in the dungeon

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Greg looks Ethan in the eyes and tells me. "yes he wants to thank you for saving his son." Ethan turns and waves them off with the back of his hand, "well can't do see I'm busy and I don't have time to go to the capital for something so mundane, Bye." He walks away Greg tries to stop him but gives up after a while due to Ethan getting mad.

On Ethan's way, he sees a cart that lost its wheel. So he walks over and lifts it up so that the guy can put the wheel back. Man "thank you." Ethan continues to walk to the blacksmith. He get to the door and hold a bag asking the blacksmith, "can I please have some armor with a shield and sword, plus a sword that lit but strong, and last a healer's staff?" Blacksmith "sure I got some good armors and swords but healer staff I think it best to get a custom made on for the user." Ethan think then ask "ok I'm heading into the dungeon in the afternoon. So can I buy the need item. Then will you make custom made weapons and gear for my party, well we in the dungeon?" blacksmith "sure but 2 things I need to see them to make the right items. Plus I will need a while." Ethan smiles "that ok we plan on being in the dungeon for a while."

Ethan says as he leaves "I will bring them here later before we leave." Blacksmith waves goodbye and Ethan then meets his friend at the Guild. They now know his secret and are surprised. Ethan asks them "did you get the part that you don't utter one word in the dungeon." Leo "yes Enies told us, but why that?" Ethan looks at him "that because the dungeon has eyes. I had a hunch about it, but what happens with the prince made it undoubtedly. So not one word ok. Anyway did you get your card?" They show him the cards he then looks at them and tells them " ok that good, now Enies sorry to ask you but can you take them to the blacksmith you show me, and get them the gear, I already got everything sorts out with him. Leo, Milly, and Emilly just because your ex-slave does not mean you can buy crap gear. Money not a problem buy what you need, just keep in mind that they just for the time being. This means when he asks for your weapons and preferred gear tell him what you want. That it for now, Enies before you take them can you give Erey half of the money on you I need to pay for the slaves. Erey will you come with me." Erey nods and Enies hand the money over and they split up.

Ethan head to the slave house and Enies head to the blacksmith. Enies and the other get the gear they need for the dungeon. Ethan pays the money to a very happy Kayer, Kayer says well look at the money, "Bruy told me that you plan on letting them free, so how many stayed?" Ethan looks at him looking at the money and replies, "74 and the rest left but I don't mind. That reminds me how did the round-up go?" Kayer still look at the money "oh that it went off great "all were caught red-handed so they in jail now, Thanks a lot." He looks up and tells Ethan "if there is anything I can do for you then please ask away?" Ethan thinks about it then say "well right this moment I can't think of anything but I sure will keep it in mind thanks."

Ethan waves at Kayer that got his face in the money. Before Ethan could leave Bruy grabs him and ask him to follow him. Ethan follows him to a room. Bruy standing up tells "Ethan thank you for yesterday I have a favor to grant, you remember the slave sold to 33. Well because the slave agrees to help we gave them one request as a thank you. Well, short story short she wants to be your slave. So what do you say." Ethan says "it does matter if she wants it then I not going to say no. You can send her to my house. Just remember our little deal ok. Here the money we agree upon to look after the ex-slave well im away."

Ethan walks out and walks to the guild. Bruy, hids the money When the girl is brought in, he walks over to her. He says to her "hey Casly your request has been grant. Come and i will free you." He set her free from being a slave." Casly confused look at Bruy and ask "why are you setting me free?" Bruy smile with nice smile and answers "well it Ethan way of doing thing those slaves he bought yesterday are all free slaves." Casly can't believe that someone would free slave that he just bought. Bruy slowly pushes her out the door well saying "go now you have your life ahead of you." Casly hesitates but soon runs out the door. A single tear runs down Bruy smiling face.

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