't even look at me, I waited for him but I received no reaction at all, as if I'm just a wind that's passing by.

I put my hand down.

Why won't he look at me.

Ugh, why is he ignoring me?


"Anyone wants to answer?" Mr. Jeon turned around, raising his eyebrow as he looked at his students after he finished writing the question on the board.

"Me!" Seohee raised her hand.

"I would like to answer too!" Mingyu joined.

"Me, please!" I raised my hand which then I received a lot of questioning and wondering looks from my friends. Perhaps, because this is the first time ever that I am volunteering myself to answer the question, during accounting class nonetheless.

"Seungkwan." Mr. Jeon called.

Seungkwan who was giggling with Hansol, probably joking around during Mr. Jeon's class as usual, suddenly looks so taken aback upon hearing his name sternly being called by Mr. Jeon. Seungkwan hesitantly while fiddling his fingers walked to the front.

I put my hand down and pouted because usually he'll always target me to answer his question. He usually called my name! He totally ignored me, he didn't even looked at me.

This is making me mad.

Seungkwan stayed there staring at the question on the board. Mr. Jeon crossed both his arms together as he looked at Seungkwan with such scary death glare.

"Are you a statue?" His deep voice scolded him.

"Sorry, Mr. Jeon-"

Mr. Jeon raised his hand, signaling Seungkwan to stop talking and go back to his seat. Seungkwan bowed and apologized once again before returning to his seat.

I brightly smiled and raised my hand.

"Jihoon." Mr. Jeon called.

A deep and long sigh escaped my lips.

What's wrong with Mr. Jeon? He've been ignoring me since when I met him at the teacher's office earlier, when I helped Mr. Yoon carried his papers. Have I done something wrong?

No, I didn't.

Come to think of it, I didn't do anything wrong yesterday during my extra class with him. I focused on him all the time and I even could catch up to whatever he's teaching me pretty fast.

Is he not proud that I'm getting better here? I even volunteered to answer the question!

That's when I heard a sound of a chalk being hit to the board for three consecutive times. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at the front. Mr. Jeon are already looking at me.

"May you share what you're daydreaming about to the rest of your classmates?" His deep, dry and stern voice frostily berated me.

"I-I wasn't daydreaming. Sorry, Mr. Jeon." I stood up and bowed before taking a seat back. Mr. Jeon rolled his eyes and continued explaining.

Pfft, why am I starting to hate him again?


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