Ranboo? (Part 12)

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No more covid let's goo, also shorter chapter since I really wanted to get one out, I've been on and off when it comes to writing, probably will shorten the chapters so you guys get more updates.

(This one isn't proofread)

I'm so sorry about the slow progress, I'm trying to move farther with the plot but I'm not having much luck, this book is probably going to have lots of parts and will take a long time, thank you for the constant reads and votes, I appreciate it again!

-----TOMMY'S POV-----

As I awoke to a new day, the sun blinding me in the process of rubbing my eyes open. Boxes were scattered all over my room, since I didn't really felt like opening and unpacking. Mostly due to the fact I was brought everywhere yesterday, but unluckily didn't run into people, it's not like I was ready for social interaction that day anyways. But today, I'll be meeting several people, hopefully all since I don't exactly want to go out again tomorrow and introduce myself over and over again.

Tubbo kept talking about this "Ranboo" guy, honestly that name sounds stupid, hopefully I'll get along with him though, since he's another one close to my age. I haven't heard much about that other one, "Purpled". Sounds like some guy overly obsessed with the colour purple I assume. Assuming won't do much for me though. I'm afraid of making enemies around here though, I know a lot of people may find me annoying, but I'm just mainly insecure, being shy isn't like me either, at least on the outside. F*ck, I miss Deo, but I can't really do anything about it. I miss the others too, but I can't focus on it too much. I need to move on, right?

I got up from my bed and walked over to a single box beside my bed, I almost stepped on it. I think it was this one that had a frame of a certain picture with Business Bay. I slowly open the box, revealing certain items including the frame I was imagining of Business Bay. Tears started flooding as memories were washing back and playing in my thoughts. I just sat there, crying. I wonder how the others are doing, I hope they didn't waste too many tears I don't deserve, especially Deo. I miss him so much my heart started aching, should I still meet with Tubbo, not sure if I can keep my persona up.


Several knocks echoed through my room. Tubbo suddenly was revealed at my door slowly creaking open. His eyes were shocked, is a crying blonde boy on the floor crying this unusual? Why does he care? I just got here yesterday. But another figure was spotted from behind him, an especially tall one in fact. I suppose he was a hybrid by the looks of it, as enderman sparkles swooshed and whooshed around him. He awkwardly waved at the sight of me crying, as I just started crying harder. I don't want them to just stand there and look at me so I asked; "Can you guys wait outside for a bit, I'll be there in a few."

Tubbo and this unknown hybrid looked at each other and nodded in agreement. The hybrid left first while Tubbo gave a quick wave and a forced smile. I slowly put the frame on my bedside table and grabbed outside clothing to change into while running to my bathroom. I stared at myself in the mirror above my sink as I aggressively washed and scrubbed my face from all the crying. My eyes were still puffy, but I was able to borrow (or steal), mothers concealer to hide the bags underneath my eyes and attempt to hide its puffyness.

After I got changed, I took one last glance at the frame as I walked past it. I was met with a worried family + Tubbo + some hybrid when I entered my living room. I suppose Tubbo told my family about me crying, that just makes this harder.

Tommy- "Guys I'm okay, nothing to worry about"

Tubbo- "Don't lie"

Hybrid/???- "It's okay you don't need to tell us but we're here for you to open up"

Tommy- "What would you know? I haven't even met you yet!"

Phil- "Lower your tone Tommy, I know this is hard for you but that is no way to talk to someone you've just met, he's literally offering help"

Tommy- "I don't care, can't you guys just leave me alone?!"

Tubbo- "We can do that if you'd like"

Hybrid/???- "Just like to introduce myself real quick, the names Ranboo"

Tommy- "Ranboo? That's a weird name you got there, but I guess *mumbles* nice to meet you.."

Ranboo- "I already know your name since Tubbo over here keeps talking about you"

Tubbo- "No I have not! That's bullcrap"

Tommy- "Awww Tubs talks about me?"

Tubbo- "No I don't!"

-----???'s POV-----

???- "Oi, you over there"

???- "Me?"

???- "Yeah, you. Have you met the new blonde kid?"

???- "Oh, no I haven't met him yet. But I heard he's going to introduce himself today, so I'm staying near my UFO today."

???- "Ah, alright thanks Purpled"

-----RANBOO'S POV-----

I wanted to meet Tommy, he seemed like a nice person, as I believed all the positive things Tubbo said about him. Apparently, Tommy was shy at first, but loud and gets more comfortable after, so I need to have a good first impression on him, since I'd like new friends, and I hate having too many arguments with someone, especially when it starts to become a shouting disagreement. I'd especially like to know more people around my age, my only really close friend would be Tubbo, I enjoy listening to people rambling on and on, while I'm just there. I assume Tommy is somewhat similar to Tubbo, or even more talkative, since Tubbo was going on and on how it was like listening to someone else talk and engage the conversations. He also listens to me, but I just in general have no clue what to talk about.


I was pretty excited as me and Tubbo approached Tommy's house. He knocked and a brunette with rounded glasses opened the door for us. I saw a few people inside, I assume them to be Tommy's family. Quickly, they all introduced themselves, as I did the same. Tommy's father told us that Tommy's just upstairs in his room, the door with the LED "T" decorated on the front. Tubbo was almost as excited as I was, since I just instead with my teleportation powers from being an enderman hybrid to the door of Tommy's bedroom. Tubbo rolled his eyes as a response to my bursting excitement and ran up the stairs instead. But when he knocked, there was no response. I guess he was a bit too impatient to see Tommy again so instead of calling out, he just opened the door himself.

The sight in front of me was shocking, and extremely confusing. Tubbo told me Tommy is a loud, fun, outgoing type of person, but what I saw instead was someone breaking down at the foot of his bed. I saw he was clutching a frame of people I can't identify, well I barely can see them due to the enormous amount of water pooling on top of the glass. I could tell he didn't notice me at first, since he stared at Tubbo first, but eventually he did and almost immediatly figured out I was a hybrid as he watched my particules dance around me.

Tommy asked if we could leave and as though me and Tubbo could talk to eachother telepathically, we looked at eachother and nodded. Leaving the blonde sobbing boy to himself. We slowly stepped down the stairs in confusion to the sight we've seen, but Tubbo seemed more worried than confused.

(I just noticed I made a huge mistake omg)

We were able to have a conversation with Tommy, so I'm glad about that. He seems nice, yet I'm still concerned how he feels currently. I know I just met him now, but I really do want to help yet he won't accept it.

Another person appeared at the door

"Eager to meet Tommy aren't you, Dream?"


I'm so sorry for not updating, I've been extremely busy with other matters and not interested in writing this book, but I'll push through and occasionally write when I feel like it, I sincerly apologise.

If you wanna dm me in discord, messege me at No_Nxiki#1720 I would like some friends :)

(1442 words)

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