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"I gotta go

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"I gotta go." Gary disturbed the comfortable silence that had fallen between him and Natalia. The two siblings sat at their parents kitchen table, a cup of steaming hot tea placed in front of each of them.

"Go where?" The younger Travis sibling asked, her eyebrow raised; "we just got here-"

"Go to war." Gary interrupted, his eyes focused on the hot liquid in his cup. He had deliberately hidden this information for as long as he could, he knew Natalia wasn't going to react kindly to him being drafted, but he had no choice; "I got the letter a week ago."

Natalia sat quiet, unsure of what to say. Their mother was tending to her garden in the backyard, pulling carrots for the salad she planned to make her children for lunch. That was all Natalia could think about, their mother and how she would react. The old woman didn't care to be up to date on the events of the war, she lived through the first one, though Natalia never missed an update. She had to know what was going on around the world.

"When?" Natalia asked, looking up at her brother. He finally looked her in the eye, a sympathetic look on his face.

"Two weeks. August first." Gary brought his mug up to his lips, taking a sip of the tea. Telling his sister he had to leave was more painful than the burning sensation on his throat, he thought. Natalia wanted to respond, to convince him otherwise, but she heard the screen door swing open and her mother's gentle footsteps coming down the hallway. Instead, she fidgeted with the gold ring Gary had gifted her for her nineteenth birthday that had passed just one, almost two months prior to this.

The frail woman flashed her award winning smile at her two children, happy to see them sitting together in their family home. She held three carrots in her wrinkled hands, proudly showing them off.

Ever since their father retired and was practically at home 24/7, Mrs. Travis took up gardening. She also begged her children to visit more often, which they did, despite the verbal and physical abuse they suffered from their dad during their childhood. The two told themselves they would escape their father once they were grown, and yet, they visited often throughout the week, simply for their beloved mother.

When the borderline torturous interactions with their father were done and overwith, the two siblings could retreat to the apartment they shared. Their mother did not have that privilege, and it killed them inside.

"Mum, you best sit down." Natalia said, her tone serious. Mrs. Travis didn't question her daughter. She was confused, but sat down, nonetheless.

"Mum. I have to tell you something."

In WW2 American tanks were outgunned and out armored by the more advanced German tanks. US tank crewmen suffered staggering losses against the superior enemy vehicles

It is April 1945

The Allies fight deep in the heart of Nazi Germany, encountering the most fanatical resistance yet. In desperation Hitler declares total war, mobilizing every man, woman and child

Natalia thought back to the day Gary told her he had to go to war. She thought about her mother and how much she cried when Gary broke the news. Unlike their father who simply slapped Gary on the back and wished him safe travels wherever he may end up. Their father had served in World War One, therefore, it was almost expected for his only son to go off and fight.

What wasn't expected was for Natalia to follow her brother so close behind. She had caught both her parents by surprise when she showed up to the family home to say goodbye with her bags packed. Miraculously, the military had been kind to her. The girl attended tank school along with her brother, and it was there she met some of the people she would cherish most in her life. Natalia was beyond grateful that she was placed in the same crew as her brother. He could watch over her, and she could watch over him, just like they had promised during their youth.

Natalia served in Africa, France and Belgium. All alongside her brother and the rest of her crew. For three years she spent almost every waking moment with them. She quickly realized she would never want to fight with anyone else.

Gary, who was now called Grady, or Coon-Ass, changed for the worse throughout his time in the war. He lost all compassion and empathy, though maybe he had to as a survival mechanism. Natalia knew he would never be the same man she once knew and loved.

Don, who everyone calls Wardaddy, immediately took control of the tank. He made sure everyone in the crew was kept in line. He ruled with an iron fist, so it was no surprise when he got promoted to a First Class Sergeant. What was a surprise was his and Natalia's lustful feelings for one another.

Trini, or Gordo, was another person Natalia slowly watched change. She never knew him before the war, but she knew he had a fiancé back home. He was always the light at the end of the tunnel, the humorous friend. Over time, she watched his light, and the love for his fiancé, go out.

Boyd, or more fitting, Bible. A preacher man before the war. A married man, a family man. Natalia had a hard time wrapping her head around the fact he was there, in the tank, killing Nazis. Though he thought the same about her. She believed he should be home, living his God loving life. Natalia made it her mission to get him home alive to his family.

Red, what could Natalia say about Red? Other than the fact his life was taken far too soon.

These are the things Natalia thought about when she sat quietly in her respected seat as the tank's gunner. Beside her was Red's lifeless body. She couldn't bring herself to look at him. Everything around them was quiet, though Natalia wouldn't be able to hear a pin drop because her ears were ringing. Outside the tank, a horse could be heard. Moments later, a scream of pain. The only familiar smell was smoke, probably from the burning tanks around them.

They had been ambushed, and Fury was the only remaining crew left.

Gordo's fingers were laced with Red's, and he refused to let go. He currently occupied Natalia's seat, which was positioned between his own and Red's. Natalia sat in the driver seat, she didn't say a word. She knew he was mourning.

The girl reminisced back to her most cherished memory with Red, a sunny day in Belgium. They had taken a town and the library was still semi-intact. Natalia found herself flipping through some of the books until she stopped to read Macbeth. Red took a spot by her side and shyly asked her if she could read a scene or two to him, to calm his nerves. His wife back home in Alabama loved Shakespeare.

Natalia was snapped back to reality when she heard the crack of electricity. Behind her, Trini and Red was Grady working on the wires to get the tank up and running again.

"Don't electrocute yourself." Natalia warned when she saw sparks from the wires. Her brother mumbled back an inaudible response, probably telling her to hush up and to mind her own business. She rolled her eyes in retaliation; "Gordo. You best let go off Red before Don comes back." Natalia whispered, finally turning to look at her deceased friend. It was worse than she thought, he was unrecognizable. His face was gone. The bullet that caused the damage had come out of nowhere. Gordo shook his head, not daring to look the girl in the eye. If he did, he knew he would break down and cry right then and there. Natalia wanted to mourn the loss of her friend as well, she wanted nothing more than to sob her eyes out. But she remained strong, for Gordo.

Little did Natalia know, this was the beginning of the end.

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