Chapter 71: The Owner Isn't Here, So You're All Refusing to Play?

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Fang Qi's knowledge of this world was limited to the memories of the original owner of this body and the discussions amongst the customers at his internet café.

The truth was, after coming to this world a few years ago, he rarely left this street except for when he was attending the examinations at Lingyun Academy or practicing martial arts in the dojo.

Before he opened his internet café, he didn't leave this street often because he felt threatened and believed that a man with no powers or talent couldn't survive.

Now, it was simply because he didn't have time to go wandering around.

Last time, he got to leave the shop, but his trip ended with a hurried breakfast. Therefore, he came back feeling annoyed. Therefore, Fang Qi was in a pretty good mood when he carried the rocket launcher on his back and left right away.

As he walked towards the center of Jiuhua City, he noticed that the streets became busier. The street he was currently on was called Tianfu Street, a renowned business and trade center within the city.

Like him, a lot of people carried weapons on their backs. After all, this was a world of warriors and cultivators.

There are so many people... Fang Qi could see elegantly-dress noblemen and sage-like cultivators everywhere. He came to this world years ago but had never witnessed such a spectacular scene. Countless two-floor shops stood on either side of the street, decorated with glass roof tiles and colorful paint.

– Golden Rain Tower –

What a weird name. Fang Qi glanced up at this ancient-looking pavilion before walking in. You're it!

This was a shop that sold spiritual artifacts.

As soon as Fang Qi went in, he saw all sorts of artifacts placed in the cabinets against the wall, each with a small description and price listed.

"Hey, look!" When Fang Qi was mesmerized by all the spiritual artifacts, a few of the other customers at the shop pointed at the rocket launcher he was carrying and whispered, "Isn't this weapon from Resident Evil?"

"I think so..." A young man in yellow replied, "I don't know what model it is, but I think this weapon only exists in Resident Evil..."

"Very mechanical-looking. Does he play Resident Evil as well?"

"Let's go ask him!"

"..." Fang Qi had good hearing. Although they were whispering, he still heard their entire conversation, and his face twitched a little.

I can't believe they recognized my weapon so quickly...

"Hi, Friend!" That yellow-robed young man walked up to Fang Qi, cupping his hands in front of his chest to greet the latter. "Do you play Resident Evil as well?"

Fang Qi was at a loss for words. How can someone who plays Resident Evil not even recognize me, the owner of the shop?

Again, he shouldn't be so shocked since nowadays, Jiang Xiaoyue was the one tending to customers at the front desk while he played Diablo in a little corner.

This young man was obviously an extrovert. He patted Fang Qi's shoulder and asked, "Where are you at in the game right now? Do you want me to help you? I promise you'll pass the game in no time!"

Fang Qi's face twitched again. "It's okay... I want to take a look at the spiritual artifacts here..."

"You're here to buy artifacts?" The young man patted his own chest. "That's simple! My uncle owns this shop; tell me what you want, and I'll ask him to give you a discount!"

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