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The bright sun shining through the window forced Natalia to stir in her sleep

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The bright sun shining through the window forced Natalia to stir in her sleep. She attempted to pull the blankets up over her face, but something in the back of her mind was urging her to get out of bed.

When Natalia's gaze finally adjusted to the room, her eyes fixed onto the light blue walls with white trim. A white vanity sat in the corner of the room and there was a wide variety of makeup items littered on top.

Natalia swung her legs out of bed, her bare feet touching the soft carpet beneath her. Loosely hanging off her body was a white satin nightgown that was cut right above her knees.

Silently, Natalia walked out into the hallway of the home. Everything was unfamiliar, but she felt safe. Like she belonged.

Guiding her towards the kitchen was the smell of eggs and bacon cooking on the stove. A voice could be heard, a deep hum as the sizzle of food grew louder with each step Natalia took.

"Don?" Natalia nearly burst into tears at the sight of her beloved boyfriend, or rather her husband. When the thought crossed her mind, she suddenly felt a heaviness on her hand. A diamond ring on her finger.

"Good morning, darling." Don flashed a smile at the girl. He wore a pair of gray sweatpants, and no shirt.

His skin was clear and clean. He bore no bullet holes. He was pristine, freshly shaven with hair still damp from his previous shower. He didn't look like the same sergeant Natalia had known in the war.

"Good morning-"

"Mama!" Natalia was interrupted by a squeal and a tight hug onto her leg. A small boy, wearing a pair of blue and white cotton pajamas, clung to her.

"Everett, you need to be quiet. You'll wake your baby sister." Don scolded softly before pilling the bacon onto a singular plate.

Natalia bent down and picked up her son. He possessed Don's handsome features, Natalia's bright green eyes, and dimples that he inherited from the Collier family before him.

Everett Collier.

Natalia instinctively placed the small boy into his chair. She wrapped his bib around his neck and proceeded to spoon feed him scrambled eggs when Don placed the plate in front of her. Soon enough, Everett was complaining he was a big boy and could feed himself.

"Remember, your brother is coming over later. I'm sure Boyd and Trini will come, too." Don started as he finished chewing; "their wives will meet us at the park with the kids."

"That sounds lovely." Natalia wiped the side of Everett's mouth with a napkin.

Interrupting the peaceful atmosphere was a wailing cry from a baby in the next room. Natalia jumped up and beat Don to the culprit of the sound. An infant girl lay crying in a crib.

Natalia bent down and gently picked up her second child. Immediately, she knew the child's name.

Annemarie Collier.

Natalia hushed and soothed the infant, patting her back and cradling her. It was five minutes later that Natalia sat on the rocking chair that seemingly appeared from nowhere. Her shirt quickly resided on the floor and Annemarie ate hungrily at Natalia's breast.

Don, after cleaning the kitchen table and running dish water, stood at the doorway with Everett at his heels.

"She missed her mama." Don chuckled as his arms crossed over his bare chest.

"Yeah... Her mama."

Natalia washed the dishes while Don got Everett dressed for the long day ahead of them. The girl had changed out of her sleepwear into a long, pale pink dress. Her hair was combed and neatly tucked into a bun. Don changed into a pair of blue jeans and a white button up.

Natalia was occupied putting the clean dishes away, weirdly knowing exactly where everything went without ever seemingly being in the home before, when a loud knock on the door rang through her ears.

By the time Natalia sauntered over to open it, Don was standing behind her, Annemarie placed on his shoulder and Everett clinging to his leg.

When the door swung open, there stood the Fury crew, in all their pride and glory. Gary was at the front of the group, his arms out stretched for a hug that Natalia immediately gave him. Trini was next, dressed more sophisticated than Natalia could have ever imagined. Boyd was behind him, a tupperware container in his hands full of fresh baked cookies his wife had made that morning. Finally, Red stood tall and proud, his plaid shirt blowing easily in the chill breeze.

Natalia's eyes teared up as she hugged each man, her grip as tight as ever. She feared they would slip away once more, but something in the back of her mind convinced her they weren't going anywhere for a very long time.

"Come in, come in!" Natalia ushered them inside.

Before she could close the front door, she caught sight of another familiar face. Norman walked along the sidewalk, a woman on his arm. Upon further inspection, Natalia realized the woman was Emma, and she was heavily pregnant. Norman waved to his friend, she reciprocated, then retreated back into her home.

The Fury crew were sat around the kitchen table when Natalia returned. Gary held his nephew in his lap, bouncing his knee so the small boy would squeal with delight. Don held Annemarie in his arms, placing a kiss to her forehead whenever he so desired. When Natalia stepped into the room, Trini rose from his spot and pulled out the chair beside him so she could sit and rest her legs. Boyd was telling the group about the upcoming event that would be held at the church, an event the whole town would be attending. Red sat quietly, a smile on his face, occasionally checking the time on his watch.

Natalia felt an overwhelming sense of calmness in her chest. She felt peaceful, like this was where she was always supposed to be. She was so caught up in the euphoria she hardly noticed Don had taken the seat on her left side.

"Honey?" Natalia whispered as she watched her husband pass their daughter to Trini. She stared up at her uncle with curiosity.

"Yes, darling?" Don leaned closer to hear her better.

"Forgive me, but where are we?" Natalia couldn't remember how she ended up here, in this house, in this unnamed town. She remembered the loud bang of the gun, but no pain.

"What a silly question, honey." Natalia raised an eyebrow as Don took one of her hand's in his; "we're in Heaven."

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