Business Bay? (Part 6)

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Chapters are going to be a bit more slower btw because I'm going back tomorrow to school.

and my discord is Ann?#6689 if you wanna message me or whatever :D

Also, I decided the next chapter will also be apart of the flashback, I swear it's almost done T^T

This is going to be a long one I guess- take some snacks with you 🍟🥨🍿🍪🍫


When I woke up, flashbacks of last night flooding into my mind. I turned to my left, and saw Deo wasn't there anymore. He's probably downstairs with my family. Maybe they're getting to know him? I walked to my bathroom and changed into a dark blue T-shirt and black sweatpants since I'll be going nowhere today. I walked out, and ran downstairs. I saw Deo at the dining table, talking to Wilbur and Techno while mumza was in the kitchen, and dadza was on the couch, reading newspapers like the old man he is. Deo looked up, and the others did too. They smiled and waved while I walked towards them and sat beside Deo. There was breakfast on the table so I ate, speedy, yet again and Deo burst into laughter while Techno and Will just giggled. "What were you guys talking about" I ask, being the curious big man I am.

"Oh we were just getting to know your new friend Tom." Will said. Techno nodded. "I also asked them if it's okay for you to meet my friends and we go shopping in town." Deo said, smiling so I knew I was allowed. I asked if me and Deo go play in the flower field where we met, since I don't want to stay inside in my room the entire time. They agreed but dad will be coming with us, just incase. Will and Techno have schoolwork to do and mom is going to watch them and do her work as well at home.

Finally Deo finished, he eats pretty slow to be honest, or that's just me literally inhaling my food. When he finished, this time I didn't grab his hand, he grabbed mine. As we were leaving I yelled we're going and dadza ran after us. When we arrived at the flower field, I pushed Deo and fell down beside him. Me and Deo laughed a lot, rolling around, having fun for the last few minutes we were able to spend today. We laughed so much that my lungs started to sing, so I forced myself to stop or honestly I feel like I could've died not being able to breath very well.

{Time skip, Deo leaves}

As Deo was leaving I waved and hugged him tightly before he left. But that's where I realized, I was.. platonically in love.. with Timedeo, I'm sure it wasn't romantic attraction, it was different then that.


{Time skip to when he gets ready to meet up with Deo and his friends} ||Basically a day later||

Deo said to meet him at the flower field, again, so we could walk to town and be able to introduce ourselves before we get arrive at the busy town. He said to meet them there at 1pm so he woke up at 11, so I could plan my outfit since I forgot to plan it yesterday, just wanting to reflect on what happened the night before. So I got up, and ran to my closet, and saw an outfit that would be very different than my outfit when he met Deo. It was my usual white and red sleeved T-shirt and his blue puffy jacket on top. I also wore black jeans and rainbow converse because why not? I ran into the bathroom, taking my clothes along with me. After a quick shower, I put on his clothes, tied my shoes, and put on several black and silver rings and a single silver chain. Then I ran downstairs and sat down at the dining table. "Tommy, this time, Will and Kristen will be going with you." dad said, smiling. I was happy because mom and Will always stay home, so they'd be able to go out for once. I hope they wouldn't follow us the entire day since I don't want them to bug into our conversations.

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